Saturday 30 April 2016

(A+) - Alois Negrelli - A great Tyrolean engineer who built the first railway in Switzerland!


Alois Negrelli

Alois Negrelli was a great Tyrolean bridge builder and engineer. His most famous bridges were the Münster bridge in Zurich and the Negrelli viaduct in Prague.
But, railways were his speciality. In 1835, Alois Negrelli planned and built the first railway in Switzerland, The Swiss Northern Railway. It was 35 kilometres long and ran from Zurich to Baden.
Alois Negrelli also helped to plan the Suez canal, but he died before it was built.
Alois Negrelli was born in the Tyrolean village of Fiera di Primiero on the 8thof October, 1799, and died in Vienna on the 1st of October, 1858.


bridge builder - Brückenbauer
built (build/built/built) – baut
died – (die/died/died) - starb
famous – berühmt
railway – Eisenbahn
ran – (run/ran/run) – fuhr
speciality – Fach
Switzerland – die Schweiz
Swiss – schweizerisch
Vienna - Wien
was born - wurde geboren


Where and when was Alois Negrelli born?
What was Alois Negrelli?
Where is the Negrelli viaduct?
What was Alois Negrelli's speciality?
Which railway did Alois Negrelli build?
How long was the Swiss Northern Railway?
What did Alois Negrelli help to plan?
When and where did Alois Negrelli die?

Thank You Friends - Karli Brieber - Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone and Aber House in Wales!

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Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
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Monday 25 April 2016

(A) - The Trevi Fountain in Rome - Three coins and a very happy marriage!

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The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain in Rome is the most famous fountain in the world. It is 26 metres high and was built in 1762.
The films La Dolce Vita and Three Coins in the Fountain made the Trevi Fountain famous and a popular sight to visit.
Tradition says you will have a happy marriage if you throw three coins in the fountain. So, next time you go to Rome, take three coins in your pocket. They will bring you luck!


throw (throw/threw/thrown) – werfen
was builtwurde gebaut


Is the Trevi Fountain the most famous fountain in the world?
Is the Trevi Fountain in Paris?
How high is the Trevi Fountain?
When was the Trevi Fountain built?
Which two (2) films made the Trevi Fountain famous?
Will you have a happy marriage if you throw two coins in the fountain?
What must you take in your pocket when you next go to Rome?

Saturday 23 April 2016

(B+) - Coming Home from Wednesday - Friends will always be friends!


Coming Home from Wednesday
Crispin Muvaro and Steven Chikono
Crispin Muvaro was coming home from a very hard Wednesday when Steven Chikono walked into his mind. And, Crispin Muvaro was moved. He hadn't seen his old friend for a very long time.

Crispin Muvaro and Steven Chikono had been best friends at school in Harare. And then, after their school days had ended they went their separate ways. Crispin Muvaro became a diplomat, and Steven Chikono became a young Catholic Priest. Two very good friends - and both very different. And then, after just one or two years, Crispin Muvaro left Zimbabwe for London. His first overseas post.

But, time passes quickly, and after just three very short years, Crispin Muvaro and Judith his wife arrived back in Harare on holiday. And, the first thing they did was to go to the church where Steven Chikono was working. But, there they got a surprise. Steven Chikono was no longer there. He had gone!

But, finding out where he was was not hard. The priest of the church was able to help, and, the following Sunday, Crispin Muvaro and Judith drove into the bush to find Steven Chikono's new church. But, then came another surprise.

In the shade of a very big tree - and out of the African sun - was a small group of people. About 30. And, in the middle was Steven Chikono. And, as Crispin and Judith drew closer, they could feel a feeling of happiness. And, it was strong. There was praying and singing and all from the heart. And, when Steven Chikono spoke, everyone listened. Everyone loved him. It was written in their eyes! Then, Steven Chikono explained.

As a young priest he had never felt happy. Everyone was special and unique - and not only members of a chosen religion. And so, one day, he simply resigned and went into the bush and out to the people. And, there he had stayed with his new congregation. And Crispin and Judith were happy. Their friend had found happiness and his true path in life.

And then, the meeting turned into a picnic that lasted all day. And then, as is normal, came the farewells and they were emotional. And, Crispin and Judith set out for home just before dark. They would all keep in touch and meet again soon. And now, 20 years later, they haven't met since!

