Thursday 30 March 2017

(A) - Onions for Life - A great way to live! - And, little Susie loves them as well!

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Onions For Life!

There are many different kinds of onions. There are spring onions, Spanish onions, garlic onions, normal garden onions, and many others, too. And onions are interesting. You can fry them, boil them, grill them, pickle them, and so on.

So, why do people like onions? The answer is easy! They make food more interesting. But, is this always true? Sometimes onions, especially garlic onions destroy the real taste of good food! Onions are very dominating!

But, what about little Susi? She eats onion sandwiches in her break every day! Her parents are onion farmers! Do you like onion sandwiches, too?

And don't forget – an onion a day keeps the doctor away!


boil – kochen
break – Pause
destroy – vernichten
different – verschiedener
dominating – dominierend
farmer – Bauer
food – Essen
fry - braten
garlic onions - Knoblauch
grill – grillen
like – mögen
parents – Eltern
pickle – pickle
spring onions - Jungzwiebel
taste – Geschmack
what about – was es mit . …

Questions and Points!

Why does the smell of onions frying make you hungry?
Why are onions good for salad?
Why don't onions make food interesting?
Why do onions destroy the taste of good food?
Why do you like onions?
Why do hot dogs taste better with onions?
Why do hamburgers taste better with onions?
Why are onions good for us?

And now the text once again.

Natasha making onion soup!

Thank you for listening!

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...