Sunday, 8 June 2014

Margarete Mizera - A Night in the Hay!

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Margarete Mizera by Nigel A James

A Night in the Hay!

When travelling back in our thoughts to long, long ago, it is, more-often-than-not, that the nice people of then are the ones who come right to the front of our minds! And, once upon a time, there was a friendly policeman who deeply impressed a very young lady. And, 50 years later, Margarete Mizera – for she was that very same person – still remembers him well!

The day was coming to a close, and Margaret and her husband had just completed a strenuous 7 hour climbing tour. They were not only exhausted, but tired and hungry as well. And, of course, they were looking for a bed for the night. But it was summer and very high season, and, in the beautiful Austrian mountains of Styria where they had gone for a week there wasn't a bed to be found. They had tried everything. They had knocked on every door, and they had even considered sleeping under the bridge, but, with a storm coming up they were desperate. A night in the mountainous open with no shelter at all was not such a very good thing!

But then, through the darkness of desperate thinking came shining a light. In front of them, and not far away, was the village police station. And, why not?

And the policeman was an angel. Although his police station cell was full, he knew of a way! And then, before they knew what was happening, Margarete and her husband were in the back of a police car, a very small VW Beetle, and being taken to a farm on the side of a mountain. And their luck was still in.

The farmer was their second angel of the day, he had no rooms, all were taken, but, what he had to offer was not only a night in his barn, but also a delicious evening meal! And they needed it, and they were thankful.

And, as Margaret and her husband lay wearily down to sleep in the hay, they could hear from outside the rain and the storm in all its great fury. They were warm and they were safe, and, as they peacefully dreamt the morning gradually came, and with it another surprise.

The farmer and his wife had prepared an unimaginably fantastic breakfast – the best they could offer! And, so it was, that the next mountain was climbed with not only a very full feeling, but, also a heart full of thanks! The policeman and his friend will never be forgotten!

Vocabulary and Phrases

Angel – Engel
barn – Scheune
coming up – bald heir sein
desperate thinking – verzweifelte Denken
fury – Wut
gradually – almählich
impressed – beeindruckt
luck still in – Glück hält
long, long ago – lang, lang her!
once-upon-a-time - es war einmal
shelter – Obdach

wearily – erschöpft

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