Saturday 14 November 2015

(B+) - Primary Talent - Carnival fun and all the same song!


Primary Talent

Last night, a story came back from the past. It was fun and took place about 8 years ago. And, this is what happened.

My son's primary school in Vienna was holding its annual carnival party. There were games, much food and drink, and a talent show.

And, the talent show was the best part of the day. There were 32 beautifully dressed-up little children taking part. And, they were just a little bit nervous. And, at 3-o-clock the great hall began to fill up. There were parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and lots of good friends as well. And, then the show started.

little Susie came first. Her song was good, she had practised, and she sang it in a nice little school girly way. And, everyone clapped. And then came little Martin from 3b, then Sarah from 2c, then Marlene from 3b, and so on, and so on. It was all very good fun. The children sang very well. But, there was just one little problem. Nearly all of the kids had chosen the very same song. And, after the 14th recital, the show was starting to get just a little bit boring. But, then came Christine.

Her song was different. And, it was great. And, the audience came back to life. But, not for too long. The show then carried on with the same song as before and the boredom came back. And, when the show finally finished, the applause was more of relief than anything else. But, the kids had all done their best, and were happy.

Christina was awarded first prize; her song was really the best. And, the other kids all got a prize for their efforts. And, there were smiles. The children were happy. And - that's what talent shows are - moments of fun that stay with us for ever.

Kids have no problems. They love putting on hats and singing a song. Talents are natural and should be encouraged. And, life is the same! As long as we try there will always be prizes - even if only for making an effort! See you next week at the show!


annual - alljährlich
awarded – (award/awarded/awarded) - verleihen
carnival – Fasching
clapped – (clap/clapped/clapped) - klatschen
dressed-up - dress-up/dressed-up/dressed-up - verkleiden
boredom - Langeweile
boring - langweilig
efforts - Bemühungen
encouraged - (encourage/encouraged/encouraged) fördern
great hall - Großessaal
nearly all – fast Alle
primary school – Volkschulle
recital - Vorsingen
relief - Erleichterung
taking part – (take-part/took-part/taken-part) - teil nehmen
talent show Talent-schau
took place - (take place/took place/taken place) stattfand
very same song – das gleiche Lied

Handgefertigter Weihnachts- und Christbaumschmuck
Frische Adventkränze, Kerzengestecke und Wandschmuck
Hornschmuck, Deko aus Thomas Petz Hornmanufaktur
Hausgemachtes: Weihnachtsbäckerei, ERNA'S Eierlikör,
Marmeladen, Kräutersalz, Feigensenf
Eine Vielfalt an Schals und Tüchern aus Seide,
Wolle, Viskose, Pelz und handbemalt
Kalender, Billetts und original Aquarellbilder
Muranoglas: Engel, Bäume, Kugeln, Ketten, ….
Schmuck in großer Auswahl
NEU: MAJORICA Perlenketten
Und vieles mehr . . . .
Zum Besuch meines Adventmarktes, dessen Erlös wie immer
an hilfsbedürftige Menschen in Rumänien geht, möchte ich
herzlichen einladen
Freitag 20 Nov. 11.00 – 19.00
Sam. 21 Nov. 11.00 – 19.00
Son. 22 Nov. 10.00 – 17.00
1140 Wien – Myrbachgasse 5 - 0664 357 36 59
Hausgemachten Punsch, Kaffee, Tee sowie Snacks servieren
wir gerne gegen eine kleine Spende.


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