Monday, 2 June 2014

Ushi Hadere

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Ushi Hadere by Nigel A James

The Magical Subject of Trees

Most people's hobbies are only of interest to those of like mind. Fishing can only be tackled by anglers in depth, and tennis is the worst racket on earth for those who only love football! But, there can be exceptions, and Ushi Hadere's hobby is just such an example. It's different, it's of interest, and it's something that everyone feels for. Her hobby is photography and her subjects are trees!

It was whilst paying her a call that Ushi showed us her photos. There were two things that struck me. Firstly, their natural beauty, and secondly the genuine interest that everyone showed. Trees have a magical strength that clearly comes through in all Ushi's pictures. She has the eye that is needed. But, trees, I believe, are not easy to shoot!

They never say cheese and a smile is out of the question, and, nor do they look right or left. Trees are as they are. They are static. You are the one who has to do all the work. It is you who has to walk round and round until the perfect angle appears. But, not so for Ushi!

Trees, she says, are just as clever as we are. It is they who not only decide where the best shot should come from, but also the best time of day and the right light as well. All we have to do is listen and follow! And, for Ushi it works every time!

And, of course, there is something else, too. Trees not only change with the seasons, they become good friends as well! And, Ushi always believes that it is they who dress up for her! Trees always look nice, and that is the beauty of what Ushi does. Her pictures are photos of life that speak to all those who see them! And, this is hardly surprising. There is, after-all, a big part of tree in us all. We can't live without them. And, taking their pictures could possibly be the best tribute of all!

Why don't you branch out and try it as well?


come through – zeigt sich
dress up – sich schön machen
exception – Ausnahme
of like mind – gleich gesinnt
racket – (fig.) - Krach - oder Tennisschläger
struck me – to strike me – beeinflussen

tackle – versuchen/proben / in Angriff nehmen

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