Friday 30 January 2015

Diariklub - Market Forces - At the Brunnenmarkt in Vienna - A world of its own!

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The Brunnenmarkt in Vienna - by Nigel A. JAMES

Market Forces

It's a cold snowy Viennese morning. There are people - and there are lots of them. They are out and about, and for them the weather's no problem. They are at Vienna's Brunnenmarkt. A place that most people love. And, the reason is simple. It's all in its character.

The Brunnenmarkt has a charm of its own. It's not only life in the open with spirit, colour, and the smells of far away tastes, but plenty to purchase as well. There are fruits and vegetables from all over the world, there are spices and herbs from the orient, and its meat and fish are second to none. In other words, there is something for everyone's taste! And tastes are not only edibles!

Items for sale range from clothes to shoes to pots to brushes to brooms and everything else you can think of. And, everything's exciting. Here is the world! There are people from everywhere. But, at the same time, the Brunnenmarkt has very much in common with all markets every where.

Whether indoors or out, all markets have the thrill of real life contact. Behind every stall is a person, and these people are the same where ever one goes! They not only say the same things in many different languages, but also wear the same clothes. There are no real differences. And, that's why markets are the number one attraction for people on holiday. They are just like being at home.

But of course, Markets are the souls of our cities and towns. They are centres of life immune from the differences that bad feelings cause. Everyone's welcome and no one is left out in the cold!
And the future? Markets will always survive. The Brunnenmarkt, I'm sure, is set to see many more winters with snow. Markets and people don't really change, and, that is the essence of life. Let's meet at the market on Saturday!

Selected Vocabulary

assortment – Auswahl
edibles – Genießbares
essence - Wesentliche
honesty – Ehrlichkeit
impression – Eindruck
in common – gemeinsames
oneness – Einheit
purchase – (purchase/purchased/purchased) kaufen
second to none – die Besten
soul – Seele
thrill – Aufregung

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Lexmatica Easy Text -The Spanish Spaceman - Great for starters and pronunciation!

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The Spanish Spaceman

There is a small town in Spain called Salamanca, and, in this town are two very impressive cathedrals, one new and one old, and, the new one has something very interesting.

While it was being restored in the last half of the last century, the restaurateurs decided to add something modern to the arch of the main door. And, what they added was something sensational, they added a spaceman!

And now, carved in stone, for everyone to see, is a small carving of a spacemen who is floating in stone. What will people think in 300 years time? Was the first man to walk on the moon from Spain? Was he from Salamanca? And, what was his name?


added - zufügen - (to add/added/added)
arch - Bogen
carved - meißelte (to carve/carved/carved)
carving - Plastik
century - Jahrhundert
decided - entschied (to decide/decided/decided )
impressive - beeindruckend
main door - Haupttor
restored - restauriert
restaurateur - Restauriere
Spanish - spanisch
stone -Stein
think - denken (to think/thought/thought)
while - während


How many cathedrals has Salamanca got?
When was the new cathedral restored?
Where is the carving of the spaceman?
Why do you like Spain?
Where is Spain?
What will people think in the future about the Spanish spaceman?
Was the first man to walk on the moon Spanish?
Where is Salamanca?

And, now the text once again.

Thank you for listening!

There are more Lexmatica texts -

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

Sunday 25 January 2015

Georg Haslinger - A Big DADA in a Dadaist sense!

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Georg Haslinger - by Nigel A JAMES

Georg  Haslinger
Big Dadi

Georg Haslinger is an artist endifierence! His style and his life which include painting, curating, theatre and much more, too, are mature combinations of styles which lean to both abstract and traditional. And, in order to understand the way that he is and where he is going, a brief understanding of Dadaism is called for!

Dadaism was an artistic movement which started in Zurich during the first world war. Its aims were to illustrate the perversity and absurdity of war by demonstrating against all artistic convention by means of its own designs and thinking. This almost dogmatic process included fine arts, applied arts, literature, and practically everything else as well! And, Kurt Switters was the Dadaiist literary giant who influenced George Haslinger in a very big way. For, he, too, just like Georg Haslinger, was a lone star shining in the world of art and creation. And, that which Kurt Switters wrote was deeply fantastic in a very wide meaning!

