Sunday 7 March 2010

Sonja Hubmann

Sonja Hubmann - photo by Nigel A. JAMES

Dreamy and Timeless!

Sonja Hubmann is a person who has spent her entire life being herself; and being one’s self means the living out of the dreams that are within one; and the thing that’s within Sonja is a very deep sense of the being part of the very positive, and very fun side of the entire human race!

For Sonja, being part of the whole means total involvement; and her life, until now, has comprised of a chain of achievements that have reflected her incredible mastery in the way that she is able to touch the depths of those she encounters.

And Sonja touches people in a very special way. On her journey to where she is now, she has written and produced a musical, she has taken the saddle in a country and western show, she has painted pictures for exhibitions, she has photographed animals, and her dreamy and timeless voice has been shot to the top on a set of super CDs which she wrote, composed and produced!

But this chain of artistic successes would be nothing without the people who make up the links of appreciation. People are very important for Sonja. At the moment she is expanding her horizons by getting to know a lot more people from all over the world in a language exchange programme which is being run by the University of Vienna. And the more people one knows – the more knowledge one has – and knowledge is the seed of tomorrow’s creations!

Sonja’s strength lies in her creativity, and, as all creative people know, horizons disappear as soon as they are reached; and when they are reached, new ones appear. But people with no dreams have no where to go, and only go where they are led!

Language Aid

Involvement – Engagement.
Comprise – besteht aus,-
Achievements- Errungenschaften
Incredible – erstaunlich
To encounter - begegnen
link - Glied

Touch – berühren
Chain – Kette
Appreciation – Schätzungen.
Creation(s) - Schöpfungen .

If you are interested in finding out more about Sonja, she has a very interesting homepage,

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Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...