Saturday 25 May 2013

Erch Kreutzer - The Balcony Roles of the Roles - A Beauty in Stone!

Erich Kreutzer

Erich Kreutzer - by Nigel A  JAMES

The Harm in the Promise of Strength!

Life for Erich Kreutzer had reached an incredible high! He was running an international shipping line and was moving and soaring at speed. But, the higher he got, the more energy he needed, and the place that he found it was the worst place of all! Energy drinks.

And, he drank them and drank them and drank them! So much so, that the more he consumed, the more that he needed, until soon, the drinks with their poisonous punches had taken him over completely. And, much worse, the power promising brews had done him more harm than ever thought possible.

He had become a highly explosive walking container of enough chemical concoction to blow up the world. And the doctors were worried. Unless these levels weren't brought down, and that was impossible, his chances were nil. The medics had written him off, there was nothing they could do. But then something did happen!

Erich discovered that there were other alternatives, and one of them was the ancient Polynesian healing philosophy of Ho'oponopono. And, the more he got into it, the more it helped, and soon, his once hectic life had been replaced by a much calmer pace! And the impossible came true, he had managed to free himself from his poisonous baggage! A miracle. His levels were nil!

And, he had energy in plenty. And, so it was, that at an age when most people start taking it easy, he started studying for a degree in Life Sciences. And, he succeeded. Just 10 days ago he graduated with honours. A true feather in his cap! And not only that, the next feather is on its way, too.

Erich is well and truly into a book that he's writing. A philosophical work that is specifically examining and questioning all aspects of southern Pacific thinking and tradition. A monument to personal strength and a book to look forward to!

But, in a way, Erich owes all of his present strength to the demons he once drank. If he had never gone down the way that he did, he would have never have come back – and there would be no help that Erich is now providing for others in serious need! Everything is meant to be!

Congratulations Erich.

More info on Erich's practice,

Balcony Parts

Loo rolls play an important roll on Aranka's balcony.  She learned from her friend Anita that loo rolls are the perfect things for planting seeds in. As soon as the plants are big enough, they can be planted, loo rolls and all,  into a larger pot.  The loo rolls then disintegrate with time!  A great idea!

Beauty in Stone!

There is an old people's home in the south of Vienna and it is on a peice of land that once belonged to a palace.  Builders, whilst carrying out excavation  work for a new nursing wing discovered  a beautifully and perfectly preserved stone flower girl.  Apparently, the count who owned the palace had many of these life-size ornaments.  Now there is only one. And this flower girl stands once again where she belongs, in the garden like long, long ago!

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...