Saturday 28 February 2015

Lexmatica Easy Text - William's Bedroom -Vocabulary and pronunciation

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Desk - by Nigel A JAMES

William's Bedroom

William is sixteen years old and he lives with his parents in a very nice flat in Vienna. They have a very nice dining room, a cosy and comfortable living room, and a super modern kitchen. But, William's bedroom is a mess. He never cleans up, and it looks and smells like a pigsty!

There are dirty shirts and smelly old socks on the floor, and William's dog Sarah sleeps in a basket under the bed!

But, not to worry! William's mother cleans up every now and again. And, so it is, that William's bedroom is clean and tidy for at least 9 or 10 days every year.

William's room is a disaster!


at least - mindestens
basket - Korb
bedroom - Schlafzimmer
cleans - putzen (clean/cleaned/cleaned)
clean up - zusammen räumen (clean up/cleaned up/cleaned up)
comfortable - bequem
cosy - behaglich
dining room - Esszimmer
flat - Wohnung
it looks like a … es schaut aus wie...
it smells like a …. es riecht wie ….
now and again - hin und wieder
parents - Eltern
pigsty - Schweinestall

Questions and Points

How old is William?
With whom does he live?
Do William and his parents live in a flat?
In which city does William live?
Where is Vienna?
Describe William's bedroom!
Describe your bedroom!
Is your living room cosy?
How often do you clean your room up?
Describe your flat/house!

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Diariklub - Evelyn DAWID - Traveller's Return - The discovery of a box in a cellar!

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Burg Reifenstein - by Nigel A JAMES

 Evelyn Dawid
 Traveller's Return

Travelling is full of surprises! Some big and some small. And, the box which Evelyn Dawid discovered at the castle of Taso in South Tirol was very, very interesting. It was big and down in the cellar!

And, it was there for the servants. It was their bed for the night and it must have been awful.

At the end of each day, with all 30 servants inside, the box was closed and wasn't opened till morning. But, how did the servants sleep? What was it like in the box? What about the air that they breathed and the smells and the unpleasant sounds? And, the getting up the night? Unanswerable questions! But, one thing is clear, upstairs it was life as was normal!

The duke and his family enjoyed nothing but the best of the best of normal aristocratic everyday luxury life. Beds and no boxes for them!

But, why the box for the servants? Was it to stop them from escaping? Or, could it have been that the duke was afraid of being murdered in his sleep? Or, was he simply a very nice generous man. After all, what better than a cosy warm box on a cold winter's night in an unheated cellar?

Of course, we will never find out! But, one thing is clear. The more we see, the more we discover! And, I wonder what Evelyn Dawid will be bringing back from her next journey. Something of interest, I'm sure!

P.S. South Tirol has a history! It used to be part of Austria, but is now part of Italy. Castel Taso is the Italian name for Burg Reifenstein.

aristocratic – adliger
awful – furchtbar
cosy – behaglich
generous – großzügig
unheated – nicht geheizt


Monday 23 February 2015

A Black Hole by the Lake - A closed disco is like a heart that's stopped beating - A true story from Hungary!

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Balaton Steps!

A Black Hole by the Lake
A Story from Hungary

There are certain things in life that can only be imagined as that which you know them to be. Buildings included. And, so it was that I had a surprise.

I was in Alsoors, a small village on the side of lake Balaton in Hungary, and, whilst walking out to the mole, I noticed that the disco was closed. In fact, not only closed, but barred and shuttered as well. It had closed down and I didn't want to believe what I was seeing.

It was the same feeling as experiencing a disused theatre or cinema. Buildings with life are not meant to die and discos are included. And, this monumental, almost cathedral like building, had, after all, been the venue for the wilder side of life for thousands of youngsters as they danced and drank their way through the last of their youth. Maybe, it was the disco's cloud of sound that spread out across the lake that caused its demise, or, maybe, it was no longer “in”. But, what-ever had happened, it was sad. And, where are the kids going to now? And, what about future generations? What will they be doing at weekends?

But then Aranka Acs told me something quite interesting.

When she was a child, her family lived nearby, and, as only to be expected, they spent many pleasant days swimming and relaxing in Alsoors by the lake. And, it was to the canteen that they and everyone else went for their lunch. And the canteen was the same building that later became the disco. But, Aranka has no feelings of nostalgia when she thinks back to the canteen.

The food was not very good. It was industriously produced and tasted accordingly. And, being mainly constructed out of glass, the canteen was unbearably hot. It was not the ideal place for hanging around and chatting, in fact, it was a place to escape from. And, so it was, that after the end of the socialist era this day-time disaster became a night-time wonder. And, it stayed that way for just about 25 years. So, buildings, too, have more than one life. And the question is: what is to happen next?

