Monday 21 December 2015

(B+) - Hatsie Hughes and Her 5 Lucky Cousins - An earthquake that brought people together!

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Hatsie Hughes and Her 5 Lucky Cousins

When disasters come calling they often bring damage and pain. But, not always. They can also bring out the best in the people involved. And, the earthquake that struck Sukouka in Japan in 2006 brought out the very, very best of a young English woman!

Hatsie Hughes remembers the day well. She was working there at the time and was looking forward to lunch. But, lunch never came.

Instead, the earth quaked! 5.5 on the Richter scale. The worse the city could remember! And, Hatsie Hughes kept her head as she made her way home through the wreckage and rubble. And then, not far from home she heard it. A call for help and in English.

Standing and shivering together with nowhere to go was Rodney Franz and five of his friends. They had lost all. Their hostel was in ruins and they were hungry and cold. But, Hatsie was there. And, inviting them back to her place was able to make them feel happy with hot noodle soup and tuna fish salad.

But, Hatsie's new friends had to be more than just friends. There were rules. And, Japanese rules were the strictest of all. The only visitors allowed were relatives. That's all. And, so it was that Hatsie Hughes found 5 cousins more!

And cousins they’ve stayed. And, since then have remained unbelievably close. What happened by chance in 2006 has become something that’s still going on. And, the cousins still meet at least five times a year. It's all meant to be.

Sometimes, the wrong place is the right place - and the wrong time the right time. It's all a question of how things work out. And, sometimes, even disasters have lights in their shadows! And, that day in Japan will never be forgotten by 5 lucky people who luckily became 5 lucky cousins.


earthquake - Erdbeben
exceptions - Ausnahmen
kept her head – Ruhig bleiben
quaked – bebte
relatives - Verwandten
rubble - Schrott
strictest – (strict/stricter/strictest) - streng
struck - heimsuchte

Where was Hatsie Hughes in 2006?
What was Hatsie Hughes doing in 2006?
How strong was the earthquake?
Who did Hatsie Hughes help?
How did Hatsie Hughes help them?
Why did the cousins become cousins?
Do the cousins still meet?


Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...