Monday 16 February 2015

Hilde Blashek - It was a long time ago - She and Monika got wet in an Irish storm!

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An Irish Storm - Picture by Nigel A.  JAMES

Storm Clouds Gathering
Hilde Blaschek

It was August 1962. Hilde Blaschek and her best friend Monika Rauscher were on a hiking holiday in the deep south of Ireland and heading for the small town of Cork. And, being the last but one day of their holiday their feelings were jumping between wanting to stay and wanting to go. The weather had been friendly to them, the Irish had been kind to them, and many memories for life had been made and were ready and packed to take home to Vienna. But, then came the cloud!

It started as a speck on the horizon and grew bigger and bigger until it had become dark, frightening, dangerous and enormous. And, there they were, Monika and Hilde, bang in the middle of it all. And then the rain, the lightning, the thunder, and the wind started with force. This was weather at its worst. The two girls had never experienced anything like it. And, the hostel was still a long way-a-way in the distance, and, there was no real shelter!

But, they made it. And, when Hilde and Monika arrived at the hostel they were happy and relieved. They had survived and come in from the storm. And, what better than two evening meals and two comfortable beds. But, then came the second shock of the day. The hostel was full! Everyone, it seemed had wanted a bed for the night. And so, what was going to happen to them?
They were not only cold, but dripping wet as well. But, not to worry. The warden was not only a man with a heart, he was an Angel as well. His hostel was full, but, if they were prepared to sleep on the table then there would be no problem at all. And, so it was, that after a wonderful meal of delicious roast lamb, the table was cleared and made ready for the night. But, it was to be no normal night.

It was the most uncomfortable night that Hilde had ever experienced. When she woke up in the morning she was freezing. The blankets were all in a heap on the floor. But then came the breakfast and her woes and her pains disappeared.

And it was great and it was Irish. Bacon and eggs, black pudding, toast and strong tea. Peter Dunn - (Hilde still remembers his name) - did everything possible to make sure that his two Austrian guests enjoyed a perfect finish to their holiday in Ireland. And, he succeeded! And, on their way home to Austria they thought of their many new friends. And they were happy. And, even now, all these years later, when they think back to their holiday in Ireland, it is still Peter Dunn who comes first to their minds!

Every dark cloud has its silver lining. And, Peter Dunn was much brighter than silver. He was the one who gave them a table to sleep on! And, this the two girls have never forgotten. Their last day in August in the deep south of Ireland!

Selected Vocabulary

all of a sudden - ganz plötzlich
black puddingBlutwurst
dripping wet – total nass
last but one – Vorletzter
lightning – Blitz
relieved - erleichternd
saving graces - rettenden Gnaden
speck on the horizon – kleine Fleck am Horizont
thunder – Donner
warden – Aufseher
woe – Kummer
worse still – noch schlimmer

Saying Goodbye to Ireland - Photo - Hilde Blashek 1962

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber


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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...