Wednesday 13 September 2017

(A) The Flying Dutchman - A ship full of ghosts that can never stop moving!

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The Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman is a ghost ship that sails the seven seas. The ship is ghostly white, and, if hailed, its crew try to send messages to land or to people who are already dead. The Flying Dutchman can never make port. She is set to sail for ever. Sailors believe it is bad luck to see the Flying Dutchman!

The Flying Dutchman, a ghost ship that sails the seven seas.

bad luck - Pech
believe – glauben
crew - Mannschaft
ghost ship - Geistesschiff
sail(s) - (to sail/sailed/sailed) segelt
try - (to try/tried/tried) - versuchen
hailed - (to hail/hailed/hailed) – rufen
make port (to make port/made port/made port) – ein Hafen anlaufen
messages (message) – Nachrichten - Botschaft
set to - bestimmt


What is the Flying Dutchman?
How would you describe the Flying Dutchman?
What can the Flying Dutchman never do?
What is the Flying Dutchman set to do?
Why do sailors believe that it is good luck to see the Flying Dutchman?
What does the crew of the Flying Dutchman try to do when hailed?
Why would you like to see the Flying Dutchman?

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I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...