Friday 29 September 2017

(C) - POEM - Little Boy Blue - A poem by Eugene Field - Read - Listen - Enjoy

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Eugene Field
The Poet of Childhood

Eugene Field was one of America's most popular poets. He was born in 1850 and died in 1895, and, during his very short life, he wrote more than 300 poems. But, he was a very special poet. He only wrote poems for children and was known as the Poet of Childhood

And, Eugene Field not only knew about children, he loved them as well.

At the age of 21, Eugene Field married Julia Sutherland Comstock, and they had 16 children. And, it was for his children that he wrote most of his poems, and, night after night they fell asleep to the rhythm of his work. But, of course, Eugene Field had to work hard to support his very large family. And, with his writing skills, he became one of America's most popular newspaper columnists.

But, it was only in 1876 that Eugene Field started publishing his poetry. His first book was called A Little Book of Western Verse. It was an immediate success. But, his most popular poem was Little Boy Blue, a sad little poem about patient toys waiting for their little owner who toddled off to bed and died in his sleep.

And, sadly, Eugene Field died too early, too. He was only 45 years old. But, he hasn't been forgotten. In the Midwest of the United States of America there are more than 100 schools which are named after him. Eugene Field was a great American and he knew how to write about feelings, and, that's why Little Boy Blue was his greatest of all. It was a subject that most understood. It was close to very many hearts.

And now, here it is: Little Boy Blue

Little Boy Blue
by Eugene Field (1850 – 1895)

The little toy dog is covered with dust,
But sturdy and staunch he stands;
And the little toy soldier is red with rust,
And his musket moulds in his hands.
Time - was when the little toy dog was new,
And the soldier was passing fair;
And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue
Kissed them and put them there.

Now, don't you go till I come,” he said,
And don't you make any noise!”
So, toddling off to his trundle bed,
He dreamt of his pretty toys;
And, as he was dreaming, an Angel song
Awakened our Little Boy Blue.
Oh! the years are many, and the years are long,
But the little toy friends are true!

And, faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand,
Each in the same old place
Awaiting the touch of a little hand,
And the smile of a little face;
And they wonder, as waiting the long years through
In the dust of that little chair,
What has become of our Little Boy Blue,
Since he kissed them and put them there.
Vocabulary -

childhood – Kindheit - Gyermekkor
poem  Gedicht - Vers
poet - DichterKöltö
support – unterstützen - tamogatni
popular – beliebt - nepszerü
toddle – (toddle/toddled/toddled) – zotteln -ingadozo jaras, tipeges /kisgyermeke/
trundle bed – Rollbett Kihuzhato agy

Wednesday 27 September 2017

(A++) - Beauty in Stone - A true story that happened a long time ago! And, the flower girl is still there!

Beauty in Stone

Once upon a time there was a palace. It was in Vienna on the banks of the River Leasing. Now, the palace is no longer there. There is, instead, an old people's home. And, this old people's home has a wonderful garden, and in this wonderful garden is a beautiful girl – a girl made of stone.

The count who owned the palace was a very rich man. And, one day he fell in love with a poor Viennese flower girl! And, because he loved her so much, he made a statue of her. And, the count and the flower girl wanted to marry.

But, the flower girl ran away. She was too poor for the count. But, no problem. Every time the count was unhappy he went into the garden and kissed his beautiful princess of stone.

And, there she still stands, the most beautiful girl in the world. The poor little girl who gave her heart to a count! A flower girl of stone.


became – wurde (become/became/became)
count – Graff

flower girlBlumenmädchen
Hungarian – Ungarisch
instead – stattdessen

marry – heiraten
old people's home – Altesheim
Once upon a time, Es war einmal

poor – arm
remember erinnern (remember/remembered/remembered)
stand – stehen (stand/stood/stood)
statue – Denkmal
still -noch
stood – stand (stand/stood/stood)

Where is the old people's home?
Was there a castle there?
Was the girl in this story a window cleaner?
Was the man in this story a very poor man?
Was the man in this story an Hungarian king?
Why did the flower girl run away?
Why did the count kiss the statue?
Why is this a sad story?

Saturday 23 September 2017

(B) - Peter Blum - Viennese Traditional Songs - Glasses of wine and beautiful songs!

