Sunday 31 July 2016

(B) - Blessing and Her Daughters - The Gathering of Ocean Beauty - A subject for memory!

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Blessing and Her Daughters – The Gathering of Beauty

People collect many strange things. But, the lady I met on a beach down in Greece was collecting, perhaps, the most wonderful of all. And, what she was gathering was beauty. Stones as big as her fist! And, watching her carefully picking out her stones made me want to know more, and so I went over to speak. And, Blessing then told me her story.

Each stone is a memory stone, and Blessing collects 4 every year to take home to Brussels. One for each daughter. And, the magic in the stones is very, very strong. But, putting this magic to work requires no magic at all, in fact, all it involves is a very simple process.

All one has to do is to take something to bed that needs to be learned. And then, read it aloud whilst holding the memory stone. And, it works every time! Blessing's 4 daughters get only good marks.

But, there is only one very small snag. The magic of the stones lasts only 12 months, and that's why Blessing has to go down to Greece every summer to look for four new memory stones. But, of course, going down to Greece every year is a wonderful thing, and collecting 4 new memory stones is a wonderful reason to go. And, who knows, maybe we'll meet again on the beach in the summer. For, I, too, have started collecting very strange things. Memory stones. One for me, and one-each for those who are close. And, what do you collect when you go away? See you next year on the beach!


fist - Faust
gathering - sammeln
one-eachJede ein Stück


What was Blessing looking for on the beach?
How many daughters has Blessing?
Where does Blessing live?
How many daughters has Blessing?
Why are the stones magic?
How do the stones work?
How long does the magic of the stones last?
What do you collect whilst on holiday?

NewA9949 – Podcast – Short Stories and More!
Listen and Enjoy!
As of November a new story each day!

Sunday 24 July 2016

(B) - Jimmy McGregor and a Crime that was Waiting to Happen - And - Jimmy McGregor was in the right place!

Jimmy  McGregor and a crime that was waiting to happen!

Edinburgh is not a city that is famous for crime. But, what happened one afternoon a long time ago made Edinburgh rock! Not, as expected with shock, but laughter instead!

Jimmy McGregor had finished work early and was on his way home and walking down George Street. Soon, he'd be home down in Wardie and playing bowls with his friends. It was a fine afternoon and not a cloud in the sky. And, as Jimmy McGregor went on his way, he saw a big heavily armoured security van delivering cash to a bank. And, being inquisitive, Jimmy McGregor slowed down to watch what was happening.

One of the guards – an enormous fellow - having just taken two bags of cash into the bank was returning for more. And, it was all very simple. After knocking three times on a small hatch in the side of the van, the hatch was opened and two more big heavy bags of cash were passed out from inside. The guard then carried them into the bank. And, Jimmy McGregor thought nothing. And, as he got close to the bank and the van full of money he stopped.

The security guard who was delivering the money was obviously inside the bank. Without even thinking, Jimmy McGregor walked up to the security van and knocked three times on the hatch in its side. And, it was opened and out came two very heavy bags full of money. And, Jimmy McGregor – again without thinking – and with a smile on his face - just took them and carried on walking and went round the corner.

But, of course, Jimmy McGregor didn't get far. He was no longer the youngest and the money was heavy. And soon, Jimmy McGregor was being marched off to prison. But, he didn't stay long. After a very short trial, Jimmy McGregor was let off with a warning and a thirty pound fine.

Jimmy McGregor had been rich for five very short minutes, and it had happened on his way home. It was all due to temptation. Have you ever been rich? I haven't! How about a drink at the club? Let's go down to Wardie – maybe we'll bump into Jimmy McGregor, and this time the drinks are on me. Something happened to me on my way home from work!


bowls - Kugelspiele
felonyschweres Verbrechen
let offFreigesprochen
obviously - offensichtlich
security van - Geldtransport
simple einfach
trial - Verfahren
WardieStadtteil von Edinburgh

Edinburgh - photo by Nigel A JAMES


In which city did this story take place?
What was Jimmy McGregor doing in George Street?
In which part of Edinburgh does Jimmy McGregor live?
What does Jimmy McGregor enjoy doing down in Wardie?
How did Jimmy McGregor rob the security van?
Why did Jimmy McGregor rob the security van?
How far did Jimmy McGregor get with the money?
How much was Jimmy McGregor fined?

