Wednesday 28 May 2014

From My English Country Garden - A letter from Builder Michael

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From My English Country Garden
By Builder Michael

As all experienced travellers will surely tell you, the joy of travelling has all to do with the small things that one encounters along the way, and these are the things that make up the fun of discovery. And, I am, as everyone who knows me knows, a very experienced traveller, and, I have had, of course, many interesting encounters with the small truths of everyday life.

I have, for example, found out that in certain parts of Africa, people do not use cutlery whilst enjoying their Sunday roast, they prefer, as their traditions dictate, to make use of their fingers instead. All very understandable. Why, after all, did God create people with fingers?

But God created the human race so that people could marry and be happy. On the island of Crete, whilst visiting one year, I was, by chance, invited to a wedding. And, it was there, that I witnessed the very nice tradition of giving everyone present a small present of a porcelain animal to take home as a keepsake.

But meals on Crete are nothing in comparison to that which is served up in the Pacific! There are still many islands, I am told, where people still very much look forward to the fun of eating each other! And, why not? If you like it, then do it! Just eat and be happy!

And, that which I found whilst visiting in Hungary was also unusual. It was an empty milk bottle.

Yes! An empty milk bottle. And, not so silly as it sounds. It's an old communist tradition that many Hungarians still practice. And, the reason is perfectly simple. Hungarian people are amongst the most generous on earth, and there is nothing that they wouldn’t do for a guest, and that’s why these empty milk bottles are needed. I soon found out why!

I was asked if I preferred white or black coffee. I answered that black with two sugars would be fine.

And then, to my great surprise, Ildiko – my hostess - took a bottle of milk from the fridge! And, before I could stop her, she proceeded to pour the contents into my cup! And, because the bottle was empty, nothing came out!

But the real surprise came just a few seconds later. Ildiko then asked another guest the same question: with or without milk. The other guest – a lady from Liverpool - preferred milk in her coffee, and, so it was, that Ildiko went once more to the fridge and returned with a bottle and started to pour. But, again, nothing came out.

Oh dear! She exclaimed, my bottle is empty! She then ran next door to borrow a fresh bottle of milk, and then, whilst serving the lady from Liverpool, discovered that it, too, was empty as well! In fact, just like old socialist times!

And so, just like then, you can have black, or, if you prefer white, but, you can only have white if there is milk, but, you can only have black if nothing comes out of the bottle, and only nothing can come out of a bottle that's empty! And that's why every Hungarian fridge has an empty bottle of milk on the shelf in the door! Very unusual, I am sure you will agree!

Friday 23 May 2014

Waltraud Hora - Not the Full Shilling

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Waltraud Hora - by Nigel A JAMES

Not the Full Shilling!

How Waltraud Hora sang her way into happiness!

Not feeling the full shilling is no fun at all. It makes everything hard and takes the fun out of life. And, when Waltraud Hora was down in the dumps – and that was many years ago – she undertook all that there was to pick herself up. She went to the gym twice a week, tried yoga on Tuesdays, and went Nordic walking on Sundays. But, whatever she did, the last five percent was always still missing! She just wasn't herself! The key, as everyone told her, was using energy for energy, And Waltraud believed and kept going! But then, one day, she went to the market.

And there, as happy as always was her good friend Renate. And, soon they were chatting and Waltraud told all. And Renate was interested and spoke. For, she, too, had had downs, and had come back. And, Waltraud was fascinated, and her life started changing. She was on her way back!

There were to be no more gyms, yoga sessions, or Nordic walking! Waltraud had discovered again that which was hers, and she started the very next day.

And it was singing! And the effect was one hundred percent! And the reason was simple. It was fun. And, being in Renate's choir was also a brand new experience. There were not only new friends, but the training and practising for concerts as well. And, that was exciting and different! Singing was action, and it was good so, and, it came straight from the heart!

