Picture - People on their way to the Vienna Woods - by Nigel AJAMES
Marty Siwy
now -To the corner and back –
who run every day are every day winners! And winning - when running
- is reaching a goal. And, Marty Siwy's first goal was from here to
the corner – and that was a long time ago. But, now - Marty's up
at the top and her goals are measured in time – and 3 hours a day
is her minimum.
running isn't just beating the clock – there can be surprises as
well – and Marty Siwy's first big surprise was a big wild boar.
was early one morning – and Marty was in the woods and had just run
round a bend when it happened. There – blocking her path - was the
biggest wild boar she had ever ever seen. And – to make
matters worse the boar was protecting her young! // And – stopping
just in time – Marty froze. And the boar, too - just stood there
and stared. And,// after what seemed like a very long time,// the
boar and her babies turned and went in the opposite direction -//
Marty – in her bright yellow T-shirt and even brighter red shorts
had not been such a threat after all. Marty's good luck had saved
– crossing the line in good time in long distance runs has more to
do with hard training than luck - and – Marty's hard work has
more than paid off.
the years – Marty has won medals and cups in many city runs –
and has finished in good time in more than 38 marathons. ///And –
Marty has travelled the world. She has run in New York – Sydney –
Hong Kong and many other places as well. And – not only that –
Marty has made many good running friends,too. Running is not only
very hard work – but social as well.
running has one other very big advantage as well – it's the best
anti-ageing agent there is!
has no side effects and it's free - So – however old or young you
may be – why not follow Marty's example. Get your running shoes
out of the cupboard and you too will start feeling great once
again. It's all up to you.
Siwy ran to the corner and won – so – what's stopping you? You
too can become an everyday winner! And now is the best time
to start! Put your running shoes and run to the corner – the
marathons will come in good time– the world will be waiting for
you! See you next year at the start!
who run every day are every day winners! And winning is a wonderful
Siwy - And now -To the corner and back
People on their way to the Vienna Woods - Photo by Nigel A. JAMES