NewA9949 from Vienna – Podcast – Short stories and more!
Listen and enjoy!!

Friday 15 July 2016

(B+) - Harry Golden - The Golden Years - A story of a man and his paper!


The Golden Years – Harry Golden and the Carolina Israelite

In 1958, when Harry Golden published his book Only in America he was at the top of an incredible success story. His very own paper - The Carolina Israelite. It was monthly, had 16 very packed pages and was as diverse and interesting as its readers. And, Harry Golden wrote it from home and every single word in this very unique publication was his own.

And, Harry Golden's very own story was just as unique as his paper. When he was young in New York he tried many things. He was a porter, a salesman, an editor, a journalist, and many other things as well. In other words, a life which was perfect for getting to know and understand people. And, Harry Golden, being a great reader was also a brilliant writer. And, being a great listener, too, he had all that was needed for success as a newspaper publisher. And, so it was, that after moving to Carolina, Harry Golden founded The Carolina Israelite. A newspaper with something for everyone.

And, The Carolina Israelite was a success. Many people said that Harry Golden's articles - which he called editorials - were like letters from a friend. And, when time came round for the paper - time came round for the family. Reading the The Carolina Israelite together was the highlight of the month for many American families.

But, of course, sooner or later, everyone has to give into age, and in 1968, Harry Golden wrote the last of his editorials and put The Carolina Israelite to bed for the very last time. And there has never been anything like it since. How could there be! Harry Golden was a nonconformist. And, that's how it was, and only in America!


founded – (to found/founded/founded)- to start something
highlight – big occasion/event
listenerone who gives someone else 100% when they are speaking
needed (need/needed/needed) – what is wanted
nonconformist – someone who is an individual/acts individually
paper - newspaper
success – the reaching of a goal
to bed – (to put a paper to bed) – get the paper ready for printing


How often did the Carolina Israelite appear?
Where did Harry Golden spend his youth?
What do you need to be a great writer?
Where did Harry Golden found his newspaper?
What did Harry Golden call his articles?
Where did Harry Golden work?
Was Harry Golden a conformist?
Why was the Carolina Israelite unique?

Tuesday 12 July 2016

The Pendulum of Time - Ancient and modern and ancient again - a discovery

For Full AUDIO/VISUAL page - Please CLICK HERE!

The Pendulum of Time
Michael and Judith Basch

Just last week, I had the very great pleasure of meeting Michael and Judith Basch once again. And, they told of their trip to Mongolia. And, there was very much to see and admire.

There were the vast empty plains that went to horizons, there was the flora with its strength to survive the hardest of winters, there were the rivers that flowed from the mountains, and there was the uniqueness of its wonderful people as well. They understood fully the balance of nature in connection with everyday life. But, this beauty had its dark sides as well.

There were the post-communist ruins of industrial plants, the huge blocks of flats that should never have been, and, and this was the saddest of all, the many ruins of fine Buddhist temples. Communism had had no time for religion. But, then came the surprise!

And, the surprise was in the middle of nowhere and all alone on a plain. It was a beautiful Buddhist temple that miraculously had not been destroyed. And, being open, Michael and Judith Basch entered in. And, there in front of their eyes was the pendulum of time! A grandmother, her daughter, and her daughter's daughter. Three generations. And, what they were doing was not only telling, but moving as well.

The grandmother was carefully wrapping sacred books in fine silk, and, whilst doing so, gently patting each one and saying a prayer. Her daughter was very clearly nervous and wanted to leave. She was still feeling the terribleoppression of times that had gone. But, the granddaughter was doing exactly the same as her grandmother. Gently patting each book and saying a prayer. It was as if communism had never existed. She was living the magic of belief. The pendulum had swung back again.