And now, Waltraud lives for the future! And that is the secret of happiness! There are concerts to be practised for, lines to be learned, and, of course, because she's happy – everyone else is happy as well. In other words, life is powerful and great! And, all because, while not feeling the full shilling, she went down to the market and bumped into Renate!

And, by-the-way, singing could be good for you, too! Just try it and see! You will soon find out what a difference it makes!

Vocabulary and Phrases

as …. as – so...wie
by-the-way – übrigens
downs – Tiefen
from now on – von nun an
had had – hatte gehabt
kept going / to keep going/kept going/kept going / - weiter machen
not feeling the full shilling - nicht 100% fit

re-found – wieder gefunden

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Photo Post - Ballaton Fishing - and one or two more - by Nigel A JAMES

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I took this photo last Saturday.  I was at Lake Baloton.  The winds had dropped - but, not completely - and the heavy rains were taking a rest! naj.

A street corner in Vienna - last week.

This class and I were waiting for the same tram -
Vienna - last wek.

Vienna's latest GIANT building site!  The Seestadt -
a completely new quarter of town -
I took this photo begining of May.

ps.  Have you visited my photo blog yet?

Diarikom Verse - ILL ADVISED ADVISOR by Henry Wright

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by Henry Wright

“It’s good to eat,” observed the duck,
While seeking grass to munch,
“Whatever could we do instead
When time comes round for lunch?”

The dandelion with mournful look,
Replied a bit put out,
“I see your point, I do indeed,
But I can’t move about”.

The duck was taken by surprise
To hear a flower speak,
The place where one expects a mouth
Were petals but no beak.

“You won’t grow up a healthy duck”,
The weed went on to say,
“Unless you have your vitamins
And minerals each day”.

The duck was piqued to think a plant
As lowly as a weed,
Presumed to give advice to her
On what she ought to feed.

“What use are you?” she cried enraged,
“Stuck always in one spot?
You cannot fly or walk or swim
And talk such tommyrot”.

“I landed here by parachute,”
The weed replied with heat,
“And ever since produced the food
That you should daily eat”.

“Forgive me for my hasty words,”
The duck replied contrite,
“I’ll follow your advice at once
Because I’m sure you’re right.

“I’m sorry we must part this way
So that I may survive”.
With that she opened wide her beak
And ate the weed alive.


Monday 19 May 2014

Monika Erb - Small Thinking That's Big!

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Monika Erb - by Nigel A JAMES

Small Thinking That's Big!
Monika Erb

listen to ‘Monika Erb ’ on Audioboo


There are many unseen flowers right under our feet! And, when Monika Erb got going on her bike she discovered a richness of life in her own little quarter of town.

Each year, Vienna celebrates itself with a party. All twenty-three districts show off what they have. There is music, dancing, art, eating, and, of course, much more as well. And, this year, Monika's district – the third – decided to include small business in its programme. And, that's why Monika got going on her bike!

And, what she found was amazing. Hidden in back streets and alley-ways, and deep underground in ancient old cellars was more business than ever imagined! There were picture frame makers, builders of musical instruments, glove makers, traditional printers, cobblers, candlestick makers, fashion designers, shopping trolley producers, book binders and much more as well! In front of her eyes were the sparks of creation! And, they had been there all the time!

And, now, thanks to Monika's hard work, we, too, can join in with the fun! If you're in Vienna's third district on the third of June there is an open day for small business. It starts at eleven-o-clock with an opening at the Cafe Rochus, Landstrasse Hauptstraße 55.

But, the most important thing of all is the inspiration that these small businesses give. There is nothing we cannot do. Life is not full of dead-ends, and, you, too, can think big in a very small way! Come and see for yourself!

more info –

Friday 16 May 2014

Diariclub Intermediate - Sue Booty's Simple Past

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Sue Booty's Simple Past!

listen to ‘Sue Booty's Simple Past - SLOW VERSION’ on Audioboo

Susan's life used to be better! Everything was simple, nothing was hurried, and she never suffered from stress. And, the phone was one of the things that was better!

