Sunday 1 May 2016

(B+) - Denis and Pavlo Linardos - An hotel with a soul - and a welcome - on the Greek isle of Zachintos!


Denis And Pavlo Linardos – The Greek Isle of Zachintos

On the Greek isle of Zachintos is the Porto Koukla Beach Hotel. And, this hotel, which is run by Denis and Pavlo Linardos, is unique. It still has its original tavern.

And, it is here, in this tavern by the sea - and many years ago - that the two brothers started their life in the business. They were still boys at the time, and their parents taught them all that they needed. And, it was then that Pavlo Linardos first played and sang to an audience. And, everyone loved it. And, nothing has changed. Pavlo's music is still just as magical as ever, the food is still the best on the island, and the welcome is still just as warm and inviting. But, magic can't be kept in one place. There is no one in Greece who doesn't know Pavlo Linardos.

In 2012, Pavlo Linardos was asked by the world famous band Opus to write and sing a Greek version of their song Live is Life. And, of course, Pavlo Linardos agreed. It was, after all, for the benefit of Greece. And, later that year, Opus flew to Zachintos, and, with Pavlo Linardos singing the lead, the group performed the song in the amphitheatre of Zachintos. And, that was the night that all Greece joined in with the magic of Pavlo's great singing. 2500 in the amphitheatre and the rest watching live on TV! A night to remember!

And, Pavlo Linardos is still just the same. He still sings in his tavern, but no longer alone, he now sings and performs with his son. Tradition is set to continue. So, if you're looking for magic, just head for Zachintos and the Porto Koukla Beach Hotel. Denis and Pavlo Linardos are waiting for you. You will have nights to remember. And, maybe, we might even meet there! Down by the sea where the turtles go swimming! Have a nice summer!


ago – vorher
agreed (agree/agreed/agreed) – zustimmt
after all – nach dem
benefit – Gunsten
continue (continue/continued/continued) – fortsetzen
isle – Insel
inviting - einladend
magical - zauberhaft
needed (need/needed/needed) - brauchte
performed (perform/performed/performed) - tritt auf
remember (remember/remembered/remembered) – erinnern
taught (teach/taught/taught) - lehrte


On which island is the Porto Koukla Beach Hotel?
Who owns the Porto Koukla Beach Hotel?
Where did Denis and Pavlo learn their business?
Who taught the two boys?
Where did Pavlo first play to an audience?
Where and what did Pavlo Linardos perform in 2012?
Who plays and sings with Pavlo Linardos now?

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