Thursday 31 December 2009

Annie Leibovitz

Captured Directions

A Photographer’s Life
This is an amazing exhibition of Annie Leibovitz’s work. She is possibly one of the greatest photographers of our time.

Annie Leibovitz has been accompanying us with her photographic skills for at least the last forty years. Her remarkable eye, with such an illusionary ease, has been capturing the greatness of one of the most remarkable periods of modern history that started in the sixties, and is still going on.

Her portraits are of the people who gave us direction. Preserved within the pages and on the covers of such illustrious magazines as Rolling Stone, Vogue, Vanity Fair or Harper's are the people who count. Amongst them are the famous faces of pop, the greats of the screen, members of governments, and, of course, many highly respected heads of state - including Her Majesty the Queen.

But Annie Leibovitz’s photography isn’t only portraiture. It is also documentary and commercial. Her documentary work is more than just that what is happening. Based upon her skills of recognition, her pictures, whether they be of trouble spots, weddings, or any other situations, concern the entire emotional spectrum of human feelings that begins with fear and crescendos in joy.

And her commercial work is exactly the same. Only here, she employs her creative talents to emphasise the emotional effect of the product she is featuring in her shots.

But, whether documentary, portraiture, or commercial, her pictures stand out from every one else’s. There is, in her photography, an extra, almost invisible, but very much perfect dimension of expression that is only possible because of her highly accomplished sense of communication. Respect goes both ways in her work, for she is just as much a celebrity as her subjects are; if not more!

And there are two types of celebrities. There are public ones and there are private ones. And this exhibition is a celebration of both. On one side are the portraits of Mick Jagger, Her Majesty the Queen, Demi Moore, Bill Clinton and many more people of note; and, on the other side are the pictures of Annie Leibovitz’s very personal world.

This is the world of the people she loves: her family and friends, and those she was deeply close to. On display is not only her personal album of grief, suffering and pain; but also the light times of fun. And it was from amongst these illustrations of delight that I found my favourite picture.

It is a simple snap shot! A holiday snap. No bigger than a post card, it is a picture of Annie’s parents relaxing on Peter Bond’s beach at Wainscott, long Island in 1992. Not only is this picture perfectly and wonderfully composed, it has also has that “magic something” that comes from Annie’s pure enthusiasm and love of people and life.

This exhibition is to be seen!

It is on at the Kunst Haus in Vienna until the end of January of this year.
1030 Wien. Untere Weißgerberstrasse 13.
For full details,

Language Aid - English - German

Amazing – erstaunlich.

Accompanying – begleiten.
Remarkable – bemerkungswert.
Illusionary ease – trügerische Leichtigkeit

Preserved - erhalten.
Illustrious – berühmt.

Concern – sich handeln um.
Fear – Angst.
Crescendos – zu spitzt.
Joy – Freude.

Emphasise – betonen.

Invisible – unsichtbar.
Expression – Ausdruck.
Accomplished – (to accomplish) – gelungen. Accomplish/accomplished/accomplished.

Celebration – Feier.
People of note – Berühmtheiten.

Grief – Traue.
Suffering – leiden. Suffer/suffered/suffered.
Pain –Schmerz.
Delight – Freude.

Composed – gestaltet.

Monday 28 December 2009

Nigel Anthony JAMES

The Horse Jumper (below)- Schnittkunst; and the Pirate Ship, pencil work. - Pictures by Nigel A JAMES

Patchworks Uncovered

Life in Vienna is much the same as it is everywhere else; and, when all is said and done, it is a patchwork that is made up of people. Life elsewhere, you may say, is totally different. There are wars, there is unrest, there is hunger, and so on and so on. But, if one were to go back in time by 80 years - or so, life in central Europe would have been different as well. It’s all a question of timing. And my mission, as I put it, is to present a picture of life as I see it today.

Welcome to my blog and welcome to my life.

Life is people, and the best way of introducing them and their very often hidden sides, I believe, is by way of my “mini personal portraits”. I keep these as short as I possibly can; but, when one starts digging, one often discovers some very interesting things.

But, life is visual too. And photography, I believe, is just as important as the written word and I use it to full effect in my blog. It shows us, without the need of description, what is being worn, the cars that are being driven, the mood of the people, and lots more interesting things as well. I like black and white photography very much; but there are times, of course, when colour may not be dispensed with.