Please click here for full Audio/visual page -

Peter Blum – Viennese Songs and Sweet and Dry Wine

Viennese traditional songs (Wiener Lieder) have been around for a very long time. They tell of drinking and death - and reflect a once morbid time of Viennese thinking. And, these Viennese songs have always been sung with one or two glasses of Viennese wine at the Heuriger – inns that only serve wine. And, as everyone knows, sad songs and good wine are made for each other.

But, people are changing. And, these Viennese songs are sadly becoming a thing of the past. But, not quite, there is hope.

Thanks to the efforts of many musicians, Viennese songs are being played once again. And, Peter Blum and two of his friends are amongst those who are playing them. And, Peter Blum and his friends are very good singers and players. Their concerts – always at Heurigers - are always sold out and people are calling for more. And, Peter Blum, his friends, and many others, too, are giving their best. Viennese songs are very important.

And, Viennese songs are a very big part of the city's deep culture and history. They are on par with Mozart and Strauss, Wiener schnitzel, and Viennese wine. Viennese songs belong to the heart of the city.

Of course, people still drink, people still sing, and people still want to have fun. Viennese songs will still be around for a very long time. Drinking and death are part of the game. Open a bottle and let's sing a song!

Peter Blum – Viennese Songs and Sweet and Dry Wine


but, not quite, there is hope - aber nicht ganz, es gibt Hoffnung
efforts Bemühungen
on par with Mozart and Strauss . . . - auf Augenhöhe mit Mozart und Strauss . . .
once - einmal
once againwieder einmal
reflect spiegeln
sold outausverkauft

Picture Post

Donkey Riding - Whitby beach, England, 2010.  Where are the children now?

Thursday 21 September 2017

PICTURE POST - An Old Factory - This is was all that was left of an old factory. It soon became a luxury block of flats

 This is was all that was left of an old factory.   It soon became a luxury block of flats - and - the chimney remained!   Why?   Vienna 7 years ago.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

(A) - The London Underground - The oldest in the world- A railway under the busy streets of London

For full page – please click here – Audio following

The London Underground

The London Underground is the oldest underground railway In the world. It was opened in 1863, and, in 2013 it was 150 years old. The Londoners call it the tube.

The London Tube has 270 stations and 11 lines. The lines are not numbered, they have colours and names instead. The oldest line is the Hammersmith and City Line which is red and yellow, and, the newest line is the Victoria line which is purple. The entire network is 402 kilometres long!

The Tube is used by more than 3 million people every day, and is the most popular way of getting around London. It's fast, cheap, clean, and reliable.

London is waiting for you!


entire – ganze
instead – stattdessen
lines - Linien
network – System
numbered - nummeriert
oldest - (old/older/oldest) - älteste
popular - beliebt
reliable – verlässlich
tube Rohre
underground railway - U Bahn
way – Art und Weiser


When was the Tube opened?
How many people use the London tube each day?
How many stations does the Tube have?
How long is the Tube network?
Why are the London buses better than the Tube?
Why do you prefer buses?
Why do you enjoy visiting London?
How old will the London Tube be in 2015?

Friday 15 September 2017

(B) - Erika Berger - There was a very loud bang! The end of the world?

 Erika Berger and A Very Short End of The World

Erika Berger - listen here.

A few weeks ago, Erika Berger told me the following story. It happened on a cold Thursday November afternoon in 1968, and Erika Berger thought the end of the world had arrived.

Erika Berger's little hairdresser's shop had only been open for just a few weeks. She was still very young and new in the business. And, she was good. Business was going amazingly well. Erika Berger and her three young assistants had plenty to do. And then, just after 2 on that long ago Thursday, one of the customers noticed something unusual. Outside in the street there was movement - and it was moving at speed.

First came the kindergarten. And, there was none of the usual childish giggling and laughter. Then came the school; and they were more running than walking and all looking concerned. And, there were many other people as well. All going the same way. And then, all of a sudden, there was no one. Outside, the street was deserted. And, as Erika carried on working, she thought nothing of the nothing that was happening outside. But, not for too long.

The explosion was enormous. The whole building shook. Combs and scissors and cups and saucers were thrown around, and even a mirror crashed down to the ground. And, Erika, her girls, and her customers (some still with wet hair) ran out of the shop and into the cold. And, there stood a policeman – and he was very surprised. Where had they come from?