She was just seventeen. There was a certain magic about waiting for the phone to ring, and, the mystery of not knowing who was calling was always a little exciting. And phone calls often meant dates! And, dates in those days were different as well.

And they were different because there were no interruptions. Sue and her boyfriend were alone! No one was able to reach them. And, dates nearly always finished with promises to call! And the daily excitement of rushing home to be by the phone began all over again. But, of course, there were disappointments as well. But, that was life, and that was the role of the phone! And, Sue remembers it well.

And, the post was important as well. When Sue was young, everyone wrote letters. Sometimes two or three every week. It was the best way of keeping in touch, and always in a very “thought-about-way”. People not only enjoyed getting letters, but, also Christmas cards, too! People, in those days were active, and they always made time to sit down with paper and ink.

And Time is the biggest change of all. Where has it gone? Why have our days become shorter? And, there are many other questions, too. Everything from TV to radio to seat belts and crash helmets, and so-on and so-on. And, how many Christmas cards will you be sending next Christmas? And, do you answer your mobile when you're having coffee with a friend? Maybe, we should look at our behaviour! That, probably, is the biggest change of all!

Vocabulary –

behaviour -  Benehmen
certain -  Gewiss
date - Stelldichein
enjoy - genießen
interruption - Unterbrechung
keep in touch - in Verbindung bleiben
maybe - vielleicht
mystery - Mysterium
paper and ink … Papier und Tinte
remember - Errinern
suffer - leiden
to reach ..(him/her/me/them, etc.) erreichen

Points for Discussion!

The phone when you were young.

The writing of letters.

Christmas cards.

Car seat belts and crash helmets.

The advantages of not having a phone!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Bruno Hope - Under a Roman Moon

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Bruno Hope – Under A Roman Moon
I knew Bruno Hope well. He died last year at the age of 93, and the following story is a tale of great strength.

Life is a journey of risks and sometimes great danger. But, for some people perils and hazards and risks are just part of life’s course, and, Bruno was just such a person!
It was 1945. Bruno was thankfully walking home across Italy. Life was fantastic. He was happy and young. He had survived his war and his home in Vienna, although still far away, was getting nearer and nearer as every day passed. Things couldn’t be better. Soon his favourite beer would be flowing and the schnitzels he loved would be sizzling once again in the pan. And, even the air of decay where he was just passing through seemed amazingly sweet.
But then the partisans struck. There was no warning! The firing was dreadful and final and the bullets were flying. There was no where to run and no where to hide and Bruno went down. His world fell apart and his future was moving away. He was seriously injured, and then, with one of his shoulders completely destroyed, and his heart holding on for all it was worth he passed out. And there, beneath a Roman moon he lay - waiting to die – in a deepening pool of young crimson blood!

But, his death was not meant to be. A gypsy had told him he was going to be old, and he had believed it. And, in his unconscious state he not only dreamed of those who were waiting, but, also the far-away tastes and the smells he was missing. And, he knew that the beer and the schnitzels would wait.

And, the doctors fought hard and did a wonderful job. But, his left shoulder and arm had been too badly hit to repair. There was nothing the medics could do. But Bruno knew better. And, so it was, that after no thinking at all, he went to work on himself.

He began by lifting the lightest of weights, and, within eighteen months of hard work and gradually increasing the loads, his arm returned once again to full strength. He had fought and succeeded!

And that’s how Bruno’s life was. He always got up from his downs and never gave in to the meanings of others. His journey was not always easy, but, thanks to a long ago moon - he knew it was his own inner self that always knew best. His strength was in him, and not in the thinking of others!

And, that's a thought for us all!

Thursday 8 May 2014

A Diariclub Intermediate Text - Trees!

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Nuts and Wood
A short story with roots
by Nigel A James.

Trees are wonders of nature. There is something about them that everyone loves, and I have a tree in my life.

It is a nut tree, and it arrived one year in July. It was still very small, and, as I planted it in my garden I thought of its chances of living. The summer was hot and still getting hotter, and all around plants, weeds and grasses were wilting and dying. Logically or illogically, I knew that my tree couldn't last long. The Hungarian sun was simply too strong.

