Sunday 21 March 2021

The Plattenbaus - The Still Shining Red Stars of Then


Click here to listen with full text on YouTube

The statues of Lenin and Stalin have gone from the face of the old Soviet block. But, the plattenbaus remain. Plattenbaus. Buildings that take us straight back to the heart of the Communist era.

The plattenbau estates were enormous. Many blocks of flats built of huge concrete slabs. Their design was simple and efficient. Prefabricated concrete slabs which were deivered and constructed on site. And, the plattenbaus did the job they were meant for.

Constructed as of the 1950s, the plattenbaus were designed to counter the homelessness caused by the war. Each apartment had its own WC, bathroom, simple kitchen, hot and cold running water, and heating. However, despite these advantages, the plattenbaus were not very popular.

These grim characterless buildings offered very little privacy. The walls were so thin that everyone knew what everyone else was doing and saying. And, on fine summer days, with windows wide open, everyone knew what everyone else was having for lunch. The smell of cabbage for lunch carries a very long way! But, there was something else, too.

The plattenbaus were part of a big social plan. Points were needed to get an apartment. Conditions had to be met. The more points the better. And, the biggest scorers were children. The more children one had, the better one's chances. And, of course, children brought life.

And life needed supporting. The plattenbau estates were ideal for small services and businesses. There were doctors and dentist's, hairdressers, grocery stores, bakeries and, of course, many friendly small bars. And, each estate had its own kindergarten, playground and school. All great places for meeting and making new friends.

And, when it comes to comfort, the plattenbaus had just as much chance as everywhere else. In one's own four walls, one could do what one wanted. Nice living is only good taste! 

 And, the future?

With generous help from the European Union, the plattenbaus are being brought up to date with insulation and new coats of paint. These once grim estates are now looking better than ever. The plattenbaus have become places that are nice to come home to!

And so, what started as a solution has now become a goal in itself. Many young people are finding their first homes in these flats, and, for the elderly, they are perfect. A good home is important and a plattenbau can be just as good as anything else! And, sometimes, even much better!

The Red Star of then is still shining brightly. It is set to continue for ever! Plattenbaus. A solution that stepped into the future.

Our Programme 

Wednesday 17 March 2021

The Power of Tuna Fish Salad!

I had just come back from a trip to the north. I'd had a wonderful trip. But, never-the-less, it was great to be back. My small flat in Vienna was a nice place to come home to. I paid off the taxi and took the lift up to my flat.

I opened the door. There was something waiting for me. Something I hadn't expected. And, it wasn't very nice. It was the worst ever smell I had ever, ever smelled! Something had gone very bad. I turned on the light. But, the light didn't work. I had no power at all. I went next door to my neighbour.

My neighbour Niki explained. It had happened the day I had left. My electronic alarm clock had gone off as usual with its terrible buzz at 6 in the morning. And, this terrible very loud buzz kept going and going - and soon the neighbours were desperate. They were very upset. Then Niki, my next-door neighbour, had an idea. Disconnect. And, that's what they did. With one screw of the fuse, my power was gone. There was silence. The very loud buzzing had stopped. The neighbours were happy and my loud buzzing alarm clock was quickly forgotten. And, then, 3 weeks later I was back. Niki screwed the fuse back and the power returned. The buzzing started again, This time no problem. But, there was the smell. It was dreadful.

It was the kitchen. I opened the fridge. There was the problem. The root of the smell. The fridge was full of black smelly mould.

When Niki turned off the power, the fridge had gone off as well. And, it was then that the tuna fish salad went into action. First, it went bad, then it decayed, then it went mouldy in a fine fury way, and then the mould spread. All round the inside of my fridge. My fridge was completely destroyed.

But, there is a funny side to this story as well. A kind of irony. This was the first time I had ever put food in my fridge. Only beer and wine until then. And, when I left for the north, I hadn't even thought of the fridge and the old tuna salad. But, I should have thought of the buzz. A stupid mistake. I had left home before the alarm was set to go off.

But, next time I knew better. I bought a new fridge, there was nothing else I could do. But, I never once used it for food. Food destroys fridges – and fridges cost money. Stick to that which you know – and – by way - don't forget your alarm – you might lose all that you have!

The power of tuna fish salad – the strongest salad there is.



Wednesday 10 March 2021

The Green Children of Woolpit - A Mystery


In 1142, two very strange children were discovered in the English village of Woolpit. They were brother and sister. The children had unusual clothes and spoke an unknown language. But, the strangest of all, they were green. Two green little children. A mystery. No one knew who they were, and no one knew from where they had come.

Then, after being given a home by Richard de Calne, the children quickly learned English. And, after some time, their green colour gradually faded. They had become like everyone else. But, sady, after an illness, the little boy died leaving his sister alone. It was then the girl told what she knew.

The children had come from St. Martin's. A land where the sun never shone and the light was like twilight and everything and everyone was green. But, how had they come to Woolpit? The little girl had no idea. The only thing she remembered was looking after her father's cattle in St. Martin's. Nothing more.

The girl became known as Agnes and later married. But, the mystery remained. St. Martins, her very strange language, and green, the colour of her skin.

A true story and a mystery that has never been solved. The Green Children of Woolpit.

Thursday 4 March 2021

Baba Marta - A Bulgarian Welcome for Spring

A Martenitsa

The first of March is a very special day in Bulgaria. It's Baba Marta day. Grandmother March day. And, Baba Marta is a day that makes everyone happy and joyful.

Baba Marta is an ancient holiday. It celebrates the goodbye of winter and the coming of spring. And, on Baba Marta everyone wears Martenitsas.

The Martenitsa is an ancient heathen symbol that represents Baba Marta. The Martenitsa is made of twined red and white threads which come together at the head of two bell shaped symbols. One made from red thread, and the other from white thread. The red one stands for strength, health, and fertility. And, the white one speaks for innocence and beauty. And, very importantly, Martenitsas bring blessings and fortune for the coming 12 months,

Martenitsas are found all over Bulgaria. Everyone wears one. And, so deep is this tradition, that people even decorate their animals and pets with Martenitsas. But, there are two very important things that make Baba Marta complete. The first one is the attaching of a small sprig of lilac to the Martenitsa, and the second one is the sighting of swallows. Then spring in Bulgaria has definitely come 

Baba Marta. A Bulgarian way of greeting the spring.

Now, CLICK HERE to listen to English recording of this article, and,  Ivanka Guggenberger with a short in depth explanation of Baba Marta in German.

SEE ALSO      Lexmatica - English worksheets.  Good fun!  ***   English Warm-ups - Phrases to turn on your English. Mini translations. *** 49 fun - This Week's Easy English Lesson     ***   Tram 49 - Our Radio Show - People of interest, super old music, and more!   *** Talk 49 -  Online Talk ***   

 Online English with Nigel A. JAMES

New - Sayings 49 Vienna - A very short "just right" for your day!

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...