Earlier that afternoon, an unexploded Second World War bomb had been found. It was on a building site just round the corner. And, the only thing possible was a controlled explosion. And, of course, evacuation. But, Erika's shop had been completely forgotten. And then, with a very big smile, the policemen announced that the danger was past and they could all go back to the shop.

And, there was much clearing up to be done. And, that night, with friends and family all helping, the little shop was put back together again. And, even a new mirror and new coffee cups were found. And, when they were finished, Erika's shop looked better than ever. And, at 9 on the dot the next morning, Erika opened as usual.

Erika Berger's hairdresser's shop had only been open for just a few weeks. Then came the end of the world with a very big bang. But, it wasn't to be. After a night clearing up, it was business as usual.
Erika Berger and A Very Short End of The World


concerned – besorgt
evacuation evakuieren
even - sogar
giggling – kichern
on the dot - pünktlich
plenty to do – viel zu tun

Thursday 14 September 2017

PICTURE POST - A Girl on a Train!

Hungary 2013.  I was on a train.  This young girl was busy doing her homework. I wonder about her grades!  I would imagine an A - or - as is the tradition in Hungary -a 5.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

(A) The Flying Dutchman - A ship full of ghosts that can never stop moving!

Please Click Here for full page 

The Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman is a ghost ship that sails the seven seas. The ship is ghostly white, and, if hailed, its crew try to send messages to land or to people who are already dead. The Flying Dutchman can never make port. She is set to sail for ever. Sailors believe it is bad luck to see the Flying Dutchman!

The Flying Dutchman, a ghost ship that sails the seven seas.

bad luck - Pech
believe – glauben
crew - Mannschaft
ghost ship - Geistesschiff
sail(s) - (to sail/sailed/sailed) segelt
try - (to try/tried/tried) - versuchen
hailed - (to hail/hailed/hailed) – rufen
make port (to make port/made port/made port) – ein Hafen anlaufen
messages (message) – Nachrichten - Botschaft
set to - bestimmt


What is the Flying Dutchman?
How would you describe the Flying Dutchman?
What can the Flying Dutchman never do?
What is the Flying Dutchman set to do?
Why do sailors believe that it is good luck to see the Flying Dutchman?
What does the crew of the Flying Dutchman try to do when hailed?
Why would you like to see the Flying Dutchman?

Saturday 9 September 2017

(B) - Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer - A lady who turned housework into moments of fun! And - maybe - it's something for you!

For full   AUDIO/VISUAL PAGE - Please click HERE

Household Happiness - Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer

Once upon a time, Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer used to suffer from housework! She found it brain killingly tedious, monotonous and non-challenging. It was always the same. The washing up was boringly bubbly and was only good fun when something fell on the floor and broke. And the dusting, the worst chore of all, was a permanent fight against nature. And the ironing? Funnily enough, Gerda enjoyed it. She could do it whilst watching TV. But, otherwise, housework was dreadful and dull. But, then something changed for the better.

One day, Gerda and her husband were going out for dinner, and Gerda was wearing her brand new red dress. And she looked and felt like a brand new woman. She had become different. And, then a light came on in her head! If she could become a different person for going out to dinner, then, maybe, she could become a different person for housework as well! And, the very next day she began.

To begin with, Gerda changed her identity. Her name, just for housework of course, became Sally, and Sally wore only the best. Sally was a very proud cleaner. And so, there was Gerda in her very best clothes being Sally. And it was Sally that started to work.

And it was fun! Sally loved her work, and, being keen, was very quick and did a wonderful job. And now, thanks to Sally, Gerda's flat has never looked better.

And, who does the cooking? Gerda, of course. Cooking and entertaining have always been important for Gerda, and she's an excellent cook. And, now, thanks to Sally, having guest over for dinner has become more fun as well. After all, there is no more cleaning and washing up to be done. Sally does all!

So, if you're suffering from the humdrum life of monotonous housework, why not take a leaf out of Gerda’s book? Invent yourself  anew, and, you, too could soon be dancing around with a duster in one hand and a broom in the other! What could be better? And another thing, relaxing has become more enjoyable, too!

Once upon a time, Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer used to suffer from housework - now - that's a thing of the past.