But, not everything dies, and there must be a way. And, so it was that I started to water it daily. Once in the morning and once in the evening. And then, against all I believed, the little tree began to get bigger and bigger. Together, I believed, we were winning! But, as summer became autumn the little tree was still very small. Too small, I was sure, to survive a hard winter. Would it be there in the spring?
And, April arrived and back I went to my garden. And, the first thing I did was to look for my tree. But, something had happened. It had become smaller, it had been eaten by pigs, and all that was left was a stem. I was sure it was dead!

But, I was wrong! It was three or four days later when a small shoot appeared. Then came another and another, and soon there were seven or eight. My nut tree was strong, it had little leaves, and its chances were good!

And, the next winter it was eaten again; and, again it survived. And, that was eight years ago. And, my little nut tree isn't little any more. It is two metres high and impressive. But, it still has a long way to go. Nut trees can grow very high, and can live for sixty-five years.

Trees have a strength, its their character, they are stronger than us. That's why we love them and need them!

another – noch ein
appear – (appear/appeared/appeared) – erscheine
believe – (believe/believed/believed) – glauben
daily – täglich
impressive – beeindruckend
leaves pl. von leaf - Blatt/Blätter
once - einmal
plant – (plant/planted/planted) - ein setzen / pflanzen
shoot – Trieb
simply – einfach
soon – bald
stem – Stiel
sure – sicher
survive – (survive/survived/survived) - überleben
water (water/watered/watered) – gießen (to water the plants)
weeds – Unkraut
wilting – (wilt/wilted/wilted) – verwelken

Points for discussion

The strength we get from trees.
The character of trees.
Why we need trees.
Living together with trees (in our streets, etc.).
Why forests are important!
The protection trees give us!
Trees as a crop.
Trees and beliefs.
Trees for building.

Trees as friends!

Monday 5 May 2014

Willi Noelle

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Willi Noelle by Nigel A JAMES

Shooting Star!
Willi Noelle

Willi Noelle is a man of great vision. He is an artist and writer, and, until just a few years ago he was a camera man for television news. And, his job of connecting the world to live history was not always easy. The sets that he worked on were often the hot spots of trouble, and, more often than not there was a story behind the getting of a story, and what happened one night in war-torn Beirut was probably the most perilous of all!

It was the early 70s. Willi and his team had gone to the Lebanon for an interview with Yasser Arafat, and, there they were, waiting in the most guarded hotel in the most dangerous city on earth for something that might or might not happen! They had almost run out of time, four days had gone by. No one stayed longer, it was simply too dangerous. And then, late in the night came the call. The team was still in the bar. They were told to be ready, the car would be there in five minutes time. They left their drinks where they were and went.

It was pitch black as they drove through the now empty streets. They had no way of knowing where they were, and Willi, who was sitting up front was only able to make out the headlamp signals which were being given by the driver, and nothing else. It was all too dark, there was the suspense of dangerous feelings, and none of them were sure of returning alive. And, then they arrived.

It was a small dimly lit courtyard with uniformed soldiers hanging around in small groups. The ground was full of glass splinters, there had been recent fighting. There was now no way out. Was this an ambush? They felt uneasy; camera teams, after-all, were good ransom business. But, then came the officer, a small lame man with a hunchback in an oversized uniform which made him ridiculous! And then, as they followed him as ordered, they heard the clack – clack – clack of his right foot hitting the ground as he walked, and so they went on through the dark – following the clack, clack, clacks until they came to a door in a wall. There was light. And, down went the steps underground – down to the bunker. And it was comfortable. There was a three piece suite, a wall which was covered with a print of a mountainous landscape, a coat rack, and the coffee was great. But, where was the man?

It was whilst Willi's camera was being examined by a Hungarian student of photography that Willi thought he saw the wall move! And he was right. The wall wasn't a wall, it was simply a screen, and there was the man, he had been there all the time. Unshaven and smiling and ready to speak. And he spoke and the interview happened.