Crispin Muvaro and Steven Chikono simply lost contact. And now, on his way home from Wednesday, Crispin Muvaro promised himself to get back in touch with his friend. And, then he thought and he smiled. His old friend had just walked into his mind! Steven Chikono was already waiting for him. What a nice way to come home from Wednesday!


congregationGemeinde (Kirchlich)
drew (draw/drew/drawn)zog
get back in touch wieder in Verbindung setzen
in touchin Verbindung
met (meet/met/met)traf
moved (move/moved/moved) – bewegt
overseas post Auslands Dienststelle
praying – beten
resigned (resign/resigned/resigned) – zurücktrat
separate ways eigene Wege
spoke (speak/spoke/spoken)sprach
true path in life Wahrhaftiger Weg im Leben


Where did Crispin Muvaro go to school?
What did Steven Chikono become?
Why did Crispin Muvaro leave Zimbabwe?
Who helped Crispin and Judith to find Steven Chikono?
Why was Steven Chikono unhappy when he was a young priest?
How many people were under the tree in the shade?
What did Crispin Muvaro promise himself?

Monday 11 April 2016

Latest Nr. 13 (-A) - Old Moon Eyes - Old Mrs Flanly - Great for young learners of all ages!

For AUDIO/VISUAL- please click Here! 

Old Mrs Flanly

Old Mrs Flanly lives in a house by the sea. And, she has some wonderful plants in her garden. A clump of yellow daffodils, a beautiful bush of red roses, and a stinging nettle bush.
The daffodils are loved by the bees, and stinging nettle soup is one of old Mrs Flanly's favourite meals. And, what does old Mrs Flanly do with the beautiful roses? She gives them to Brandy for dinner.
And, who is Brandy? Brandy is old Mrs Flanly's very old horse. Goodbye old Mrs Flanly. We'll see you again in the summer!


clump - Klumpen
favourite - lieblings
gives (give/gave/given) – gibt
horse - Pferd
lives – (live/lived/lived) – lebt
meals - Essen
old - alt
one of eine davon
some - einige
stinging nettleBrennnesseln
we'llwe will wir werden


Where does old Mrs Flanly live?
Which plants has Mrs Flanly in her garden?
Who likes the daffodils?
What does old Mrs Flanly do with the stinging nettles?
What does old Mrs Flanly do with the roses?
Who is Brandy?
Do you like roses and daffodils?

Sunday 10 April 2016

(A+) - Vespa is 70 Years Old! Many Happy Returns of the Day!

For AUDIO/VISUAL please click HERE!

Happy Birthday Vespa!

This month is a very special month for Italy. Its favourite form of transport, the Vespa, is 70 years old.
Designed by Corradino D'Ascanio in 1946, the Vespa, so-called because of its wasp-like shape, soon became a world-wide success. Everyone wanted one. And, the Vespa soon became a film star as well.
In 1953, A Vespa appeared with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday, and later a Vespa played a role with Anita Ekberg in Fellini's La Dolce Vita.
Nowadays, Vespas are still very popular. Last year, more than 160,000 were sold. Happy Birthday Vespa!


appeared -(appear/appeared/appeared) – erschien
designed (design/designed/designed) – entwürfen
favourite form of transportlieblings Fortbewegungsmittel
month - Monat
played a rolespielte eine Role
popular - beliebt
sold -(sell/sold/sold) - verkauft
wasp-like shape Vespa-ähnlich Gestalt


Why is this month a special month for Italy?
How old will the Vespa be this month?
Who designed the Vespa motor scooter?
In which two films did the Vespa star?
Who starred in Roman Holiday?
How many Vespa scooters were sold last year?
What colour is your dream Vespa?

Thursday 7 April 2016

(B+) - Harry Kopietz - An Island of Dreams and a Party for Many!

For full Audio/Visual - Please click HERE!

Harry Kopietz - The Donauinselfest

Summer is coming, and, for the Viennese, the Donauinselfest is coming as well. And, this live action party on Vienna's Danube Island (The Donauinsel) has become the number one summer spot for thousands of people. And, it's all thanks to one man and a dream.

In early1983, Harry Kopietz, a young socialist city councillor, stood on the newly completed Danube island and had an idea. And, what he was thinking was simple. This brand new island, which had been created as part of a flood control programme, could be used for much more than just picnics and taking doggies for walks. It could be the perfect place for a party as well. A party for the citizens of Vienna. And, so it was that Harry Kopietz and a few of his friends started organizing the very first Donauinselfest.

And, it was a very simple affair. With practically no budget at all, Harry Kopietz and his friends put a programme together and started spreading the word. Many musicians agreed to play, and Vera Russwurm and Nora Frey, two young TV and radio personalities at the time, were to moderate. And, then the day came. And, Harry Kopietz and friends nervously waited for the people to come. At best, Harry Kopietz believed, maybe 15.000 people would turn up. But, he was wrong!

