Sunday 23 October 2016

(B) - Robert Tigerholm - Changing motivations!

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Robert Tigerholm

Robert Tigerholm is Swedish. And, food is the one thing that motivates him. The promise of a good meal excites him. And, there's nothing better on earth than his grandmother's cooking. Food motivates Robert. But why? The answer is simple. Robert has all that he needs. And, when we have all that we need, the only thing wanting is food! But, food is not only something that every one needs, every one wants it as well. And, that's why food is so powerful. And, food is very versatile, too.

Food is a way into hearts, food is a great way to say thank you, food is a good way of cheering friends up, and, of course, no celebration would be complete without food. But, food is only part of the picture.

Good food needs the right atmosphere. And, the best place for this is a very nice restaurant. And, restaurants cost money. Therefore, money is Robert Tigerholm's second most strongest motivation. Without money, nothing is possible. But, good money needs a good job. And, in order to have a good job, one needs a good education. And, a good education is a life long experience. Our education is the basis of all that we do and reflects who we are. And, Robert Tigerholm started to think. Maybe, as far as motivation goes, education is stronger than food!

Food can get cold and even go off, but education stays with us for ever. But, the question remains. How do we motivate people to learn? You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink! Then, Robert Tigerholm thought once again. Maybe, learning how to motivate others would be a good thing to do. And, with this thought going round in his head, Robert Tigerholm put on his coat and went to his grandmother's. A wonderful meal was waiting for him!


celebration – Feier
cheering friends up – aufheitern
go off (go(es) off/went off/gone off) – verderben
motivates (motivate(s)/motivated/motivated) – motivieren
needs (need(s)/needed/needed) - brauchen
versatile - vielseitig


Why is food Robert's number one motivation?
Why is food such an important part of life?
What does good food need?
What is Robert's second strongest motivation?
Why is money Robert's second strongest motivation?
What can happen to food?
Can education go off and get cold?
What really is Robert's number one motivation?
What is your number one motivation?
What was waiting for Robert at his grandmother's?

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...