Kurt Switters was – and still is - especially well known for two of his “very open to interpretation” works. The first one being Anna Blume, a penetratingly beautiful love poem, and, the second was his great theatrical work The Ursonate, a play based upon Raoul Hausmann's Poster Poems. And, its first performance in Switzerland was not only provocative, but also a shocker! And, it's still just as moving as always! And the good news is, The Ursonate is coming again.

Georg Haslinger is putting it on again next March in Vienna. And, this conventional unconventional piece is bound to touch all those who see it in some way or other! And, The Ursonate's opening line is possibly its best introduction.

Fumms bö wö tää zää Uu, pögiff, kwii Ee”

See you at the theatre next March!

The countdown has begun, da Da is rising again!

And, Diarikom will be providing full details soon!

Selected Vocabulary

applied artsAngewandte Kunst
bound to – guaranteed – mit Sicherheit
endifierence – unique – einzigartig
fine artsBildende Kunst
penetratinglytief eindringlich

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Diariklub - Flowers in Town!

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Flower Stand in the Stadtpark - Photo by Nigel A JAMES

Flowers in town

In a corner of the Stadtpark (city park) in Vienna is a flower stand. It is made of wood and has been there for a very long time. It is owned by a little old lady who works every day selling her flowers.

But, of course, her flowers are more than just flowers. They are meaningful expressions of life and say very much. The right flowers talk about love, others congratulate for all sorts of occasions, and others wish speedy recoveries for those who are ill. And, at the end of the day, flowers say sorry in a very nice way! Flowers are a very big part of our lives!

And, colours and numbers, too, are part of the language of flowers. What is the meaning of a single red rose? And, what do daffodils say when given in a bunch? Everyone knows, and this is the joy and beauty of flowers.

And, this little flower stand has a history, too. Why was it built in the Stadtpark? What was there before? What has it seen? What can it tell us? And, not only that. Who is this little old lady who owns it? How does she live? Is she a grandmother? We don't know. Are all florists the same? Do they all think the same? Questions, questions, and more questions. And, who are her customers? Do people often buy flowers? And, Why are flowers the perfect gift? Is it because there's no thinking required? After-all, just say it with flowers! What could be easier?

But, beware! Don't forget the right colour and number! Even flowers can say the wrong thing – they can be dangerous - and, they can't even speak? Are flowers really so easy?

Selected Vocabulary

beware – Geben Sie Acht
bunch – Strauss
daffodil – Narzissen
expressions – Ausdrücke
meaningful – bedeutungsvoll

required – notwendig 

Lexmatica Easy Texts - Onions - Great for starters and good pronunciation!

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Onion Eaters having Lunch in the Mountains of Austria!

 An Onion a Day!

There are many different kinds of onions. There are spring onions, Spanish onions, garlic onions, normal garden onions, and many others, too. And onions are interesting. You can fry them, boil them, grill them, pickle them, and so on.

So, why do people like onions? The answer is easy! They make food more interesting. But, is this always true? Sometimes onions, especially garlic onions destroy the real taste of good food! Onions are very dominating!

But, what about little Susi? She eats onion sandwiches in her break every day! Her parents are onion farmers! Do you like onion sandwiches, too?

And don't forget – an onion a day keeps the doctor away!


boil – kochen
break – Pause
destroy – vernichten
different – verschiedener
dominating – dominierend
farmer – Bauer
food – Essen
fry - braten
garlic onions - Knoblauch
grill – grillen
like – mögen
parents – Eltern
pickle – pickle
spring onions - Jungzwiebel
taste – Geschmack
what about – was es mit . …

Questions and Points!

Why does the smell of onions frying make you hungry?
Why are onions good for salad?
Why don't onions make food interesting?
Why do onions destroy the taste of good food?
Why do you like onions?
Why do hot dogs taste better with onions?
Why do hamburgers taste better with onions?
Why are onions good for us?

And now the text once again.

Thank you for listening!

Onion Eaters Taking a Walk in the Austrian Mountains

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

Monday 19 January 2015

Susanne Amberg Schneewes - The Happiness and Power of Voice!

