Wednesday 1 May 2019

(B) - The Loser Takes All - The positive side of a very big loss!

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Picture - Celebrating a Loss - by Nigel A. JAMES

The Loser Takes All!

The Loser Takes All!

I could safely assume you have more than you need. And, I'm also quite sure you're happy with all your unneeded possessions. And, probably, you don't even know what you have. So, what would you do if you were to lose all?

Some years ago, Rebecca P. Anne and Hatsy her daughter arrived home from a trip to the east. They'd had a wonderful time. A perfect holiday. But, you can imagine their shock when their taxi pulled up in front of their house. Their house was no longer there! It had burned down whilst they were away. Remains were all that were left.

Rebecca kept a cool head. Finding beds for the night was no problem at-all. The neighbours willingly helped. And, the realities of rebuilding were nothing more than formalities. Insurance, building companies, and so on. And temporary accommodation? Rebecca borrowed a caravan. 3 months of camping. Actually fun. And, their possessions?

Rebecca and Hatsy had no problem with clothes. Their old ones no longer fitted, and, in any case, fashions had change. And their books, pictures, curtains, and furniture? Again, no trouble at all. Books are things one mostly only reads once, and the pictures were tastes that had never been theirs - all presents from well meaning friends and relations. But, the photos were painful. They were Rebecca's path to her past. But, there was a solution. After lots of contacting relatives and friends, Rebecca soon had a new set of photos. And, strange to relate, they were, in most case, much better than those she had lost. Rebecca was in most of the pictures. In the photos she'd lost, she was the one who was taking the picture.

But, of course, losing all that one has does have its unpleasant moments. On many occasions, Rebecca thought about using something or other. Then she remembered. It, too, had been lost in the fire. But, these moments have now become a thing of the past.

So, all-in-all, losing all that one has isn't so bad. It's a chance to start once again. And, Rebecca? I'm sure you won't be surprised. Rebecca, again, has much more than she needs. Books, pictures, clothes, shoes, and plants seem to come on their own. That's how life is. And, just like before, Rebecca hasn't the faintest idea what she's actually got! And, that's totally normal. Rebecca and Hatsy went to the east and lost all. Now, they have more and much better than ever. The loser takes all! Losing can sometimes be fun.


absence – Abwesenheit
all-in-all – alles in allem
caravan - Wohnwagen
likely - wahrscheinlich
painful – schmerzhaft
possessions – Besitztum
pulled up – blieb stehen
pungent – scharf (negative)
she's – she has

they'd – they had


Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...