Saturday 12 September 2015

Regular Text (C+) - Denis and Pavlo Linardos - Two men - a tavern - good food - and the best music on earth!


Denis Linardos - by Nigel A. JAMES

Denis and Pavlo Linardos
A Greek Tavern and Wonderful Music!

This summer, I got to know two very nice people. I was on holiday on the Greek isle of Zachintos and staying in a super hotel, the Porto Koukla Beach Hotel. And, this hotel is owned by two brothers, Dennis and Pavlo Linardos. And there, one hot afternoon, whilst talking to Pavlo, I heard an interesting story.

Whilst the two brothers were still very young, their parents opened a taverna which soon became the number one place on the island to eat. The boys' mother was a wonderful cook and her meals were better than the best, and, with their father's very good feeling for very good business, the tavern soon became a tremendous success. But, Denis and Pavlo had to work very hard when they came home from school.

Their jobs in the tavern included everything from serving to cleaning and washing the dishes. But, that's how it was. And, the boys were an important part of the tavern. But, the guests didn't only come for the food, they came for the singing as well. And, the singing was Pavlo. And, his songs were the soul of the island.

And so the story went on, and, when the time came, Pavlo and Denis expanded the business into what it is now, a wonderful hotel. But, the tavern's still there and the guests are still coming. The food hasn't changed, it's still the best that there is. And Pavlo is still a wonderful singer. And, as he sings in his tavern each night, he feels the waves of deep feelings sweeping back from the crowd. And, these are the waves that Pavlo loves most. People enjoy him, and this gives him strength.
But, the waves of his singing have gone far beyond his hotel. And, there is no one in Greece who doesn't know Pavlo.

In 2012, Pavlo was asked by the world famous band Opus to write a Greek version of their song Live is Life. And, of course Pavlo agreed. It was, after all, for the benefit of Greece. And, later that year, Opus flew to Zachintos, and, with Pavlo singing the lead, performed the song in the amphitheatre of Zachintos. And that was the night that all Greece joined in with the fun and the magic of Pavlo's great singing. 2500 people in the amphitheatre, and everyone else watching live on TV.

But, Pavlo will never be the end of the story. His son has the same feelings for music, and, he, too, can be found in the tavern. A new generation is coming. Both Pavlo and Dennis have children, and The Porto Koukla Beach Hotel is set to continue as one of the best on the Greek isle of Zachintos.

So, why not go and find out for yourself? It's a wonderful island, there's something for every one. And, you, too, will have a great time!

VocabularyWortschatz - Szokincs

benefit Vorteil - elony
crowd (audience) Publikum - kihallgatas
expanded (expand/expanded/expanded) ausweiten - kiboviteni
GreeceGriechenland - Görögorszag
isle (island)Insel - sziget
soulSeele - lelek
strengthStärke - erö
success Erfolg - siker
sweeping back zurück kehren visszajönni
tremendousgewaltig - hatalmas
wavesWellen - fonnyaszt
whilst (while)während - közben
More information -

You Tube – Pavlos Linardos

#Porto Koukla Beach Hotel
#Linardos Dennis Pavlo

Diarikom's PodcastA985

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