Willi and his team got back to their hotel without any mishaps, and they left the next day as planned. And then, high up in the sky it all became clear. No passwords had been used to enter the bunker, the key had been the clack – clack – clack of the officer's right foot. If they had have been taken or captured, they would have had nothing to tell! And the Hungarian film student - who was really no student at all - was doing nothing other than checking the camera – it could easily have been a gun. And, their four day wait also became clear.

Of course, Willi didn't stop there, he completed many more missions, some dangerous, some not, and it was not until later that he turned his eye towards art. And, he succeeded. And it is hardly surprising. Both filming and painting require an eye that is trained, and it is the same understanding that's needed for the filming of people and the painting of nature! And so, Willi's vision goes on – but now, in a way that's no longer filled with suspense! His life, just like always, is being himself. He no longer shoots, but his eyes are still looking!

Willi is a fascinating man, and googling is the best way of finding out more!

Friday 2 May 2014

From My English Country Garden - by Builder Michael

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Some time ago, I received the following letter from Builder Michael, an old friend of mine in England, and I would like to share it with you!

Dear Nigel A JAMES,

It happened last night. I was just thinking about where to jet-off to next when the telephone rang. It was an old friend of mines wife, and she was calling from Vienna in Austria, and, she had a problem!

And, the thing that was worrying her, she told me, was a hole. In fact, as she went on, in the whole of her life, she has never before been confronted by such a hole - and the whole thing started about two years ago, and, it’s been getting worse ever since. In fact the whole thing is making a hole in her life!

Of course, my first reaction was to question why a hole could create such an enormous problem. Holes, after all, are, in fact, really nothing at all. And, because they are all below ground level, they are impossible to see, and, when you fall in them, you feel nothing of the hole itself, only the ground at the bottom – which is, in fact, not the hole any more, but the surface of the earth which is deeper than that at the top of the hole where the whole thing used to be before the digging began.

And then my friend’s wife then put me right. The hole which is spoiling the whole of her life, is, and unusually so, on ground level, and, doesn’t go down because it goes up, and, because she can’t see where it ends – unlike a hole in the ground – she can’t say how high it goes up to – and – when one walks through it one doesn’t land at the bottom, one keeps going on and on into nothing, so - making the whole thing a hole that’s impossible to judge!

It turned out that my friend’s wife was talking about the space where their front garden fence used to be, but, disappeared after her husband – my old friend- had decided to put up a new fence, and that was some time ago.

The old fence, I was told, was in such bad repair that a new one was needed. But, things in Vienna aren’t easy. First of all – before one is allowed to begin such a job – permission is needed to close off the pavement. This was no problem, and neither was the second, the permission to allow building materials to be off loaded directly on to the road, and the third, also a bureaucratic hurdle, which was needed for warning signs for traffic was just as simple. So far – so-good – and all for a fence. But then came the winter!

Because of the cold, the builder thought it wise to postpone the work until spring. No problem. But, six months later, and wanting to begin, it was discovered that the permission allowing for the closing of the pavement had expired, and that the new permission wouldn’t be valid before the permission to off load materials onto the road had expired, too, meaning that the signs which were needed last year would also be of no use because signs, anyway, are only valid between the originally agreed upon dates, which, by now, were all very much out of date!

And so, the whole thing started again, and that was just one year ago. But then came the builder’s holiday, and after that came the autumn, and after that - because the permission for the warning signs needed renewal – again – the materials weren’t delivered before the permission for the closing off of the pavement expired once again! And so it is that the hole is still there, and the whole thing’s a mess – and my friend’s wife is just this side of crazy!

Of course, I told her, they should have done it in the English way! It works every time and it’s simple. Just do the job, and, if by any small chance, the authorities discover your lack of all necessary formalities such as permission for this or for that, simply apologise! Just do it and say sorry later! It woks every time! See you next month – Yours, Builder Michael

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...