It was Spring when Michael and Judith Basch visited Mongolia. And, it wasn't only the flowers that were coming out again, the Mongolian soul was blossoming, too. And, that was a wonderful thing.


blossoming – blühen
empty – leer
in connection – in Zusammenhang
oppression – niederdrücken
patting – tätscheln
pendulum - Pendel
plain - Ebene
plant – Anlagen
present – anwesend

survive – überleben
telling - wegweisend
terrible - furchtbar
uniqueness - einzigartig
vast – enor

Sunday 3 July 2016

(B/C) - April in Stein - A book by Robert Streibel -- Not a book - but a monument!

April in Stein

April in Stein

It was the end of the war, April the 6th, 1945. Peace in Europe was beginning to happen. And, in the small Austrian town of Stein the prison doors were opened as wide as could be and the prisoners walked free. And, for these mostly political prisoners, the long waiting was over. They were on their way home. But, many never made it to the end of the street. Instead, most were  shot down by the SS and others. A massacre on an unprecedented scale! And, this terrible event has remained, by-and-large, a white spot on the historical map of the past. But, now things are different. A brand new monument to this terrible event has now been unveiled. Not a monument of stone, but a book. And, its author – the Austrian historian Robert Streibel.

And, this book has been a long time in coming. In the early 1980s, Robert Streibel started on a series of interviews with eyewitnesses to this terrible event. And, Robert Streibel not only spoke to survivors, but others as well. And, April in Stein was the result of these talks.

But, historical events are as they are because of interpretation. And, this is Robert Streibel's strength. In his own very skilful manner, Robert Streibel has cleverly combined hard facts and illustrative fiction in a collection of powerful and deep moving stories. And, all on a personal level. These are pictures of hope, frustration and fear, and of course family tragedy. And, like all monuments to the terrors of the past, April in Stein has no decisive conclusion. It leaves us, instead, with not only the question of why, but also the awareness – or – if you prefer - a reminder of the atrocities of man!

This book is a must! It's no only a brilliant bridge from the past to the present, but a necessary lesson for the future as well. And, this is the message of April in Stein. We do have a chance. We have to look back to the past to correct our thinking of now. But, why the massacre in Stein? Can anyone explain it? The answer is no! But, the biggest question of all, – Why war? Will never be answered, but, April in Stein gives us clues.

A very good book – Thank you Robert Streibel!


atrocities - Gräueltaten
awareness - Bewusstsein
by-and-largeim Großen und Ganzen
decisive - entscheidend
political prisoners Politishe Häftlingen
savagely - gewaltig
strength - Stärke
unprecedented - beispiellos
April in Stein is in German – Author Robert Streibel.

Residenzverlag - ISBN – 978 3 7017 1649 4

New – Short Stories and More
A9949 our PODCAST
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Friday 1 July 2016

(C) - Ill Advised Advisor - A duck and a dandilion - A poem by Henry Wright

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by Henry Wright

“It’s good to eat,” observed the duck,
While seeking grass to munch,
“Whatever could we do instead
When time comes round for lunch?”
The dandelion with mournful look,
Replied a bit put out,
“I see your point, I do indeed,
But I can’t move about”.
The duck was taken by surprise
To hear a flower speak,
The place where one expects a mouth
Were petals but no beak.
“You won’t grow up a healthy duck”,
The weed went on to say,
“Unless you have your vitamins
And minerals each day”.
The duck was piqued to think a plant
As lowly as a weed,
Presumed to give advice to her
On what she ought to feed.
“What use are you?” she cried enraged,
“Stuck always in one spot?
You cannot fly or walk or swim
And talk such tommyrot”.
“I landed here by parachute,”
The weed replied with heat,
“And ever since produced the food
That you should daily eat”.
“Forgive me for my hasty words,”
The duck replied contrite,
“I’ll follow your advice at once
Because I’m sure you’re right.
“I’m sorry we must part this way
Just so I may survive”.
With that she opened wide her beak
And ate the weed alive.



Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...