The choices are many, and they range from becoming an art gallery to becoming a canteen once again. But, I secretly hope that this magnificent lake-side palace of glass will once again become a palace for the celebration of life, a meeting place for the young! There is, at the moment, a black hole where fun used to sound. It's as if someone has turned off a heart! Please, someone come and kiss it awake! The beat that once kept people awake is now, in its silence, keeping the youngsters away. And, a place without youth is a place that is dead! The building's still there. Why not open it up and let it live once again?

Selected Vocabulary

accordingly – dem entsprechend
barred and shuttered – geschlossen und geriegelt
demise – Ende
era – Zeitalter/Epoche
escape (to escape/escaped/escaped) – entkommen
nearbyin der Nähe/nahe gelegen

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber


Tuesday 17 February 2015

Diariklub - Bruno Hope - Under A Roman Moon - A true story of end-of-war courage and strength!

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On an Italian Lake - by Nigel A. JAMES

Under A Roman Moon – The true story of Bruno Hope

I knew Bruno Hope well. He died last year at the age of 93. And, the following story is a tale of great strength.
It was 1945. Bruno Hope was thankfully walking home across Italy. Life was fantastic. He was happy and young. He had survived the war and his home in Vienna was getting nearer and nearer as every day passed. Things couldn’t be better. Soon he would be drinking his favourite beer, and the schnitzels he loved would be waiting for him on the table. Everything seemed amazingly sweet.
But, then the partisans struck. There was no warning! The firing was dreadful and final. There was no where to run and no where to hide and Bruno fell to the ground. He had been hit. He was seriously injured! And then, with one of his shoulders completely destroyed he passed out. And there, beneath a Roman moon he lay - waiting to die – in a deepening pool of young crimson blood!

And, the doctors fought hard and did a wonderful job. But, his left shoulder and arm had been too badly hit to repair. There was nothing the medics could do. They told Bruno he would never recover. But Bruno knew better. And, he went to work on himself.

He began by lifting the lightest of weights, and then within eighteen months of hard work and exercise his arm returned once again to full strength. He had fought and succeeded!

And that’s how Bruno’s life was. He always got up from his downs, and always took risks. Italy had been a lesson for him, and that's why he always succeeded in all that he did. Luck doesn't come on its own – it's something you make for yourself!

And, that was Bruno's secret of life!


amazingly - erstaunlicherweise
crimson – rot
faintly – schwach
fought -(fight/fought/fought) – kämpfen
hide – verstecken
pass out – (to pass out/passed out/passed out) in Ohnmacht fallen
perils – Gefahren
seemed – schien
strength – Stärke
survive – überleben
tale – Geschickte
war – Krieg
within – innerhalb

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

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Monday 16 February 2015

Hilde Blashek - It was a long time ago - She and Monika got wet in an Irish storm!

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An Irish Storm - Picture by Nigel A.  JAMES

Storm Clouds Gathering
Hilde Blaschek

It was August 1962. Hilde Blaschek and her best friend Monika Rauscher were on a hiking holiday in the deep south of Ireland and heading for the small town of Cork. And, being the last but one day of their holiday their feelings were jumping between wanting to stay and wanting to go. The weather had been friendly to them, the Irish had been kind to them, and many memories for life had been made and were ready and packed to take home to Vienna. But, then came the cloud!

It started as a speck on the horizon and grew bigger and bigger until it had become dark, frightening, dangerous and enormous. And, there they were, Monika and Hilde, bang in the middle of it all. And then the rain, the lightning, the thunder, and the wind started with force. This was weather at its worst. The two girls had never experienced anything like it. And, the hostel was still a long way-a-way in the distance, and, there was no real shelter!

But, they made it. And, when Hilde and Monika arrived at the hostel they were happy and relieved. They had survived and come in from the storm. And, what better than two evening meals and two comfortable beds. But, then came the second shock of the day. The hostel was full! Everyone, it seemed had wanted a bed for the night. And so, what was going to happen to them?
They were not only cold, but dripping wet as well. But, not to worry. The warden was not only a man with a heart, he was an Angel as well. His hostel was full, but, if they were prepared to sleep on the table then there would be no problem at all. And, so it was, that after a wonderful meal of delicious roast lamb, the table was cleared and made ready for the night. But, it was to be no normal night.

