Sunday 28 May 2017

(B) - The Village of Tilaj - Paradise Found - Again the sound of young laughter!

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Tilaj - Paradise Found

The sleepy little village of Tilaj lies in the uplands of Hungary, and I've known it for many long years. And, during this time, I've seen very much change. But, sadly not for the best. I've seen the on-going decline and  increase of silence as house after house fell prey to nettles and weeds. There was decay wherever you looked. Tilaj, I believed, was fast becoming an historical fact!

But, I was thankfully wrong. It was three years ago. I was at the annual Tilaj summer festival. And, although the festival was the same as all others before, this time there was more. There were more children. Life had started to come back again to Tilaj.
And, being an Hungarian party, there was food and drink to be had. This was a wonderful day. And, from a nearby town, the dancers in their traditional costumes all performed amazingly well. But, the stars of the show were the new children of Tilaj. Their dancing was made up of childish disorder with some of the kids dancing this way, and some dancing that way. And, this was the fun of the day - and all to the sound of a band which sounded much happier than ever before. At last there were children, and not just a few.

And,  the nettles and weeds had become fewer and fewer, and paint and young colour had come back to some of the houses. And, the best sign of all – a bus stop was under construction. Meaning, of course, there was movement. People were coming and going. But, the most wonderful thing of all was the sound and laughter of children being children. Children are life.

Tilaj is a village in Hungary. And, it was there I experienced something quiet nice. The sound and laughter of children. Paradise had come back again to Tilaj. Where there are children there's hope.

Tilaj - Paradise Found

Wednesday 24 May 2017

(b/c) The Toorington Bells - Steven Jordan - A very wet end of his bullying life!

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The Toorington Bells – Steven Jordan And A Very Wet Landing

Steven Jordan used to be the school bully. And, he got his comeuppance one afternoon in the afternoon break. It had just finished raining and the children were outside in the playground and having lots of good fun. And there, standing by an enormous puddle at the edge of the playing field was Robin Hall, a very small boy. Just right for a bullying attack. And, Steven Jordan went into action. This was going to be fun.
But, Robin Hall wasn't stupid. He saw Steven Jordan approaching at speed and quite rightly guessed his bully-boy intentions. And, at just the right moment, Robin Hall dodged out of the way and Steven Jordan went flying through nothing and into the puddle. And, everyone laughed. That is to say, everyone except Steven Jordan. He was dirty and wet. He had just met his match. And, that was the end of his bullying career.

And, from that moment on, Steven Jordan never again did anything wrong. He'd been beaten by a much smaller boy. And, that's how life is. Small can be clever and strong and big can be clumsy and daft.
Steven Jordan used to be the school bully. And, he got his comeuppance at the edge of a very big puddle. He tried to push someone in, but ended up getting wet and dirty himself. Not only an embarrassing end of his time as school bully, but a moment of fun for everyone else.

The Toorington Bells – Steven Jordan And A Very Wet Landing

Sunday 21 May 2017

(B) - Tommy and Magda - Encounters of a Higher Kind - meeting new truths!

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Tommy and Magda – Encounters of a Higher Kind

Some encounters are really amazing. And, what happened to Tommy and Magda was an experience they have never forgotten. It was 2008.

Tommy and Magda were on holiday in Mexico. And, one day they made friends with a German. He was a guide. And, the very next day, Magda and Tommy set out with a group on a trip to the highlands and a place that was not of this world.

And, when they reached the coolness of the plains they found it. A hut. And, waiting for them was a very old woman. A shaman.

And, the hut had a powerful feeling of peace. Magda and Tommy felt wonderfully good. And, there on the table was a bowl. A bowl full of oil. And, in the oil were 6 chicken eggs. One for each guest. And, then the old woman began.

Holding an egg, the old woman gave Tommy a massage; carefully applying the egg all over his body. And, whilst doing so, she sang a song in a distant voice from a far away time. And, Tommy felt drowsy and floated into another dimension. And, this lasted for more than 10 minutes. And, then the shaman whispered Tommy his most innermost secrets and thoughts. Tommy was speechless. The old lady had spoken the truth. And, then the old lady did the same for everyone else, a massage with an egg and a song. And, everyone experienced the same.

There are things we can't understand. We have to accept them. And, this was the day that Tommy and Magda opened their hearts to the idea that things can be different.

Tommy and Magda made friends with a German and he showed them a wonderful place that was not of this world. And, this they have never forgotten. A massage with an egg and the telling of innermost secrets. Some encounters are really amazing.

