Sunday 12 March 2017

(A) - The Aran Islands - Wonderful places to go to!

The Aran Islands

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The Aran Islands lie off the west coast of Ireland. They are Inish Moor, Inish Maan, and Inish Heer.
The islands are famous for three things. Their prehistoric culture, the many small fields with their protective stone walls, and Aran knitwear.
The spoken languages of the islands are English and GallicNowadays, the main industry is tourism. The Aran Islands are wonderful places to visit.

coast – Küste
Gallic – Gallish
Inish – Insel auf Gallish
knitwear – Strichwaren
languages - Sprachen
lie – liegen
nowadays – heutzutage
protective – schützend
stone walls – Steinmauern/Steinwällen

And – now the text once again!


Where are the Aran Islands?
How many islands are there in this group?
What are the islands called?
What does the word Inish mean?
For what are the islands famous?
Have you got an Aran pullover?
What are the spoken languages of the islands?
For what else are the Aran Islands famo

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