Tuesday 25 January 2022

Under an African Sky


Crispin and Judith  - Under an African Sky

It was a long time ago when Crispin told me the following story. It was all about Stanley and a prayer that was answered.

Harare, Zimbabwe. Crispin and Stanley were very good friends. They grew up together, played football together, and were in the same class at school. Then, after leaving school had gone their own separate ways.

Crispin became a diplomat and went into the world. Stanley became an Anglican priest and stayed in Harare. Crispin made very much money. Stanley made just enough to get by. Enough bread and butter but never any cakes. Crispin got married to Judith and Stanley got married to Helen.

One day, whilst on leave in Harare, Crispin and Judith decided to go and see Stanley and Helen. It was a Sunday. They went to Stanley's church. An Anglican church. Boring and dull with very few people. Crispin and Judith wanted to give Stanley and Helen a very big surprise. But, it was Crispin and Judith who got the surprise. There was no Stanley! Where was he?

Stanley, they were told, no longer worked for the church. He was now 40 miles away to the north. But, as far as they knew, he was still preaching.

Following directions, Crispin and Judith drove north. Finding Stanley was easy. Under a tree was a very big crowd. Maybe two or three hundred. And, in the middle of this very big crowd was Stanley. He was preaching and the people were singing and dancing and praising the lord. All very electric. Stanley was very, very good.

Helen told Judith their story. From a financial point of view, things had become very hard. Money had always been tight. Now, not even enough for a new pair of shoes. Helen and Stanley had to do something. Life couldn't go on as it was. But what could they do? Stanley would never give up the church. Then came the answer.

It was a late night film on TV. An itinerate preacher in Southern Carolina. Preaching on the move and usually to very big crowds. And, this itinerant priest had plenty of money! Stanley felt the Lord speaking to him.

Stanley and Helen went north. They spoke to everyone. They spread the word. And, two weeks later, Stanley held his first service under a tree. And, the people started coming and so did the money. People were happy to give. Stanley was special. At last he was following not only the Lord, but also himself.

Crispin and Judith stayed on for the picnic. There was a feeling of very deep peace. Incredible harmony. Everyone was happy in a very special way. Judith and Crispin were moved.

Then, Crispin thought about what he had seen. It was the magic of God and under an African sky. No more and no less. Such a wonderful day he had never imagined. Stanley's prayer had been answered. Crispin and Judith went happily back to Harare.

Crispin and Judith and Stanley and Helen stayed in touch. Their ways had met once again.

Crispin and Judith – Under an African Sky

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...