Monday 26 September 2016

(b) - THOMAS HAGER - A New Life With a Buzz!! - A change in his life was not only good for him, but, the rest of us, too!!

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A9949 - THOMAS HAGER - A New Life and a Buzz!

There are bees on the roof of a school in Vienna. To be exact, the bees are on the roof of the Adult education centre in Hietzing. And, they are there because of a man who went to the country and discovered himself.

Thomas Hager is Viennese. And, a long time ago, he used to be a business advisor in Germany. And, his job was exciting. Thomas Hager travelled a lot, and, in the course of his work, he not only met very many nice people, but had good fun as well. And then, one day, Thomas Hager was called to a farm that needed his business advice. And, off he went. But, Thomas Hager didn't only find a new client, he discovered a new life as well. And there, far away on a farm in the middle of nowhere, Thomas Hager's life started changing. The farmer was a bee-keeper, too.
And, the bees so fascinated Thomas Hager that they more-or-less took over his life. He studied them, learned how to look after them, and found out all about honey and everything else connected with bees. And, then after 10 years of being both bee-keeper and business man, Thomas Hager decided enough was enough. He gave up his job, moved back to Vienna and dedicated his life to his bees! And, now, 16 years later, Thomas Hager has hives all over Austria. And, the hives on the roof of the school in Vienna are his latest. And, of course, from Thomas Hager's bees come very fine products.

And, Thomas Hager's products are truly sensational. They range from all kinds of honey to propolis and many other things, too. And, Thomas Hager's products are extremely good for our health. Honey not only helps with the prevention of serious illnesses, it is a healer as well. In fact, honey has been an essential part of good healing for thousands of years. And, luckily for us, Thomas Hager not only produces these products, he sells them as well. And, his home page is a great place to visit. There, you can not only find all his products, you can order them, too. His site is well worth a visit.

There are hives on the roof of a school in Vienna, and this is good so. Bees are essential. We would be nothing without them. And, because of bee-keepers like Thomas Hager, we not only have wonderful honey, but wonderful gardens as well.

Thomas Hager. A man who went to the country, discovered himself, and brought his bees back to Vienna! And, that's good news for us all!

Please CLICK HERE for Thomas HAGER'S home-page.


a lotviel
cure - cure(s)/cured/cured – heilen
discovered – discover(s)/discovered/discovered – entdeckte
enough was enough genug war genug
healheal(s)/healed/healed - heilen
more-or-lessmehr oder weniger

A Flower in Vienna waiting for a bee!


Where are Thomas Hager's bee hives?
What changed Thomas Hager's life?
Where did Thomas Hager discover himself?
Where is Nieder Saxon?
When did Thomas Hager move back to Vienna?
For how long was Thomas Hager a business man and a bee-keeper?
Why is honey good for our health?
Do you eat enough honey?

Sunday 18 September 2016

(b) - Lucy Abel - She had a weekly trip to the Gasthaus - But, things were much different then!

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Lucy Abel

Last week, Lucy Abel told me a story. And, the story which took place in Vienna before the 2nd World War was a very long story. It happened every Sunday and lasted for years. Lucy was 5 when it started and 10 when it finished. And, Lucy Abel played the main role. And, this story was all about beer. And, beer, as most would agree, tastes better from a cask than a bottle, and a good draught at home is something that just isn't possible. And, so the story began.

Every Sunday, at 11 on the dot, Lucy Abel got ready and went off to the Gasthaus. And there, Lucy Abel bought a large beer to take home to her father. But, this little trip to the Gasthaus was no chore at all. In fact, Lucy very much enjoyed it. For, there in the Gasthaus were all of her friends, and all buying beers for their fathers. Lucy was never alone. It was good fun at the Gasthaus, and, on her way home, Lucy met even more friends. Things were different in those days. The Sunday streets of Vienna were full of nice little children - and all going home with beers for their fathers, and, of course, all very happy! And, the story continued.

Very often, Lucy had to go back to the Gasthaus two or three times. Her father was a very thirsty man. But, going back to the Gasthaus was never a problem. As Lucy explained, the smile on her face became bigger and bigger with each time she went. And, her friends were all smiling, too. Some of the beer, I imagine, disappeared on the way! In those days things were very much different, and, as Lucy Abel would say, very much simpler as well.

Lucy Abel. She went to the Gasthaus on Sundays and enjoyed every minute. And, because she was happy, her father was happy as well. Things were much simpler then.

Cheers to an easier life!

chore - lästige Pflicht
draught – Bier von Fass
forbidden – verboten
lasted – (last(s)/lasted/lasted) – dauerte
main roleHauptrolle
on the dotgenau
trip – Weg


When did this story take place?
Where did this story happen?
Who played the main role in this story?
How old was Lucy when this story started?
Why did Lucy go to the Gasthaus?
How many times did Lucy go to the Gasthaus each week?
On which day did Lucy go the Gasthaus?
Who did Lucy meet at the Gasthaus?

New - Short Stories and More!
Our PODCAST - A9949 - Click HERE to listen and enjoy!

We also have a site with SIMPLE TEXTS - great for beginners!

Monday 12 September 2016

(a/b) The Brighton Needle - A ride that goes to the stars and has a great view as well!

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The Brighton Needle

There's something new on the beach down in Brighton. It's thin, round, and high, and has been put there for fun and it looks like a needle. It's Britain's latest seaside attraction.

The Brighton Needle (as I call it), is 138 metres high and has a cabin of glass that goes up and down, and, when it gets to the top there's a view that's fantastic. In fact, the best in the world. On a clear summer day, the English can see what the French are having for lunch!