 Gerda Zimmer-Nussbaumer - She turned housework into moments of fun.

anew – von neuem
boringly – langweilig
bubbly – schaumig.
chore – lästige Pflicht (Hausarbeit)
dreary – langweilig
dusting – Stauben

entertaining - Gäste haben
humdrum – langweilig
ironing – bügeln

monotonous – eintönig
necessary- notwendig
occasional – gelegentlich
take a leaf out of Gerda’s book – dass selber machen
tedious – langweilig

Thursday 7 September 2017

PICTURE POST - An Easy Way to Cycle!

This is a picture I took in Triest in 2009.  The perfect way of getting around!

Wednesday 6 September 2017

(A) - Your Umbrella - It not only protects, it has a story as well!

Please click here for full audio/visual page

Your Umbrella

Umbrellas are part of everyday life. Everyone has one, and they come in all shapessizes and colours.

The word umbrella comes from the Latin word Umbra and it means shade, and indeed the first umbrellas, which by-the-way were called parasols, were used by the Chinese to keep off the sun.

But it was the English who revolutionized the umbrella! In 1843 Henry Holland invented its modern design, and everyone, including Queen Victoria, bought one!

Nowadays, everyone in Britain has at least 3 or 4 umbrellas. Great Britain is, after-all, the rainiest place on earth!

Umbrellas are part of everyday life. Everyone has one, and they come in all shapessizes and colours

after-all - immerhin
at least – mindestens
bought – kaufte (to buy/bought/bought)
by-the-way – in übrigens
design - Form
colour - Farbe
everyday - tagtäglich
indeed – tatsächlich
invented – erfand (to invent/invented/invented)
nowadays - heutzutage
shade - Schatten
shape – Form
size – Große
umbrella - Regenschirm

Questions and Points!
Where were umbrellas first used?
How many umbrellas have you got?
Why are umbrellas so popular in Great Britain?
Who revolutionized the umbrella?
Did the King of England buy an umbrella?
Why are umbrellas good Christmas presents?
What does the Latin word umbra mean?

What is the rainiest place on earth?

Sunday 3 September 2017

(B) - CHRISTIAN RINDER - A coming home story with feelings we all understand!

Please CLICK HERE for full AUDIO/VISUAL page.

Christian Rinder – The Sweetest Moments of All

Christian Rinder - listen here.

Coming-homes are possibly the shortest and sweetest moments of all. Coming-homes are things to look forward to, moments to dream of, and things to hope and pray for as well. And, coming-homes are seldom forgotten. But, there are special coming-homes that happen only once. And, Christian Rinder never forgot his coming-home from war.

It was a hot summer day as Christian Rinder came up the road. It was a long road. And, being back where he was was something he'd never imagined. For him, and millions of others as well, still being alive was a question of chance. And, Christian Rinder had had a very hard war. He had survived Holland, Belgium, and Stalingrad, too. And now, all that mattered was home. And, when he got home the door was wide open. And, there was his mother. She was down on her knees and washing the floor.

And, Christian Rinder just stopped. And, then his mother looked up. And, she froze. This was a moment she had never expected. But, before she could reach him, she fainted. And, he caught her. And, then she fainted again. And, when she came round she was in her son's arms. This was a moment she had never dared dream of. A dream had come true without being a dream.

Coming-homes are beautiful moments. But, the ones that come out of the blue are the nicest and sweetest of all, and, when Christian's girlfriend Lucy arrived it made the moment complete. Coming home is all about those who are waiting. Coming home is the nicest of all!

The Sweetest Moments of All – Christian Rinder

Please wait!   Vocabulary and questions start in (ca) 20 seconds - Please wait!


came round (come / came / come) – zu sich kommen
caught – catch/caught/caught) – fangen
dared – (dare/dared/dared) – gewagte
fainted – (faint/fainted/fainted) – in Ohnmacht fallen
hope – (hope/hoped/hoped) - hoffen
look forward to . . . – sich freuen auf 
pray – (pray/prayed/prayed) beten
survived – (survive/survived/survived) – überlebte

Questions -

Was it summer or winter when Christian Rinder came home?
Where was Christian Rinder in the war?
Did Christian Rinder have an easy war?
What was his mother doing when Christian Rinder arrived home?
How many times did Christian's mother feint?
Where was Christian's mother when she came round?

What made Christian's coming-home complete?

