Thursday 27 October 2022

Paris Maderna


Paris Maderna

In those days, Paris Maderna was a colourful character. He was young, and not so much an inventor but a reinventor of things that had already been invented. And, when I got to know him he was busy reinventing the bike. And, one of his new ideas was not only brilliant, but rather unusual as well.

Paris Maderna's new bike looked more like a bed with three wheels than a bike. And, to ride it, one had to lie in it, not sit on it, and the pedals were up at the front and coupled to the front single wheel. And, riding it, Paris Maderna promised, was not only simple, but comfortable, too. And, I will never forget the day that I saw it in action.

To begin with, Paris Maderna explained how it worked. To steer to the right, one had to lean to the right, and vice-versa for left. There was no other way. The bike had neither steering wheel nor handlebars and to stop, one had to simply stop pedalling. It was all very simple. And, then with a smile and a grin Paris Maderna lowered himself into his bike and got ready for action.

And soon he was moving at speed. And then, at just the right distance from the fast approaching concrete wall, Paris Maderna leaned to the right. Nothing. The bike kept on going. Paris Maderna then leaned to the left. Again nothing. And then, with one last desperate effort, Paris Maderna leaned again to the right. And, the bike started turning. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Too late! The wall had been quicker than Paris Maderna, and the sound of the crash told it all. All we had to do was help Paris Maderna out of the wreckage and take him up the road for a beer.

But, of course, Paris Maderna didn't give up and soon he was back on the road with another idea. And now, all these years later, his range of products is not only exciting, but varied as well. The new age of cycling is with us and the hard work and peddling has been done by Paris Maderna! Persistence pays off and Paris Maderna has peddled to the top in a colourful way.
Paris Maderna – a colourful person with a range of colourful products.

Thursday 13 October 2022

The Chicken Seller - A short essay on language and work.



In Austria, it is widely believed that refugees must have a good knowledge of German in order to work, settle, and integrate. This is far from the truth. Here is a story.  Last week, I was down at the market buying a chicken. The chicken stall was a small one-man stand, and the man who was selling the chickens was clearly quite happy. And, even though his German was practically nil, he was doing a very good job. Good morning, thank you, the price, and have a nice day were enough. And, of course, the non-spoken as well. His genuine smile. And, people who smile are usually very nice people. And, we got talking.

The chicken seller had been in Austria for just 6 very short months. His start hadn't been easy. He had arrived here with practically nothing at all. And, he had succeeded. He had established a living. And, selling grilled chickens had happened by chance, not design. When down at the bottom, one must be prepared to do everything and never say no. And, his earnings were thanks to ambition and very hard work. And, they were enough for his needs and much more as well.

And, the chicken seller had dignity. too. He was earning his very own money. He had his own little business. His life was his own. And, more importantly, the chicken seller had become an important part of Austrian life. Everyone everywhere loves a nice tasty chicken for lunch.

But, of course, the chicken seller was no refugee. The chicken seller was from the far west of Europe. A very poor region of Portugal. But, the dynamics were exactly the same for him and the refugees. But, with a very big difference. The chicken seller had the full right to work. For him, no restrictions at all. A dignified life. The refugees not!

If language is really the bridge to a very good job, then learn English not German. However, if German's the key to a full life in Austria (which it is), start working and German will come on its own. One doesn't need much to get by, and your interests will lead to the language you need.

So, work is the right bridge to language, not the other way round. And, the chicken seller, too, speaks very good English and has a very good life. Having one's very own money is the same as controlling one's life. Something that everyone wants.

Work is everyone's right! So, let's work together, Have a nice day!

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Monday 3 October 2022

Alexandra Lanz


This story goes back a very long way. It's all about Alexandra Lanz.  This is her story.

Alexandra was fourteen. She was, as usual, at school. About mid-morning she began feeling unwell. She got worse, and all of a sudden  collapsed. Her liver had completely stopped working. Her condition was critical. She was taken to hospital. She was to stay there for 5 very long years.

Alexandra's stay in hospital was pain, suffering and despair. And, worst of all, time that never moved forward. Her youth was draining away; there was nothing she could do. She was stuck where she was. But, where there is life there is hope. And, where there is hope there is faith. And, Alexandra had both in great plenty. She knew she'd recover one day.

Then, one day, a light came on at the end of the tunnel. A liver transplant was agreed. The first ever in Vienna. The operation was a total success. And, from that moment on, Alexandra's life began coming back. But, it was during her operation that Alexandra Lanz experienced something not only unique, but very special, too. An out-of-body experience.

Alexandra was floating gently above and watching the surgeons below. And, this out-of-body experience was the most wonderful thing Alexandra had ever experienced. It was powerful and soft. She knew the worst was behind her. Her hope had not been in vain.

And, coming back to life meant other challenges, too. Alexandra had lost 5 years of school. There was much to catch up on. But, her hard work paid off. Alexandra finished her schooling and went on to medicine. And, then she met Harry and married.

But, another miracle was waiting for her.

After her liver transplant, Alexandra was told that becoming a mother would never be possible. Again, Alexandra never lost hope. Then the impossible happened. Alexandra became the first ever liver transplantee to give birth. A wonderful son.

In her darkest of times, Alexandra discovered there was a life after life, and, now she knew, too, there was a life before death. And now, with husband and two healthy sons, she's living every minute to its full. Life is the sweetest of all.

Alexandra Lanz. She lost a few years, but never lost hope. Stronger then ever, she came back again. Dreams can sometimes come true, but faith can even move mountains. Alexandra Lanz – a woman of faith and great courage. A woman who never gave up.

Alexandra Lanz - Life is the sweetest of all.

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...