Wednesday 3 November 2010

Mike A. Roberts Jnr.

Chopin's First Piano - pencil drawing by Nigel A. JAMES

A Most Precious Message

There is one thing that everyone wants for their birthday, and, that is, to be thought about - and Mike Roberts of the USA is someone who understands this fully – for he is not only a thinking man, but also an unshakable and unchangeable very strong person.

And forgetting is one thing that Mike never does, and, so far he has never forgotten a birthday, and, because he has never forgotten a birthday, he has never forgotten a birthday card. Every year, without fail, all of his friends are guaranteed the peace of mind in the secure knowledge that Mike will be thinking about them upon their most special and most precious day of all!

And it’s the same each year, for Mike, being the way that he is, has a system and a very reliable one too! It’s so good, that you too could adopt it for your own, and, by doing so, make lots of people very happy people. Everyone loves being thought about.

It all begins on the last day of December each year. Mike sits down with an enormous pile of cards, and all of them identical, for they are, after all, all going to different people. He then spends the rest of the afternoon and evening writing them and stuffing them in envelopes. He posts them all on the first of January!

And so it is, to everyone’s great surprise, everyone gets their birthday card from Mike at the very beginning of each year. But the moment has to wait, for written on the back of each envelope is, “don’t open until your birthday”. Too bad if your birthday is in December – but never mind, Mike is thinking about you!

My e-mail address is,

ps. The picture at the head of this article shows Chopin's first piano. His mother used to put little Frederick's many birthday cards on it for all to see and admire!

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