Photography, for me, is a way of keeping a record; my art, on the other hand, is my way of expressing myself; and my work comes in two different forms. My “Schnittkunst” as I call it, is very colourful, and, with its carefully cut layers, is packed full of energy and action! My pencil drawings are a total contrast. Friends of mine have described them as having a sort of an “inbuilt mystery”. I would not entirely disagree with this. There are many steps from pure white to black, and I try to use each one according to its best advantage, and often the results are simply very surprising.

Meeting new people always leads to new heights of experience. Everyone, I believe, has a story. All one has to do is to let them speak, and, of course, listen to what they are really saying. And it is this interest in people that led me to found the Parletorium.

The Parletorium is a discussion round and is carried on in English for the benefit of people wishing to improve their English in an interesting way. I am based in Vienna, and I now have many of these rounds and each one provides an interesting dynamic of its own. All participants enjoy these meetings very much. Naturally, some people prefer individual training, which, of course, I also provide.
To go to the latest edition of Diarikom, please either click onto "HOME" under the PAGES at the top right hand side of this page, or simply click onto the following link,- I publish, on average two articles a week. thanks and see you at the latest diarikom!

My e-mail address is the following, or, if you prefer, my mobile (Handy) number is the following,- (+431) 0680 3141816 from Austria.

Thursday 24 December 2009

I Wish You A Happy Christmas

Christmas card by Nigel A James

To everyone, wherever you may be, and whoever you are, a very, very merry Christmas, and, hopefully, an excellent and meaningful new year. Yours, Nigel A James - Vienna 2009

Monday 21 December 2009

Helmut Hempt

Photo by Nigel James

Giving Back the Beat

Helmut Hempt is busy providing help for the old and the needy in Rumania. Thanks to him and others, too, this winter may not be so hard as many of the previous ones.

Winter is a time of great need. It is cold; and when the temperature sinks, the things that are normally missed, although only basic, are missed even more. For it is the simple things of life that can often mean the difference between severe hardship and survival in a more-or-less comfortable way. And the people who suffer most of all from the shortages of the basics are normally the old and the sick.

Looking east from Vienna, Rumania isn’t too far away; but the differences between the two countries are enormous. Rumania, after having thrown off the mantle of dictatorship is still very much struggling to come to terms with a world that it was never prepared for, and certain things aren’t as they should be. Amongst them are old people’s homes and hospitals.

Help is at hand and it is coming from Austria. In June of this year (2009), Helmut Hempt got to know Wolfgang Achtsnit at a meeting in Vienna. Helmut Hempt was deeply impressed with Wolfgang Achtsnit’s engagement for the less privileged in Rumania, and, in particular, his very real “hands-on” help.

It was Wolfgang Achtsnit’s many organized transports of urgently needed medical equipment, much needed medicines and other basic necessities to Hermanstadt that were of particular interest to Helmut Hempt. In fact, so-much-so, that, out of this meeting of last June, an immediate cooperation was born and put into action.

In July their first transport was warmly received in Hermanstadt; others were to follow, and more are being planned.

Maybe it is the music that is within him that moves Helmut Hempt to reach out and breath hope into the desperate lives of the suffering. Good music, like the jazz that he loves, succeeds because of its rhythm; and life without warmth is like music that is missing its beat!

But helpers need help too. If you are interested in helping by contributing items such as blankets and other things such as mattresses, etc, that could be of use in hospitals and old peoples homes, then, I’m sure that Helmut Hempt would be delighted to hear from you.

For some people, a warm blanket is a very happy Christmas. Helmut Hempt and Wolfgang Achtsnit, and many others as well, are trying their best. The rest of us could do something too!

Helmut Hempt can be contacted at,

Language Assistance -

Providing - liefern
Needy – bedürftig, notleidend.
Previous – vorherigen.

More-or-less – mehr oder weniger
Suffer- leiden
Shortages – Knappheiten.

Enormous – riesig.
Mantle – Mantel.
Struggling – ringen.
To come to terms with – mit etwas zu Recht zu kommen.

Impressed – beeindruckt.

Urgently needed – dringend gebraucht.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Shades of Life Pictorial

The Flag Man - photo by Nigel James
The Christkindl Flagman! Every year, during Advent, the Viennese Christmas Market (the Christkindlmarkt) takes place in the centre of town in front of the town hall (the Rathaus). And one of the attractions is a small "train" that can be taken around the market. And, just so as to ensure that no accidents and injuries are met with, a flagman, armed only with a whistle and a flag has the job of clearing a path through the crowds. Incidentally, the Christkindlmarkt is extremely popular and attracts very many visitors from all over the world.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Andy Joachimsthaler

Photo by Nigel James
The Spring of The Lion

Andy Joachimsthaler runs his own business, and the running of companies demands a very high level of fitness and endurance. And endurance and good health have for a very long time been part of Andy’s life. In fact, so much so, that they have become something of a mission for him!

