Saturday 9 September 2017

(B) - Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer - A lady who turned housework into moments of fun! And - maybe - it's something for you!

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Household Happiness - Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer

Once upon a time, Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer used to suffer from housework! She found it brain killingly tedious, monotonous and non-challenging. It was always the same. The washing up was boringly bubbly and was only good fun when something fell on the floor and broke. And the dusting, the worst chore of all, was a permanent fight against nature. And the ironing? Funnily enough, Gerda enjoyed it. She could do it whilst watching TV. But, otherwise, housework was dreadful and dull. But, then something changed for the better.

One day, Gerda and her husband were going out for dinner, and Gerda was wearing her brand new red dress. And she looked and felt like a brand new woman. She had become different. And, then a light came on in her head! If she could become a different person for going out to dinner, then, maybe, she could become a different person for housework as well! And, the very next day she began.

To begin with, Gerda changed her identity. Her name, just for housework of course, became Sally, and Sally wore only the best. Sally was a very proud cleaner. And so, there was Gerda in her very best clothes being Sally. And it was Sally that started to work.

And it was fun! Sally loved her work, and, being keen, was very quick and did a wonderful job. And now, thanks to Sally, Gerda's flat has never looked better.

And, who does the cooking? Gerda, of course. Cooking and entertaining have always been important for Gerda, and she's an excellent cook. And, now, thanks to Sally, having guest over for dinner has become more fun as well. After all, there is no more cleaning and washing up to be done. Sally does all!

So, if you're suffering from the humdrum life of monotonous housework, why not take a leaf out of Gerda’s book? Invent yourself  anew, and, you, too could soon be dancing around with a duster in one hand and a broom in the other! What could be better? And another thing, relaxing has become more enjoyable, too!

Once upon a time, Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer used to suffer from housework - now - that's a thing of the past.

 Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer - She turned housework into moments of fun.

anew – von neuem
boringly – langweilig
bubbly – schaumig.
chore – lästige Pflicht (Hausarbeit)
dreary – langweilig
dusting – Stauben

entertaining - Gäste haben
humdrum – langweilig
ironing – bügeln

monotonous – eintönig
necessary- notwendig
occasional – gelegentlich
take a leaf out of Gerda’s book – dass selber machen
tedious – langweilig

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...