Tommy and Magda - Encounters of a Higher Kind


experiencederlebte (experience/experienced/experienced)
floated - schwebte (float/floated/floated)
lasteddauerte (last/lasted/lasted)
thoughts - Gedanken
whisperedflüsterte (whisper/whispered/whispered)


What were Tommy and Magda doing in Mexico?
Was the guide French?
Where did the guide take the group?
Where was the hut?
Who was waiting for them at the hut?
What was the woman?
What were the eggs for?

Diariworld – Our weekly general interest magazine is

Karli Breber is a friend of Diarikom!




Saturday 20 May 2017

(C) - Alexandra Lanz - The odds were against her - but - she came through. A story to think on!

For full AUDIO/VISUAL text - please CLICK HERE 

Alexandra Lanz – Being Alive!

Alexandra Lanz is unique. She's young, she's a mother, she's a surgeon, and, above all else, she's alive! And, being the way that she is, is the one thing about her that's special! For her way to where she is now is something that few have encountered.

When Alexandra Lanz was 14 years old, she experienced a trauma that stopped her life in its tracks. After collapsing at school, she was taken to hospital with a suspected liver complaint.

She was to stay there for the next five years.

Her stay in hospital was a period of suffering and despair. It was all about tests and more tests and pain and more pain, and time that never moved forward. And, worst of all, Alexandra Lanz's youth, her best time of all, was draining away and there was nothing she could do. But, she had hope.

And, it was this hope that gave Alexandra Lanz the strength she needed to believe. And, she knew she would be better again one day. And, true enough, her health did return. But, first came the transplant.

After many long days of waiting and debating, Alexandra Lanz was finally given a new life. Her liver-transplant was a perfect success, and, from that moment on, her life began to come back. But, it was during her operation that Alexandra Lanz experienced something unique.

It was an out-of-body experience. She was floating calmly above herself and watching the work the surgeons were doing. And, this out-of-body experience was the most wonderful thing she had ever experienced; and Alexandra Lanz knew that the worst was behind her; her hope had not been in vain. Alexandra Lanz knew that her life was beginning again.
And, coming back to life meant other challenges, too. And, the first was the finishing of her school education. She had lots to catch up on, and without it, Alexandra Lanz would never have become the surgeon she is. But, there was one more miracle waiting for her.
Alexandra Lanz was told that becoming a mother would never work out. And, again Alexandra Lanz never lost hope. And, this was good so and the impossible happened. Alexandra Lanz became the first ever woman with a transplanted liver to give birth to a child. Alexandra Lanz is not only a woman of history, but an example for others to follow as well.

Alexandra Lanz discovered that there is not only a life after life, but also, and more importantly, a life before death. And now, with husband and two healthy young boys she is living every minute.
Alexandra Lanz. She went to the brink and lost a few years, but came back again with more strength than ever. Dreams can sometimes come true, but faith can even move mountains. Alexandra Lanz – a woman of faith and great courage.


above all else – vor Allem
better – wieder Gesund
brink -
catch up – (catch up/caught up/caught up) - nachholen
challenges – Herausforderungen
despair - verzweifeln
encountered – (encounter/encountered/encountered) – begegnet
experienced – (experience/experienced/experienced) – erlebte
hope – Hoffnung
in vain – umsonst
meant – (mean/meant/meant) – bedeutet
miracle – Wunder
suspected liver complaint – Mögliche Leberleiden
suffering – leiden
unique – selten
worst – bad/worse/worst


How old was Alexandra when she collapsed at school?
For how long did Alexandra stay in hospital?
What was Alexandra's stay in hospital?
What kind of operation did Alexandra have in hospital?
What did Alexandra experience while she was having her operation?
Why is Alexandra a woman of history?

Why is hope so important?

Monday 15 May 2017

(A) Ildiko Palur - Born and grew up in the east - but travels the world

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Ildiko Palur is Hungarian. She was born and grew up in a very small town called Erd. Now, she lives and works in Budapest.

Ildiko Palur is an actress. She has played in many good films. Ildiko Palur also works on the radio, she has a wonderful voice.

As well as her mother tongue, Ildiko Palur speaks German and English. And, Ildiko Palur loves travelling. This year she is going to Florida. Ildiko Palur is a very nice lady!


as well as – so wie auch
actress – Schauspielerin
actor – Schauspieler
grew up (to grow up/ grew up/grown up) - aufwachsen
Hungarian – ungarisch
mother tongue – Muttersprache
voice – Stimme
was born – wurde geboren


Where was Ildiko Palur born?
Where does she live now?
What is Ildiko's mother tongue?
What is your mother tongue?
How many languages does Ildiko speak?
Where does Ildiko work?
Where is Ildiko going this year?

