Sunday 13 December 2009

Andy Joachimsthaler

Photo by Nigel James
The Spring of The Lion

Andy Joachimsthaler runs his own business, and the running of companies demands a very high level of fitness and endurance. And endurance and good health have for a very long time been part of Andy’s life. In fact, so much so, that they have become something of a mission for him!

Andy became aware of the importance of movement when he was 17. He discovered for himself the direct link between good health and stamina, and good health is based, to a very large degree, upon movement. Without active exercise there is no robustness.

And it is robustness that has taken Andy to the extremes that for most people are only dreams. Last year he took on the challenge of the ultimate European endurance event, La Petite Trotte á Leon, the ultra trail du Mont-Blanc. In record time, he and his team-mates completed the 166 km trail which circles Mont Blanc.

This summit of alpine endurance runs not only takes in three different countries, but also has an altitude difference of 9400 meters. The conditions that have to be suffered are amongst the most challenging of any such event in the world; and only those who have trained and have the maximum of stamina will have the necessary perseverance for finishing.

But what ever your aims are, you have to be fit. And Andy’s simple message is the following: start working on yourself! And the great out-doors is the best place for it. Two hours of walking each day are more than enough, and, if one were able to build in a Nordic walking schedule, too, then all the better. And time, too, is no problem.

Instead of taking the tram all the way, why not get out and walk a few stops? You will soon find your energy increasing and your days becoming easier. The great outdoors is the greatest fitness centre of all. There are straights, there are ups and downs, there are steps, and, most importantly of all, there is plenty of pure fresh air. And, even better, it’s all free of charge.

Next year, as well as running the Vienna marathon, Andy will be taking a dog-sleigh across Iceland. What will you be doing?

Language Aid

Demand – verlangen.
Endurance - Ausdauer

Aware – bewusst.
Robustness – Robustheit.

Took on - etwas unternahm. Take on/ took on/ taken on

Summit – Gipfel
Takes in - beinhaltest.
Suffered - ausgehalten.
Perseverance - Ausdauer.

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