Tuesday 17 February 2015

Diariklub - Bruno Hope - Under A Roman Moon - A true story of end-of-war courage and strength!

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On an Italian Lake - by Nigel A. JAMES

Under A Roman Moon – The true story of Bruno Hope

I knew Bruno Hope well. He died last year at the age of 93. And, the following story is a tale of great strength.
It was 1945. Bruno Hope was thankfully walking home across Italy. Life was fantastic. He was happy and young. He had survived the war and his home in Vienna was getting nearer and nearer as every day passed. Things couldn’t be better. Soon he would be drinking his favourite beer, and the schnitzels he loved would be waiting for him on the table. Everything seemed amazingly sweet.
But, then the partisans struck. There was no warning! The firing was dreadful and final. There was no where to run and no where to hide and Bruno fell to the ground. He had been hit. He was seriously injured! And then, with one of his shoulders completely destroyed he passed out. And there, beneath a Roman moon he lay - waiting to die – in a deepening pool of young crimson blood!

And, the doctors fought hard and did a wonderful job. But, his left shoulder and arm had been too badly hit to repair. There was nothing the medics could do. They told Bruno he would never recover. But Bruno knew better. And, he went to work on himself.

He began by lifting the lightest of weights, and then within eighteen months of hard work and exercise his arm returned once again to full strength. He had fought and succeeded!

And that’s how Bruno’s life was. He always got up from his downs, and always took risks. Italy had been a lesson for him, and that's why he always succeeded in all that he did. Luck doesn't come on its own – it's something you make for yourself!

And, that was Bruno's secret of life!


amazingly - erstaunlicherweise
crimson – rot
faintly – schwach
fought -(fight/fought/fought) – kämpfen
hide – verstecken
pass out – (to pass out/passed out/passed out) in Ohnmacht fallen
perils – Gefahren
seemed – schien
strength – Stärke
survive – überleben
tale – Geschickte
war – Krieg
within – innerhalb

Diarikom is sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...