Monday 9 November 2015

(B+) Gabi Seiler - Sandwich fillings fill more than just bread - they fill pockets as well!


Gabi Seiler

It was just the other day when I bumped into Gabi Seiler. She was not in a hurry, and so she had time to tell me the following story. And, it all took place some ten years ago.

Gabi had just turned 50. Her three children were no longer dependant on her, and Gabi Seiler and her husband Frank were looking forward to many more years of good fun together, and, they had plans. But, then came the shock!

Arriving for work, Gabi Seiler was told she was no longer needed. The company had been reorganized and her position no longer existed. And, another position? 50, Gabi Seiler was told, was too old. She now was redundant, there was nothing she could do. But, Gabi Seiler was still young. She was not afraid of the future.

And, the future came quicker than expected. A very good friend of Gabi Seiler's had a very good friend who too had a very good friend. And, this very good friend had a sandwich bar in a school. And, this sandwich bar was for sale. This friend of a friend of a friend had had enough and wanted to retire. And so, just three days after being made redundant, Gabi Seiler had her very own little business.

But, running a sandwich bar in a school is no easy job. Gabi Seiler's day starts at 4 every morning. There is much to prepare. There are Semmels to cut and fill with fine fillings, there are salads to be made, there are apples to wash, and much more as well. And, Gabi Seiler is exhausted at the end of each day. But, it's her own little business.

Gabi Seiler is now number one, two and three. She has no boss above her, all the money she earns is her own, and her customers are great little people. And, having a sandwich bar in a school means more time as well, and this means more time for fun! Losing her job was the best thing that ever happened to her. Gabi Seiler is now out on her own, and she loves every minute. And, what could be better!

Life's just like a sandwich, it's only as good as its filling!

Vocabulary -

bumped into – begegnet
dependant – abhängig
exhausted – erschöpft
for sale – zu verkaufen
just turned – wurde gerade
no longer – nicht mehr
redundant – arbeitslos
retire – ins Pension gehen

reorganized – umstrukturiert

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