It was the most uncomfortable night that Hilde had ever experienced. When she woke up in the morning she was freezing. The blankets were all in a heap on the floor. But then came the breakfast and her woes and her pains disappeared.

And it was great and it was Irish. Bacon and eggs, black pudding, toast and strong tea. Peter Dunn - (Hilde still remembers his name) - did everything possible to make sure that his two Austrian guests enjoyed a perfect finish to their holiday in Ireland. And, he succeeded! And, on their way home to Austria they thought of their many new friends. And they were happy. And, even now, all these years later, when they think back to their holiday in Ireland, it is still Peter Dunn who comes first to their minds!

Every dark cloud has its silver lining. And, Peter Dunn was much brighter than silver. He was the one who gave them a table to sleep on! And, this the two girls have never forgotten. Their last day in August in the deep south of Ireland!

Selected Vocabulary

all of a sudden - ganz plötzlich
black puddingBlutwurst
dripping wet – total nass
last but one – Vorletzter
lightning – Blitz
relieved - erleichternd
saving graces - rettenden Gnaden
speck on the horizon – kleine Fleck am Horizont
thunder – Donner
warden – Aufseher
woe – Kummer
worse still – noch schlimmer

Saying Goodbye to Ireland - Photo - Hilde Blashek 1962

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber


Lexmatica Easy Text - The Zither - The heart and soul of Austrian music!

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The Music of Austrian Hearts

One of the most popular musical instruments in Austria is the zither. It is admired and loved by everyone.

There are two main types of zithers, the concert zither and the Alpine zither. The concert zither has between 29 and 35 strings, and the Alpine zither has 42 strings.

The concert zither is mainly played in classical music, and the instrument has a prominent solo in one of Johann Strauss's most famous waltzes, Tales from the Vienna Woods.

But, of course, it is the Alpine zither with its traditional sound which makes it the heart and soul of traditional Austrian folk music. And, the zither is internationally famous as well!

In 1949, The music from the film The Third Man was played by Anton Karas on his zither. And, the film and its music are still just as popular now!

And, zithers will always remain popular in Austria. They are the heart of Austrian music!


admired - bewundert
between – zwischen
popular - beliebt
rhythm – Rhythmus
string(s) – Seiten
tales Erzählungen
type Arten
Vienna Woods - Wiener Wald

1- How many strings does the Alpine zither have?
2- Why do you love Austrian folk music?
3- What other musical instruments do you know?
4- What are the two main types of Zithers?
5- Who played The Third Man theme?
6- Which instrument do you play?
7- In which waltz does the zither have a prominent solo?
8- Who wrote this music?
9- What music do you like?

Coming home from a Zither concert!

And, now the text once again.
Thank you for listening!

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Diariklub - The Narrow Streets of Vienna - How life really is in the centre of town!

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The Narrow Streets of Vienna

If you want to feel good, just take a stroll through the centre of town. There are restaurants and cafés, and there are small hidden patches of green. But, the best things of all are the special narrow streets that make up the souls of our cities. For, these are the hearts of all urban feeling.

And, urban life, as Berbel Blashek knows best is more than just feelings. There is a wide array of unseen life and emotions that guests rarely see. And, Berbel knows what she's talking about. She lives in the shadow of St. Stephen's in the heart of the City of Vienna.

To begin with there's nature. There are not only rats, mice, dogs, cats, foxes and bats, but many different birds, too. Berbel has counted no fewer than 28 different species all together. Then there are the many plants and weeds which attract all sorts of insects. These include bees, many beautiful butterflies, and vicious looking beetles as well. But, smells, too, play a very big role in real city life.

There are the nice smells of lunches coming from cooking, there is the luring smell of the bakery, and, there are flowers in boxes as well. But, there are nasty smells, too. The reminders that dogs leave behind stink (it's their owners' fault – not theirs), and, rubbish bins awaiting collection are horrible smells of hot summer days. But, sounds, too, are all part of the pattern of bright city life.

And, there are as many different sounds as there are people. There are instruments being practised, there are people laughing, there are babies crying and children playing, and, of course, there are arguments and many Happy Birthdays to You, too!

And, all this and much more is real city living. Of course, it is not always perfect, there are bad times as well. City life has its fare share of crime and other ups and downs, too. But, in the main, nothing ever goes seriously wrong. Things, by and large are just fine and Berbel is happy.

