Thursday 18 February 2010

Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer

Gerda Zimmer-Nusbaumer - photo by Nigel A. JAMES

Household Happiness!

Once upon a time, Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer used to suffer from the tedious monotony of non-challenging, humdrum and desperate housework.

The washing up was always the same dreary bubbly experience with only the occasional breakage to provide for a bit of welcome relief from this three time daily brain killing chore!

And the dusting and cleaning, being nothing more than a necessary reaction against the rapidity of the ever repeating accumulation of dust and dirt, was just as bad.

And, as for the ironing! That was something that was expected, but never really appreciated!

But that was all then! Now is different; and now is different because of one thing. One day, whilst doing the vacuuming, Gerda was struck by a stroke of magical inspiration. All of a sudden the truth of enjoying housework stood before her. All that was needed was devotion! If one were to be devoted to a job, then perfection and enjoyment would surely follow! A strange and simple truth no less!

But, how was this to be? How could this leap from hating to loving be achieved? How could one possibly devote one’s self to cleaning and dusting and ironing and washing? The answer was that you couldn’t! But then the answer, like the rising of the sun, began to evolve from the shadows of Gerda’s thoughts!

Gerda became more than one person! For the ironing she became Mina; and for the cleaning and all of the other horrible jobs, she became Agatha. Both Mina and Agatha love their respective jobs, and both are the best in their fields. And now, thanks to these two ladies, Gerda’s flat has never looked better.

And who does the cooking? Gerda, of course. Cooking and entertaining have always played an important role in her life, and now, thanks to Mina and Agatha, this has become more fun, too. After all, there is no more cleaning and washing up to be done!

So, if you, too are suffering from housework; why not take a leaf out of Gerda’s book? Invent yourself anew, and, you, too could soon be dancing around the apartment with a duster in one hand and a broom in the other! What could be better? And another thing, relaxing is more enjoyable too!

Tedious - langweilig
Humdrum - langweilig

Dreary – langweilig, fade.
Bubbly – schaumig.
Occasional – gelegentlich.
– Erleichtern
Chore – lästige Pflicht (Hausarbeit z.B.)

Dusting – Stauben.
Necessary- notwendig.
Rapidity – Schnelligkeit.
Ever repeating – immer werdende.
Accumulation – Sammlung.

Ironing – Bügeln.

Vacuuming – staubsaugen.
Devotion – Ergebenheit.
Enjoyment – Genuß.

Evolve - entwickeln

Anew – again –wieder.

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...