And, the needle is popular, too. More than 1600 people go to the top every hour, and, of course, the Needle has its very own restaurant and the food is very, very good.

let's go down to Brighten and go to the top of the Needle! It will be fun. Do the French really eat frog legs for supper? We'll find out tomorrow! See you at 3 on the beach!


beach - Strand
latest – neueste
needle - Nadel
seaside – Küste

Rome as seen from the Brighton Needle!


Where is Brighton?
How high is the Needle?
What can one see on a clear summer day?
How many people can go to the top of the Needle every hour?
Has the Needle a restaurant?
Would you like to go to the top of the Needle?
What do the French eat for supper?

New! Our Podcast A9949 – Short stories and more!
Click HERE for listening fun!

Sunday 11 September 2016

(B) - Hansi and his Party - An evening that was not meant to be!

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Hansi and His Party - An evening that was never to be!
One day, Hansi Seiler, a good friend of mine, decided to move. He'd had enough of the view and fancied a change. And, then, after some looking, Hansi Seiler found a nice flat in a nice part of town, Vienna's 3rd district.

And so, Hansi Seiler moved flat. And, 3 months later decided to have a house-warming party. A select dinner for close drinking friends and his mother. And, the invitations went out.
Now, dinner parties involve organization. Hansi made lists, borrowed chairs from his brother, and the Gasthaus where he went everyday lent him the glasses and plates. And, then the great day arrived.

Hansi got up and went shopping, and his afternoon was spent making salads, peeling potatoes, putting beer and wine in the bath tub to cool, and generally doing what had to be done. And, then at 8 on the dot, we arrived.

But, there was no smell of cooking and no drink to say welcome. Hansi told us to keep our coats on. We were all going out! Why, we all wanted to know!

The reason was simple. The time had arrived for Hansi to put the meat in the oven and the rice on to cook. So far – so good. But, then came the surprise. It was then, 3 months after moving in, that Hansi discovered his stove didn't work. A tragedy?

Not really. Hansi gave the food to his mother to freeze and off we all went to the Gasthaus. And there we stayed and had fun for the rest of the evening. Full circle again! There are places one can't get away from.

But, of course, Hansi bought a new stove and was happy. But, Hansi still hasn't used it. Cooking was never for Him. But, who knows? Celebrations can sometimes come out of the blue, and, maybe, one day, Hansi will need his new stove. But, there will be a difference. Hansi's stove definitely works! But, will he know how? Which knob for this and which knob for that? And, the oven?

The Gasthaus will always be better. We are, after all, creatures of habit!

Hansi Seiler, a man of good heart who moved flat and tried to cook a nice meal. But, never again. The Gasthaus will always be better!

bath tubBadewanne
difference – Unterschied
stove – Herd

Why did Hansi move flat?
Where did Hansi find a new flat?
What do dinner parties involve?
From whom did Hansi borrow some chairs?
Who lent Hansi some glasses and plates?
What was Hansi's very big surprise?
What did Hansi do with the food?
Do you like cooking?

New! Our PODCAST A9949 – Short Stories and More!
Click here to CONNECT! Come, listen and enjoy!

Saturday 3 September 2016

(B) - Where There's a Hammer - There's a Way! Hedi Pröller - A woman who said that action speaks louder than asking!


Hedi Pröller
Where's there's a Hammer - there's a Way!

Action speaks louder than words, and when Hedi Pröller suggested a door from the kitchen into the dining room she was met with surprise. Her husband's reaction was not very nice. The door was no good idea and should be forgotten. There would be the mess, the cost and the house might even fall down whilst knocking a hole through one of its walls. In other words, an idea that no body needed.

But, Hedi not only needed this door, she wanted it, too, and she was determined to get it. And, so without asking her husband, Hedi went out and ordered a blue folding door. Where there's a will there's a way, and ways are mostly a question of time! And, time came quicker than expected.

Hedi's husband had to leave town. Perfect. Hedi and her sister and three of their friends went into action. First came the hole, then came the plaster, and last of all came the door. And, it not only looked great, but worked perfectly, too. And, Hedi's life suddenly changed. Serving hot meals was no longer a chore, in fact, it became very good fun.

And, Hedi's husband? He came home as expected, and, to Hedi's surprise, he didn't even notice the new folding door! And, then, when 3 days later the penny finally dropped, Hedi Pröller's husband's reaction was not as expected. He actually liked the new folding door. Hedi Pröller, her husband agreed, had been right once again. And, to say sorry, he took her to Sacher's for dinner!

And, the mess and the cost? There was none. And, the house was still even standing! Where there's a will there's a way – or - as Hedi Pröller would say - where there's a hammer there will be a door! Action speaks louder than words.

Hedi Pröller, a woman of action who simply just did it and never took no for an answer. If you have a hammer, you'll have a door!

Hedi Pröller – a woman of spirit.


actually – tatsächlich
probably – wahrscheinlich
suggested – (suggest/suggested/suggested) vorschlagt
. . . when the penny finally dropped – . . . als (er) endlich kapiert hat


What did Hedi Pröller's husband say to Hedi's suggestion?
Why did Hedi want the new door?
Which 2 rooms did the new door connect?
Who helped Hedi with the new door?
When did Hedi and her friends make the new door?
Where did Hedi's husband take Hedi to say sorry?
Was the house still standing when Hedi's husband came home?

New– A9949 – The Best of Short Stories and More!
Listen and Enjoy! Click HERE to connect!

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...