Friday, 3 October 2014

Diariklub - Easy Text - First Impressions

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Foggy Impression - by Nigel A JAMES

First Impressions – Erste Eindrücke
Some very short thoughts by Nigel A JAMES

a - Many people think that first impressions are the right ones. Everyone is a good judge of character. But, the truth is the opposite!

b -The truth is that no-one understands first impressions. They are not posture, smart clothes, shiny clean shoes or behaviour. Everyone can look nice and be nice for an hour or two!

C - So, where is the first right impression? Is it hidden in the eyes? No! Is it in the shoulders? Wrong again! We shouldn't be looking, we should be listening!

d - Our voices are the only reliable first impression. They are full of information. They can tell us if a person is arrogant, friendly, normal or bad! Our voices are with us wherever we go. We cannot change them!

e - And one more thing. First impressions are not a one-way street. People are making first impressions of us, too. Are they always right about us! How is your voice? Is it your character?

a -
judge of character - Menschenkenner
truth – Wahrheit
opposite - Gegenteil
b -
posture – Haltung
behaviour – Benehmen
c -
hidden – (to hide/hidden/hidden) – verstecke
d -
reliable – verlässlich
e -
one-way street – Einbahn

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

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