Monday, 20 December 2021

A Top Secret Christmas Pulli


The idea arrived just as summer was ending. It was brilliant. A pullover. Brigitte would knit a pullover for Hannes. A happy Christmas pulli just fit for her husband. And so, with just over 3 months till Christmas, this top secret pulli began to take shape.

And, keeping this secret a secret was no problem at all. This pulli for Hannes became a lunch time and coffee break project. An office production. And, it worked. Brigitte finished her knitting 10 days before Christmas. Perfect. All that was left was the wrapping it up in fine Christmas paper and the taking it home to put under the tree. And, taking it home was no problem at all. Brigitte had 4 hands not 2!

Every day after school, Kiara, Brigitte's daughter would come to the office. Then, just after 5, they would go home together. Mother and daughter. And, the day before Christmas was no different at all. That is to say, the shopping was all that was different. There was more.

And, there was more because it was Christmas. Brigitte had been Christmas shopping. All very last minute and all very heavy. And so, two heavy bags for Brigitte to carry and one light one for Kiara. Pullovers don't weigh very much and Kiara was still only 10.

Brigitte and Kiara were happy as they walked home from the station. Christmas had finally come. They talked about things that still had to be done. The tree, the decorations, the Christmas bakery, the presents, and so on and so on. And Hannes, of course, would be thrilled with his pulli. 

The pulli! 

Where was the pulli?

Kiara went white in the face. She felt sick. She was speechless. She could neither laugh nor could she cry. Kiara and her mother just stared at each other. The pulli was still on the train. 


There was nothing they could do.

Anger was out of the question. Things happen. Very quickly, Brigtte knitted a new mini version of Hannes's pulli and put it on the tree. The message was clear. Next year. And, Hannes was happy. He understood. And, Brigitte was happy that Hannes was happy, and Kiara was happy as well. And, together, they all had a very happy Christmas.

And, the pulli? It arrived the following Christmas as the label had promised. But, the pulli was not on its own. It arrived with a scarf. A scarf Kiara had knitted. All's well that ends well. 

A very happy Christmas to you!

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