And, the greatest thing about living in the centre is the feeling of belonging. You are the genuine thing. You are an urbanite pure! And, you don't have to go far to feel fine! Just open the door and you're there!


by and large – mehr oder weniger
more or less – mehr oder weniger
patch – Fleck
stink – (stink/stank/stunk) - stinken
stroll – Schlendern
through and throughdurch und durch
urbanite – Stadt Bewohner
weeds – Unkraut

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber


Tuesday 10 February 2015

Lexmatica Easy Text - Cockroaches - Friends or Pets?!

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Cockroaches are not very fussy. They eat all that they can find. And, their favourite dishes are unwashed plates that have been left overnight in the sink. For them, there's nothing more delicious than food that is rotten!

And, the place they love best is under the fridge. It is warm, it is quiet, and it's not far from food! For them it's fantastic!

So, what about your kitchen? Just look behind the fridge if you dare! There might be very many little cockroaches there!

And, what about little Jenny? She lives in London and her cockroaches live in a shoe box under her bed. They are friendly and easy to keep. They can look after themselves. And Jenny doesn't have to take them for walks. They go out on their own every night! What could be better?


considerate rücksichtsvoll

dare – wage (dare/dared/dared)

favourite dishLieblings Gericht
fridge - Kühlschrank
fussy – heikel

in common – gemeinsam
might be – vielleicht sein
nocturnal nachtaktive

rotten – verdorben
sink – Abwasch
unwashed plates – schmutzige Tellern


What do cockroaches eat?
Why don't people like cockroaches?
Why do cockroaches like living behind fridges?
What is the best place to find food in a kitchen?
Why is it not good to leave dirty dishes in the sink?
Who is the fussiest person you know?
When did you last look behind your fridge?

Where do Jenny's cockroaches live?

Monday 9 February 2015

The Alabama and Mr. James Bulloch - A true maritime story from the American Civil War!

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Sea Encounter - by Nigel A. JAMES

Mr. James Bulloch and The Alabama!

It was the American civil War. British companies were legally delivering arms to both the North and the South. It was very good business. But, things were different concerning shipping. Because, legally speaking, there were two kinds of ships. Armed and unarmed. But, because of a treaty between Washington and London, the British were only allowed to provide armed ships to the North, whereas, only unarmed vessels to The South were permitted. And, the rules were rigorously applied and controlled. But, where there's a will there's a way, and some people were expert at bending the rules.

Simply put, many ships that left Britain unarmed arrived fully armed in the South! And, it wasn't difficult. On the way to the south, the ships simply put into foreign ports where the same companies that had built the ships completed their arming! But, of course, The North didn't like this. Too many ships were getting through and they were dangerous. But, there was one ship that nearly didn't succeed. The Alabama.

Nearing completion in a Birkenhead* shipyard, The Alabama caught the eye of the US Northern authorities. They maintained that the ship had been more fitted out than allowed. They then petitioned the British government to impound the ship, but, being Friday, everything had to wait until Monday! But, neither the US Northern authorities, nor the British government had reckoned with a certain Mr. James Bulloch, the Confederate's agent in Britain for the acquiring of shipping! He got wind of events and took immediate action.

And, he was just in time. The very next day, being Saturday, The Alabama, in great festive mood and covered in bunting, and complete with a brass band and ladies in finery, left port for what was described as “sea trials”. However, upon arriving in Holyhead in North Wales, she put the band and the ladies ashore and sped out to sea. And there, evading the USS Tuscarora which had been sent to intercept her, set course for the Azores. There she was fitted out with guns and ammunition which had been delivered by the Birkenhead shipyard that had built her!

And, in the course of her action packed life, The Alabama captured and destroyed 10 union ships in Mid-Atlantic. She sank the USS Hatteras in an amazingly brief 13 minute encounter. And then, on a round-the-world jaunt, she captured 84 merchant ships. But, then she met her match!

She was finally defeated and sunk just off Cherbourg in 1864. Most of the crew and the captain were rescued by cheering spectators, amongst whom being the captain of a British yacht. But, that wasn't the end of the story.

Eventually, the British had to fork-out 15.5 million dollars in gold for compensation. Much damage had been caused by their negligence, and many lives had been lost due to incompetence. A very big bill for a weekend mistake!

    *Birkenhead – Hafenstadt in Nord England

Selected Vocabulary

acquiring - Ankaufen
encounter – Begegnung
evading - ausweichen
fitted out – aus gemustert
got wind of (to get wind of something) – etwas zu erfahren
impound - beschlagnahmen
intercept - abfangen
jaunt - Ausflug
met her match (to meet her match) – gleich gestellte Gegner treffen
put ashore – an Land bringen
put into (port)anlaufen
rigorously – sehr streng
whereas - wo als

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber


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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...