Sunday 6 May 2018

(B) - Cottons and Threads and Beautiful Flowers - A true story of art!

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Feeny Vee

Cottons and Threads and Beautiful Flowers

Feeny Vee lives in the sleepy little village of Toorington, and she is very well known. Feeny Vee is an artist. That is to say, her hobby is art. And, everyone knows Feeny Vee's work. Her art is not only unusual, but also unique.

Feeny Vee is what's known as a patchwork artist. Her materials are cottons and threads, and flowery material. And, from these simple ingredients come wonderful works of great beauty.

To begin with, Feeny Vee goes looking for suitable pieces of cloth. Her favourite hunting grounds are bring-and-buy sales, jumble sales, and shops that sell second-hand clothes. And, Feeny Vee always strikes lucky. She always finds what she wants. And, home Feeny Vee goes with a wonderful piece of flowery material.

And, then comes the act of creation. Feeny Vee cuts up her newly found piece of flowery material into lots of small patches. And, then, sews them together again in no real order. A random creation. A piece of great art that's made for amazement.

But, however fantastic Feeny Vee's pictures maybe, there's always the question. Why does Feeny Vee bother? Her pictures, after all, when finished, all look exactly the same as the material did before she cut out the shapes. The answer, of course, is Feeny Vee's secret. And, as everyone knows, art is a question of taste.

And, Feeny Vee's living room walls are the natural home for her wonderful works. And, Mike, Feeny Vee's husband, does all the framing and hanging. And, there, on the flowery living room walls, Feeny Vee's pictures all disappear. Flowers against flowers. They all look the same. Maybe, Feeny Vee should look for new patterns. But, Feeny Vee is a lady of flowers. She once was a hippy.

Feeny Vee is a lady of art. But, whilst visiting for tea, you may be forgiven for believing she has no pictures at all. Flowers against flowers and colours against colours. All very still very still lives.

Feeny Vee - Cottons and Threads and Beautiful Flowers

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...