Sunday 28 September 2014

Juan Ruis - Compassion - Joy - Hope

Juan Ruis
Compassion, Joy and Hope

The world in which we live is not only visible, it is audio, too. Every sound, no matter how soft or how loud is loaded with meaning and depth. And, as Juan Ruis will tell you, the understanding of that which is heard is of vital importance for a fullness of life. And, he knows so because he is blind. And blindness sharpens one's senses.

Juan was born blind, and at a very early age he discovered that living was more than just listening and feeling. There was another dynamic as well. It was something called Sonar Clicking, and he was using it without even knowing!

Basically, Sonar Clicking is the art of producing verbal clicks, in fact, just like bats in order to get echoes from surroundings. This is a wonderful thing for the blind. It not only enables the making out of surroundings, but makes the identification of objects and distances possible, too. And, this is very important.

But, not everyone has the natural talents that Juan has, and for many blind people Sonar Clicking is something that needs to be learned. And, it is in this sense that Juan discovered his greatest talent of all, the art of good teaching. And so, as a teacher he went out into the world to teach and do good.

And, he's come a very long way from his Mexican home. With most of the world in his pocket, he is now in Vienna with the BBS, a school for children with disabilities. And, there he's training trainers to teach Sonar Clicking. And, it isn't only the pupils who benefit. There are others as well.

There are parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, and friends, and-so-on. The list is endless. But, it is the blind who stand to gain most. Sonar Clicking, not only gives a sharpened sense of awareness, but provides a firm base for life in the future as well. And it is this that gives parents and loved ones the strength to let go! And, this is the greatest of all.

And now, thanks to Juan, there are many people enjoying a fullness of life that wasn't thought possible before. He's a boom for the people he touches and he leaves a trail of compassion, joy and hope wherever he goes. Juan Ruis is a man of great vision who went out and gave people a strength that was new. Living is how it is lived, and easier is better than harder! And, clicking, for many, has made a big difference. Juan is a very great man!


audio – hörbar
bat – Fledermaus
benefit – (to benefit/benefited/benefited) – profitieren
boom – Große Vorteil
compassion - Mitleid
enable – ermöglichen
let go, to – loss lassen
making out (the making out of . . .) erkennen
pupil – Schule
senses – Sinnen
sense of awareness – Wahrnehmungssinn
sharpens – (to sharpen/sharpened/sharpened) – spitzt
stand to gain most – der der am meisten gewinnt -
surroundings – Umfeld
trail – Spur
visible – sichtbar

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...