Friday 9 October 2015

Intermediate Text (B+) Mariana Holzinger - An annual celebration of past and future plans and ideas!


Mariana Holzinger – The Past, Present and Future 

Last week, Mariana Holzinger told me something quite interesting. She told me all about her annual girls' get together which take place every year before Christmas. And, these meetings are evenings of fun for one very good reason. There is always enough to discuss, and the themes are the same every year. But, not quite! These discussions are full of surprises that all began at the end of the year before's party.

Just before going home, everyone writes a list of all that they hope to achieve within the coming twelve months. These lists are then given to Mariana Holzinger to keep for the following year. And, the excitement is not only visible, but very loud too when these lists are read out at the start of each party. And, so every party begins.

And, each party then becomes a celebration of past, present and future. Of who has done this and who has done that and who has been here and who has been there, and so-on, and so-on. And, more often than not, the things that have happened are truly amazing, and the talking and laughing and comparing of stories goes on until late in the night!

And now, with 15 parties behind them, Mariana Holzinger and her friends have discovered that future plans are the complete opposite of new years' resolutions. Plans nearly always succeed, whilst resolutions rarely last longer than days! And, successes are not only good reasons for raising a glass, they give strength for the future as well. And, Mariana Holzinger's annual girl's get-together is not only an evening for sharing the past, but encouraging the future as well.

And, what could be better, Toasting not only the past, but also the present and future as well? Sharing not only gives strength, but is good fun as well. And, Mariana Holzinger's girls' get togethers are always exciting. Everyone has to work hard for a good story to tell. 12 months go very quickly, there's no time for stopping. Mariana Holzinger's party comes once every year, and next year is coming as well.

annual - ein Mal Jährlich
nearly always – fast immer -
sharing – teilen
strength – Stärke


Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...