All in all, more than 160,000 people showed up for this open-air party. And, the evening was not only successful, but tremendous as well. Harry Kopietz and his friends had done much better than expected. They were more than delighted and quite rightly so. But, then came the shock!

It was the litter. Tons and tons of paper cups, beer cans, cigarette ends and so on. And, it all had to be cleared. Again, Harry Kopietz put out the word. And, again people came. More than 200. And, the litter, too, became part of the fun. And, the fun didn't stop there. The next Donauinselfest was soon in the planning. Now, there was no going back.

And, the Donauinselfest has not only become the biggest Viennese festival, it has also become the biggest open-air event in the world. A remarkable achievement. Each year, hundreds of thousands of fun loving people make their way to the Donauinselfest for three or four days of the best music there is. And, all because of one man!

Harry Kopietz stood on the island and saw what it was. A place for good fun. And, that's how it's been ever since! And, that's how it should be. Vienna, after all, is a city of music and fun. The Donauinselfest was something that was waiting to happen! The right man came at just the right time, and with him a dream the Viennese are still dreaming! Thank you Harry Kopietz. And, maybe, we'll all meet on the island this summer. There's no better place - and the fun is the best!
Vocabulary -

after all nach dem
all in allalles im allem
as well - auch
at allüberhaupt
cleared zusammengeräumt
delighted - erfreut
flood control programme - Überflutungsschutzsystemen
it's it has
litter - Abfall
showed up (show up/showed up/shown up) – kamen
spreading the wordWort verbreiten
stood (stand/stood/stood) – stand
turn up (turn up/turned up/turned up) – kommen


What was Harry Kopietz's dream?
When did Harry Kopietz have his dream?
Where was Harry Kopietz when he had his dream?
How many people did Harry Kopietz believe would come to the party?
How many people really came to the first Donauinselfest?
Who moderated the first Donauinselfest?
What was Harry Kopietz's shock?

Have you been to the Donauinselfest?

Thank You Friends! Karli Brieber, The Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone and Aber House in Wales!

Friends of Diarikom

Apotheke zur Kaiserkrone
Mariahilfer Straße 110 A 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 111
Fax: +43 (0)1 526 26 46 191

Diarikom and Lexmatica are sponsored by Mag. Karl Brieber

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Europe!
Mountains, rivers, lakes and much more.
Wales – Come and visit!
Aber House
Elisabeth Razumovsky
Texts about people, places and surprises!

More Lexmatica Texts!

Diarikom's Podcast – A985

Friday 1 April 2016

(C++) - From My English Country Garden - A letter from Builder Michael - Life is a game of circles and circles!

From My English Country Garden
By Builder Michael


I am, and it goes without saying, one of the world's greatest observers of life, and, also, one of the very few people who understand the character of man. And, one of the things that interests me most is the fact that life is nothing but circles. And, being a great thinker, I have developed a theory that matches the practice.
And, my theory proves two very important things. The first one is that circles and wheels are a basic part of human nature, meaning, that whatever one does, one always ends up back at the start. And, the second thing that I've proved is something that doesn't need proving at all, and, that is, that I am a genius. And, all this reminds me of an old friend from long, long ago.
His name was Hansi, and one day he decided to move. He was no longer happy where he was. And, after some searching, he found a beautiful flat in the third district of Vienna. The third district of Vienna, by the way, is very upmarket and lived in by mostly respectable people.
And so, to cut a long story short, Hansi moved in and decided to throw a house-warming party. A select dinner for his close drinking friends and his mother. And so, after 8 months, the invitations went out.
Now, dinner parties involve organization. Hansi made lists, borrowed chairs from his brother, and the Gasthaus where he went everyday lent him the glasses and plates. And, so he was ready and the great day arrived.
And, Hansi got up and went shopping, and his afternoon was spent making salads, peeling potatoes, putting beer and wine in the bath tub to cool, and generally clearing up and getting ready. And, then we arrived.
But, there was no smell of delicious roast pork, and no drink to say welcome. Hansi was very unhappy. He told us to keep our coats on; we were all going out! Why, we all wanted to know!
The reason was simple. The time had arrived to put the meat in the oven and the rice on to cook. So far – so good. But, then came the shock. It was then, that after more than 8 months of being in his new flat, that Hansi discovered that his stove didn't work. A tragedy?
Not really. Hansi gave all the food to his mother to freeze, and off we went to the Gasthaus. And there we stayed and had fun for the rest of the evening. Full circle again! There are places we can't get away from. And, so, I'm back once again at the start. It's all a question of character. Some people spend their lives in dark holes, and most people can't tell the woods from the trees. But, I see it all. And, there is one thing that I can do better than you can. And, that is, talking in circles.
See you next month – Yours, Builder Michael!

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...