Sunday, 24 April 2022

A Shimmering Guest


There was always someone behind me. Following me from morning till night. But, whenever I turned round to look, he was gone. He was always quicker than me. Our home was his home. And, he and I got on very well.

My mother, too, felt his presence. He was always watching her cooking. Standing behind her. Maybe, he was laughing at her. My mother's cooking was never any good.

And, then, one night it happened. I have never forgotten it. I was at home all alone and in bed. It was about 2 in the morning. The middle of the small hours. Suddenly, I woke up. There was something very strong in my room. Standing at the bottom of my bed was a soft shimmering form. I sat up. I looked. This shimmering form had the guise of a monk. It was sparkling and looking at me. A very deep very black void was where his face should have been. I felt amazingly good. At last, I had seen him. Our ghost. For a couple of seconds, I said nothing. I then said hello. I waited. Enchanted. The ghost lingered a while. Then, very slowly he faded away. He was gone. I stayed awake for a very long time. Thinking. Wondering if the ghost would ever come again. I hoped so. I liked him.

But, I never saw the ghost again. He never came back. But, he was always present in our thinking. Then, one day, my aunty came calling. A nice occasion. And, over dinner, she told us her story. About 3 years before on a previous visit, My aunty was standing in our front garden. All of a sudden, a very strong feeling made her look up. There was the ghost. In my bedroom window. A shimmering form. A monk. My aunty had seen him as well. She, too, had been enchanted.

Ghosts are real. My aunty saw him, I saw him, and my mother definately felt him. Seeing my ghost did make a difference. I now know that ghosts do exist. I have seen. I can believe. That which was following me, as it turned out, was very much more than a feeling. My ghost from a long time before.

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