Andy became aware of the importance of movement when he was 17. He discovered for himself the direct link between good health and stamina, and good health is based, to a very large degree, upon movement. Without active exercise there is no robustness.

And it is robustness that has taken Andy to the extremes that for most people are only dreams. Last year he took on the challenge of the ultimate European endurance event, La Petite Trotte á Leon, the ultra trail du Mont-Blanc. In record time, he and his team-mates completed the 166 km trail which circles Mont Blanc.

This summit of alpine endurance runs not only takes in three different countries, but also has an altitude difference of 9400 meters. The conditions that have to be suffered are amongst the most challenging of any such event in the world; and only those who have trained and have the maximum of stamina will have the necessary perseverance for finishing.

But what ever your aims are, you have to be fit. And Andy’s simple message is the following: start working on yourself! And the great out-doors is the best place for it. Two hours of walking each day are more than enough, and, if one were able to build in a Nordic walking schedule, too, then all the better. And time, too, is no problem.

Instead of taking the tram all the way, why not get out and walk a few stops? You will soon find your energy increasing and your days becoming easier. The great outdoors is the greatest fitness centre of all. There are straights, there are ups and downs, there are steps, and, most importantly of all, there is plenty of pure fresh air. And, even better, it’s all free of charge.

Next year, as well as running the Vienna marathon, Andy will be taking a dog-sleigh across Iceland. What will you be doing?

Language Aid

Demand – verlangen.
Endurance - Ausdauer

Aware – bewusst.
Robustness – Robustheit.

Took on - etwas unternahm. Take on/ took on/ taken on

Summit – Gipfel
Takes in - beinhaltest.
Suffered - ausgehalten.
Perseverance - Ausdauer.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Illustrated Life

photo by Nigel James 5 -12 - 2009
Snap! I took this photo last Saturday (5th of December) on the ring in Vienna at the Parliament. It shows 2 Italian tourists doing what most people do everywhere when they are visiting a new city or town. Snapping each other.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Marion Gräfin Dönhof

The Power of Irresistible Attraction

There are some people who possess a certain magical power of irresistible attraction. Their characters are strong, they have concrete wills, strong determination, and never sway from the way they are going. One such person was Marion Gräfin Dönhof.

It was 1945. With the Russians closing in and the winter approaching, Marion Gräfin Dönhof said goodbye to Schloss Friedrichstein and a privileged life which was to disappear for ever. And then, on her faithful horse, Alarich, she escaped from her native Prussia on her now legendary gallop to freedom.

But people don’t alter because of life’s changes. Once in Hamburg, it was her inherited fortitude and above natural stamina that took her to the then infant German newspaper, Die Zeit. And it was whilst helping to build up Die Zeit, that she began to influence and mould nothing less than politics and high German thinking.

Marion Gräfin Dönhof was very naturally a people’s person. She understood perfectly the value of everyone she met and treasured almost every personal encounter. She felt as much at home in the company of kings and presidents as she did with the most humble of farmers. Her background certainly helped. Her father was the Kaiser’s best friend; and, because of who she was, she had the finest of educations, and was the first ever woman to be admitted to Basle university.

Marion Gräfin Dönhof died 8 years age; but if she were still to be alive, she would have been 100 last month. But gone she has not! Her irresistible attraction still lives on in the spirit of Die Zeit; and her writings are still as actual as they ever were. Marion Gräfin Dönhof was larger than life, and life as we know it now, has all to do with the power of this magical woman of letters.
Language Help

Irresistible – unwiderstehlich.
Attraction – Anziehungskraft.
To sway – ausweichen/ablenken. (sway/swayed/swayed)

Approaching –annähend.
Disappear – verschwinden.
To escape – entkommen (escape/escaped/escaped)

Alter – ändern. (alter/altered/altered)
Changes –Änderungen.
Inherited – geerbt- (inherit/inherited/inherited)
Fortitude – Kraft.
Above natural – über natürlich.
Then infant –Damals noch jung.
Influence – beeinflussen.
Mould – formen (mould/moulded/moulded)
Nothing less – nichts desto weniger.

Encounter – Begegnung.
Humble – bescheidend.
Died – starb. (die/died/died)
Spirit - Geist.

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...