Sunday 14 May 2017

(B) - A Taste of Sun and Good Fun - Food that has gone to the north - Agnette Lündström and Magda Kasal

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A Taste of Sun and Good Fun - Agnette Lündström and Magda Kasal

There is now a new taste of Hungary in Sweden. A taste of sun and good fun. And, it all started down by the lake on a fine summer day.

Agnette Lündström of Stockholm was visiting her good friend Magda Kasal in Hungary. And, because it was hot, the two girls spent most of their time at Lake Balaton. A lake that Hungarians love. And, Lake Balaton is not only good for swimming and sun, it's great for eating as well. The choice is enormous. But, the number one on the list for summertime nashing is Langos. An Hungarian creation that's made out of dough, then deeply fried, and finally served with garlic or cheese. And, Agnette Lündström was so enthusiastic for this Hungarian delight that she took it back home to Stockholm. And, three years later, Magda Kasal got a surprise.

Visiting Agnette Lündström in Stockholm, Magda Kasal couldn't believe what she saw. A Langos stand down by the sea and not far from Stockholm. And, there was more. Within this short space of time, Agnette Lündström had built up a chain of sixteen popular langos stands. And, she was set to open one or two more.
And, there's a truth in this story. Food travels better than anything else. People love food from all over the world. And, Hungarian food is something quite special.

There's is a new taste of Hungary in Sweden. A taste of sun and good fun. And, what started down by the lake on a fine summer day has now become part of a Swedish day out to the beach. It's food that not only connects us, but makes life good fun as well.

A Taste of Sun and Good Fun - Agnette Lündström and Magda Kasal


dough – Brotteich
chain – Kette
choice - Auswahl
enthusiastic – begeistert
everywhere else – sonst überall
garlic - Knoblauch
nashing - naschen

New on A9949
Diariworld – A weekly magazine of interesting short stories and more!

Sunday 7 May 2017

(B) - Traude Mooshammer - Delicious food for thinking together - Eating connects in a very big way!

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Traude Mooshammer – Delicious Food for Thinking Together

Nowadays, integration is a word that is used all the time. Integration, it is believed, is the great equalizer. We should all be the same. All very simple. But how? The answer is simple.

And, the answer, as Traudi Mooshammer discovered, is indeed very easy. Integration is all about sharing, And, the best way of sharing is cooking and eating together. And, Traudi Mooshammer's Viennese cooking workshops have become very successful. Good food connects!

But, Traudi Mooshammer's workshops are more than just eating and drinking and fun, there's also a lot of hard work. And, everyone has to join in. There's the preparation of food, the laying of the table, the clearing away, and, of course, the washing-up, too. But, there's an another dimension as well. Education.

In her workshops, Traude Mooshammer not only combines delicious good fun with the learning of appropriate vocabulary, but provides an insight into Austrian meal time culture as well. Perfect for every day life.

Traude Mooshammer is bringing cultures together in the best way of all. Cooking and eating. And, what could be better? Integration is very important. But, what could be nicer than a sizzling hot schnitzel? And, Traude's Viennese schnitzels are the best in the world!

Traude Mooshammer – Delicious Food for Thinking Together


clearing away - wegräumen
connects - verbindet
delicious - schmackhaft
equalizer - Ausgleicher
insight - Einblick
laying the table - Tischdecken
preparation - Vorbereitung
sharing - teilen
washing-up - Abwaschen

(A) - Man Ray - An American in Paris with not only a camera, but original thinking as well.

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Man RayPlease  click here for full page - Audio following shortly!

Man Ray was an American artist, film-maker, art-photographer, and photographer. But, it was for his art-photographic compositions which he called Rayograms that he became famous.

And, in 1916, Man Ray became a leading figure in the Dada movementin New York. Dada was an art movement which was founded in Zurich in 1916. In 1921, Man Ray moved to Paris. There he continued to be part of the Dada movement.

Man Ray was born in 1890 and died in 1966.


artist - Künstler
composition - Komposition
famous – berühmt
leading figure – führende Persönlichkeit
movement - Bewegung
founded – (found/founded/founded) - gegründet
moved – übersiedelt


What was Man Ray?
For what did Man Ray become famous?
In which movement was Man Ray a leading figure?
To where did Man Ray move in 1921?
What was Dada?
Where was Dada founded?
When did Man Ray die?

