Saturday, 30 April 2016

(A+) - Alois Negrelli - A great Tyrolean engineer who built the first railway in Switzerland!


Alois Negrelli

Alois Negrelli was a great Tyrolean bridge builder and engineer. His most famous bridges were the Münster bridge in Zurich and the Negrelli viaduct in Prague.
But, railways were his speciality. In 1835, Alois Negrelli planned and built the first railway in Switzerland, The Swiss Northern Railway. It was 35 kilometres long and ran from Zurich to Baden.
Alois Negrelli also helped to plan the Suez canal, but he died before it was built.
Alois Negrelli was born in the Tyrolean village of Fiera di Primiero on the 8thof October, 1799, and died in Vienna on the 1st of October, 1858.


bridge builder - Brückenbauer
built (build/built/built) – baut
died – (die/died/died) - starb
famous – berühmt
railway – Eisenbahn
ran – (run/ran/run) – fuhr
speciality – Fach
Switzerland – die Schweiz
Swiss – schweizerisch
Vienna - Wien
was born - wurde geboren


Where and when was Alois Negrelli born?
What was Alois Negrelli?
Where is the Negrelli viaduct?
What was Alois Negrelli's speciality?
Which railway did Alois Negrelli build?
How long was the Swiss Northern Railway?
What did Alois Negrelli help to plan?
When and where did Alois Negrelli die?

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