Monday, 15 May 2017

(A) Ildiko Palur - Born and grew up in the east - but travels the world

For full audio/visual page - please click here

Ildiko Palur is Hungarian. She was born and grew up in a very small town called Erd. Now, she lives and works in Budapest.

Ildiko Palur is an actress. She has played in many good films. Ildiko Palur also works on the radio, she has a wonderful voice.

As well as her mother tongue, Ildiko Palur speaks German and English. And, Ildiko Palur loves travelling. This year she is going to Florida. Ildiko Palur is a very nice lady!


as well as – so wie auch
actress – Schauspielerin
actor – Schauspieler
grew up (to grow up/ grew up/grown up) - aufwachsen
Hungarian – ungarisch
mother tongue – Muttersprache
voice – Stimme
was born – wurde geboren


Where was Ildiko Palur born?
Where does she live now?
What is Ildiko's mother tongue?
What is your mother tongue?
How many languages does Ildiko speak?
Where does Ildiko work?
Where is Ildiko going this year?

Irmi Knoblauch - Bad Luck Comes in Threes

It had snowed in the night. Just perfect for skiing.  Irmi Knoblauch, her husband Franz, and their daughter Martina were set to enjoy a day ...