Karli Breber is a Friend of Diarikom




Saturday 6 May 2017

(B/C) - The Stars of the Reds! Plattenbaus - Blocks of flats that are still a very strong reminder of the past!

Please  click here for full page - Audio following shortly!

The red stars and statues of Lenin and Stalin may have gone from the face of the old Soviet block, but there is still one reminder that takes us straight back to the heart of the Communist era. And, this is the plattenbaus. They are still to be seen all over the once eastern block.

Built as of the 1950s, these enormous blocks of flats made of concrete slabs were not only designed to make everyone equal in true Leninist style, but also to counter the homelessness caused by the war. And, they were, to a certain extent, successful. Each apartment came with its own WC, bathroom, simple kitchen, hot and cold running water and heating. But, despite these advantages, the plattenbaus were not very popular.

With their grim characterless oneness, they offered very little privacy. The walls were so thin that everyone was able to hear what everyone else was saying and doing. And, on fine summer days, with windows wide open, everyone knew what everyone else was having for lunch. The air was alive with a cocktail of kitchen smells, babies crying, children screaming, loud music and talking and squabbling! The smell of cabbage cooking carries a very long way! But, there was something else, too.

The plattenbaus were all part of a big social plan. Points were needed in order to get an apartment, and the biggest scorers were children. Meaning, the more children you had, the better your chances. But, unfortunately, big families were not always easy, and, quite often it was the peace of living that suffered. But, that's how things were. And, of course, with children came life!

And life always manages to find its own course. And, because plattenbaus were always built on huge estates on the edges of towns, there was always a long way to go to the nearest shops and facilities. And, so it was, that these estates became the ideal places for small businesses and services. There were, and still are, in and amongst the plattenbaus, many small shops such as hairdressers, small grocery stores and even sometimes friendly bars. And, each estate was provided with a kindergarten, playground and school.

And, of course, there are similar constructions in the rest of Europe, too. Apartment blocks built out of concrete slabs are not unusual. But, wherever you go in the “west”, you will never find anything like the plattenbaus of the old “former east”. The character of these buildings is their style, and style is a thing that's unique. And, when it comes to comfort, the plattenbaus have just as much chance as everything else. In your own four walls you can do what you like. Nice living is nothing other than taste!

And, of course, life in the plattenbaus is the same as every where else. There are close friendships and neighbourly contacts, and the not so good, too. Its all human nature. And, the future?

The plattenbaus are undergoing a renaissance! With generous help from the European Union, these buildings are being brought up to date with insulation and new coats of paint. These once grim estates are now looking better than ever and have become places that are nice to go home to!

And so, what started as a solution has now become a goal in itself. Many young people are now finding their first homes in these flats, and, for the elderly, they are perfect. A good home is important and a plattenbau can be just as good as anything else! And, sometimes, even much better!

The Red Star of then is still brightly shining, and is set to continue for ever!


certain extent – gewissermaßen
concrete slabs - Betonplatten
counter (to counter/countered/countered) - entgegnen

eastern block – Ostblock
enormous - riesig
estate – Siedlung

grim – grimmig u. trostlos
homelessness – Obdachlosigkeit
huge – riesig

insulation – Isolierung
once - einmal
oneness – Geschlossenheit

plattenbau - Wohnhaus aus Betonplatten
reminder – Erinnerung
squabbling – Gezänk
undergoing (to undergo/underwent/undergone) - unterziehen

Monday 1 May 2017

(B) - Mayday - Things have become much quieter of late!

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Some Mayday Thoughts -  

Where were the people? Where was the marching and drumming? And, where were the flags? They were nowhere! There was only the stillness of morning. Things have seriously changed.

When I first came to Vienna, and that was many years ago, Mayday was still very important. It was the one day in the year when workers celebrated their values and beliefs, and it was always a wonderful day.
From far and near, workers and their families would march in to the centre of town, and there they would parade, celebrate and be cheerful. They had rebuilt, they had succeeded and the future was theirs.

But now things are different. The generations of those days have become old and moved on, and, the workers of now are not those who worked hard for our wonderful present. Mayday has lost its importance! A cloud of indifference has settled over this day. This once proud political occasion has simply become just another day off. Things have become easy and we have forgotten.

A long time ago, many hard working people gave everything for all we have now. And, this is the meaning of Mayday.

Mayday should never disappear.


cloud – Wolke
indifference – Gleichgültigkeit
proud – stolz

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...