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The Power of Voice - Susanne Amberg Schneeweis

The first thing we see when meeting a person is sound! Speech is more visible than anything else. It not only has powers which are far greater than looks, but, is a way-in to our characters, too. The way that we speak is the one first impression that counts! And, when meeting Susanne Amberg Schneeweis in person, I was happy. For, she was just as I thought her to be! My first impressions had been right. They had come from the radio and they were her voice. And, the way that she spoke had the quality of magic.
And, her life has been magic as well. Realizing her destiny, she followed a path of singing and speaking, but, as time went on it was teaching that took centre stage. Voice, she says, is one of the things we all have in common, and by training it we can alter our lives. A clear strong voice not only provides for clarity of understanding, but, makes for happiness, too.

But, the secret of voice lies in our breathing. The second thing which we all have in common. Breathing is life. And, it is from there that all energy flows. And correct breathing, says Susanne Amberg Schneeweis, is something that everyone can not only master, but should! And, she knows what she's talking about. She has been passing on the magic of sound for a very long time, and, having just passed 70, has no intention of stopping. And her schedule is not only full, but impressive as well.

Not only does Susanne Amberg Schneeweis teach at the VHS in Vienna, she also provides tuition in her very own studio. And, there is more. She has also written some very amazing books. One of them being, Singing Makes Happy.

But, all in all, it's her passing on of her gifts that's impressive. And, her greatest talent of all is the showing that these talents of breathing speaking and singing rest in us all! All we have to do is open our eyes, enjoy the sounds we are seeing, and learn how to breath as we should! And then, whatever you do, your life will take off! Happiness is then guaranteed!

For full info, please google Susanne Amberg Schneeweis!

Selected Vocabulary

clarity - Klarheit
enjoy genießen
first impressionErste Eindruck
guaranteed - gewährleistet
voice Stimme


Tuesday 13 January 2015

Diariclub - Dogs! Best Friends or Partners?

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Maxi B. ACS and a Dog!  Photo by Nigel A. JAMES

Best Friends or Partners

Most dogs are pets. They are fun to have and we love them. But, not everyone has the same idea about dogs. Man’s best friend has many roles to play, and, they are not always easy. So, why is it that we have dogs?

Most domestic dogs are not even pets! On the surface at least they share our lives and our houses as pets, but, the reality is often much different. Most dogs are neither dogs nor pets. They are usually people! And, this is so because people treat dogs just like people. They even dress them in clothes and give them silly names!! And, this is only possible because dogs are usually more human than humans!

And, the characters dogs have depends on the will of their owners. Some treat their dogs as children, some are brothers and sisters, and some are simply good friends. So, why are dogs the best partners?

To begin with, they don't answer back, and they always do what you tell them. You have control! And, they listen! That is to say, they never interrupt – because they can't. But, sometimes people choose an extension of themselves in their dogs.

Why is it that dogs belonging to criminals are always fierce and ferocious? And, why is it that little old ladies always like poodles? And, why is it that people always end up looking like their pets. Pets become the same as their owners. That's why, as they say in English, you can always tell a master by his dog! Nervous dogs are only nervous because of their nervous owners, and peaceful dogs have peace loving masters. But, of course, these rules only apply to dogs. What about cats?

Cats are completely the opposite. They are mysterious and intriguing. You can never tell a master by his cat, it's not possible. Men never have cats! And, that's the big question. Why do only women have cats? What's the attraction? Maybe it's the call of the wild! Are woman and cats the same? Is it possible tell a mistress by her cat? Why not? Women, after all, are sometimes (if not always) a mystery! But, that's another subject!

Selected Vocabulary
answer back – (to answer back/answered/answered) zurück reden
after-all – nach dem
disguise – Tarnung
ferocious - wild
fierce – wild
interrupt - unterbrechen
not even – nicht einmal
neither... nor... - weder noch
opposite - Gegenteil
share – teilen

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

Sunday 11 January 2015

Waltraud Hora Learned How to Sing - And it changed her life! It could help you, too!

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Not the Full Shilling!