Saturday 2 September 2017

(-C) - Destination Unknown - Two very brave men - Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak - A true Christmas story

For full AUDIO/VISUAL page - please click here -

Destination Unknown – Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak

Listen here - Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak

Otto Herald, a young pilot with Austrian Airlines, was looking forward to Christmas. And, Captain Manfred Pollak also needed a few days off from the routine of flying. They'd had a busy year. And, with snow on the ground, there was a wonderful feeling in town. Vienna was happy and in a good Christmas mood.

But, then, Vienna was thrown into a nightmare. Things had dramatically changed. It was the 22nd of December, 1975. And, because of this nightmare, Otto Herald and Captain Manfred Pollak were preparing for take-off. Their flight was unscheduled with no return leg and going to destination unknown.

And, then the passengers boarded. A small group of terrorists and their hostages. And, the terrorist leading the terror was Carlos. The most notorious, most feared, most dangerous, and most wanted man in the world. And, the hostages were the oil ministers of OPEC. And, amongst them, the most powerful of all, Sheik Yamane of Saudi Arabia.

And, it was just after lunch on the previous day when the story began.

The annual meeting of OPEC oil ministers was nearing its end. Soon, everyone would be on their way home. There was a very good feeling. The meeting had been a success. And, then, without warning, it happened. The nightmare began. The meeting was stormed by Carlos and his small group of terrorists. The oil ministers were now down on the floor with their hands on their heads. Guns speak a very clear language.

And, then the talking began. And, there was nothing that Austria could do. In those days, there were no special forces, and, with one policeman already dead, the terrorist's demands were agreed to in full. Life was more important than principle. And, the terrorist's demands included a message in French to be read out at 2 hourly intervals on the radio, meals and drinks from the Intercontinental Hotel, and a plane to take them and their hostages out of the country. But, of course, a plane needs a crew.

At Austrian Airlines, the call for volunteers went out. A crew was needed. And, two of the many who volunteered were Otto Herald and Captain Manfred Pollak. And, they were selected. And, it was hard to pretend whilst sitting in the cockpit and waiting. This flight was to be different. There were no guarantees. Otto Herald and Captain Manfred Pollak knew they may never return. Now, they were no longer thinking of Christmas.

And, then they were off. They had been cleared for take off to destination unknown. And, as they took off and climbed into the cold winter sky, the world held its breath!

But, they needn't have worried. Everything went off OK. And, their flight turned into a tour of Middle East capitals with a hostage release at each stop. And, when reaching Algiers, Carlos and his gang simply disappeared into thin air. Otto Herald and Manfred Pollak were alone in their plane. The journey had ended. And, before very long, they were on their way home. Now, destination Vienna and Christmas.
But, there was one small story that Otto Herald never forgot.

Because there had been no hostesses on board, it was far too dangerous, Otto Herald had volunteered to serve coffee - Coffee was all that they had. And, everyone was happy. That is to say, all except one. One of the hostages, an oil minister, rudely rejected the offer of coffee and demanded a tea! Otto Herald was unable to help. The oil minister then became even angrier. And then, later, when Otto Herald went to clear-up the dirties, one of the terrorists stopped him. The still none too happy and miserable minister was ordered to clear-up instead. There were to be no more passenger complaints for the rest of the flight. And, that was the worst thing that happened on the flight to destination unknown.

And, 6 months later, Captain Manfred Pollak and Otto Herald were decorated for bravery by the President of Austria. And, of course, both carried on flying and Otto Herald was promoted to captain. And, as everyone knows, captains can never stop flying, and after retirement, both captains spent lots of their time flying their fleets of scale model planes.

But, no models, however impressive, can ever replace the Viscounts, DC9s, and Airbuses which the two men once flew. Life, for these men was up in the sky. And, they never forgot their flight to destination unknown.

Two very courageous men, Captain Otto Herald and Captain Manfred Pollak. They volunteered for a Christmas time flight with a difference. A flight where the first officer served coffee - and a hostage cleared up the dirties!

Destination unknown. Captain Otto Herald and Captain Manfred Pollak.


courage Mut
demand Forderung
destination – Zielort
difficult position – Schwere Position
dirtiesSchmutzige Geschirr
except – außer
promoted (promote/promoted/promoted)– gefordert
retirement Ruhestand
rudely – unwirsch

volunteer - Freiwilliger 

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...