How Waltraud Hora sang her way into happiness!
Some observations of very high note by Nigel A JAMES

Not feeling the full shilling is no fun at all. It makes everything hard and takes the fun out of life. And, when Waltraud Hora was down in the dumps – and that was many years ago – she undertook all that there was to pick herself up. She went to the gym twice a week, tried yoga on Tuesdays, and went Nordic walking on Sundays. But, whatever she did, the last five percent was always still missing! She just wasn't herself! The key, as everyone told her, was using energy for energy, And Waltraud believed and kept going! But then, one day, she went to the market.

And there, as happy as always was her good friend Renate. And, soon they were chatting and Waltraud told all. And Renate listened. She was deeply interested. For, she, too, had had downs and had suffered. But, she had come back. And, then a light started shining in Waltraud's darkness of thinking.

There were to be no more gyms, yoga sessions, or Nordic walking! Thanks to Renate, Waltraud had discovered that which was hers, and she started the very next day.

And it was singing! And the effect was one hundred percent! And the reason was simple. It was fun. And, being in Renate's choir was also a brand new experience. There were not only new friends, but the training and practising for concerts as well. And, that was exciting and different! Her life became full. Singing was action, and it was good so.

But, singing not only comes from the heart, it comes from the depths of our stomachs as well. And, to sing properly, one has to know how to breathe, and, good breathing makes for good health. And, not only physically, but mentally, too!

And now, Waltraud lives for the future! There are the concerts which are coming, and, each future event means work for the now. But, more than anything else Waltraud is happy! And that means that everyone else is happy as well. In other words, life is powerful and great! And, all because, while not feeling the full shilling, she went down to the market and bumped into Renate!

And, by-the-way, singing could be good for you, too! Just try it and see! You will soon find out what a difference it makes!
And, if you're down in the dumps and not the full shilling, just think of your breathing as well! It does more than you think, and, best of all, it's free for us all. Just check it out. But, of course, there's nothing like singing and music for feeding the soul with what's good and what's fine! And, food for the soul is the best food of all. Enjoy your singing!

Vocabulary and Phrases

as …. as – so...wie
by-the-way übrigens
downs Tiefen
from now on – von nun an
had hadhatte gehabt
kept going / to keep going/kept going/kept going /
- weiter machen
not feeling the full shilling - nicht 100% fit
re-foundwieder gefunden

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

Monday 5 January 2015

Diariklub - A Photo - On the Front in Trieste - With lots of Questions -

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On the Front in Trieste

This is one of my favourite photos. I took it in Trieste on Easter Sunday, 2012. And, I like it because it's not only a picture of pictures, but, also a picture of questions! To begin with, there are two people sitting on a bench in the bottom left hand corner. Are they a couple? Are they man and wife? Or, is he her father and she his daughter?

And, what are they looking at? What's going on on the mole? We don't know. But, what we do know is that moles are very popular places to visit. They are like tongues which protrude into the sea. They provide a feeling of being at one with the elements without getting wet. And, of course, there is the sea in its largeness. Today it's at peace, Tomorrow maybe different.

Why are people attracted to the ocean? What is its attraction? Maybe, because it's there that all life began?

And, it's cold in the picture! Too cold for the time of year. Everyone is dressed for a cold afternoon walk. But, there is one thing which everyone has in common. They have all just finished lunch. But, what did they have? How do Italians celebrate Easter?

And, what about the crew of the ship on the horizon? Have they just finished lunch, too? And, where is the ship bound for? What's her next port of call? And, from where did she come? Questions, questions and more questions!

Of course, this picture completely rejects all normal rules of good photography. There is no golden middle. The picture doesn't need it. The sea, the weather, the sky, the mole, the people and the ship are all centres of interest. And, anyway, who needs rules? And, that in itself is another good question.

Selected Vocabulary

attracted - (to attract/attracted/attracted) – anziehen
attraction - Anziehungskraft
being at oneeins sein
bound forunterwegs nach
going on – happening – (to go on/went on/ has gone on)
mole – Mole
protrude - herausstrecken
rejects – (to reject/rejected/rejected) - ablehnen
tongue - Zunge


Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...