Friday 31 March 2017

(B/C) - The Toorington Bells - Bill Guthrie - The night The Blue Wonder saved him! An adventure at sea.

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THE TOORINGTON BELLS – Bill Guthrie – The Night The Blue Wonder Saved Him  

Everyone in Toorington has one thing in common. Cleanliness. And, that's why everyone knows William Guthrie. And, William Guthrie, or Bill as everyone calls him, produces and sells cleaning materials. And, his wide range of very exciting products includes WC cleaners, floor cleaners, window cleaners, and paper towels, too, And, all of Bill's products are very, very good – and -so much so – that over the years Bill has made very much money. Bill is a very rich man. And, his hobby is very expensive. Bill is a sailor.

And, it was eight years ago that Bill had an adventure. The night he didn't come back! Bill and a few very good friends had gone out to sea for an afternoon sail. The weather was fine, in fact just right for an afternoon's sailing. And, his yacht, The Blue Wonder, which Bill had named after his best selling WC cleaner, was handling well. Sunday afternoon out at sea – a wonderful end of a super weekend. But, then came the fog.

And, round and round The Blue Wonder went. This way and that way, and, with the sea getting rougher and rougher, Bill and his friends were beginning to worry. There was nothing to see, no stars to guide them, they had zero visibility. But, there were the sirens and they were loud. The Blue Wonder was sailing in the middle of shipping. This was a dangerous voyage. But, Bill kept a clear head, and later that night The Blue Wonder sailed into port. Dry land again. And there, just over the road was a bar.

And, then came the real surprise. The barman couldn't speak English. And, nor could anyone else. They were in France. And, they couldn't believe it. But, they were happy and thankful – they were alive. And, the meal that they had was better than anything in England. French cooking is the best in the world!

And, in the morning they sailed home to England. The fog had lifted. And, as they sailed into port Bill looked up to the sky and whispered a thank you. He understood how lucky they were!

Everyone in Toorington has one thing in common. Everyone knows William Guthrie. And, that day in the fog out at sea was almost his last. But, Bill understood how lucky he was. The Blue Wonder was more than a boat, it was really a wonder as well!

Bill Guthrie – The Night The Blue Wonder Saved Him

Thursday 30 March 2017

(A) - Onions for Life - A great way to live! - And, little Susie loves them as well!

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Onions For Life!

There are many different kinds of onions. There are spring onions, Spanish onions, garlic onions, normal garden onions, and many others, too. And onions are interesting. You can fry them, boil them, grill them, pickle them, and so on.

So, why do people like onions? The answer is easy! They make food more interesting. But, is this always true? Sometimes onions, especially garlic onions destroy the real taste of good food! Onions are very dominating!

But, what about little Susi? She eats onion sandwiches in her break every day! Her parents are onion farmers! Do you like onion sandwiches, too?

And don't forget – an onion a day keeps the doctor away!


boil – kochen
break – Pause
destroy – vernichten
different – verschiedener
dominating – dominierend
farmer – Bauer
food – Essen
fry - braten
garlic onions - Knoblauch
grill – grillen
like – mögen
parents – Eltern
pickle – pickle
spring onions - Jungzwiebel
taste – Geschmack
what about – was es mit . …

Questions and Points!

Why does the smell of onions frying make you hungry?
Why are onions good for salad?
Why don't onions make food interesting?
Why do onions destroy the taste of good food?
Why do you like onions?
Why do hot dogs taste better with onions?
Why do hamburgers taste better with onions?
Why are onions good for us?

And now the text once again.

Natasha making onion soup!

Thank you for listening!

Sunday 26 March 2017

(B) - Werner Wiesler - A Big Fury Business Surprise - Lots of fast little feet and many red eyes!

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Blog – Werner Wiesler and a Fury Big Business Surprise

Starting a business can sometimes be full of surprises. But, the surprise that Werner Wiesler got when he opened a workshop was something unusual. The surprise was moving and fast, small, brown and fury and full of many small red fiery eyes. Rats!

But, the rats were no problem for Werner. In fact, Werner even found them amusing. Werner remembers that when opening up in the morning, the first thing he heard was the sound of the rats running for cover! And, during the day the rats were no problem. Werner and his workers soon got used to the rats watching them working, and, when the rats became too over cheeky, all that was needed was a strong clap of the hands.

But, of course, not everyone thinks that rats are very good friends. Living in one of the flats just above Werner's workshop was a mother with 2 very small children. And, one day she came to see Werner. She needed his help. There was a rat in her kitchen! Again, no problem for Werner. He stood in her kitchen, clapped, and the rat ran out of the door. All very simple.

And, Werner, too, had to be careful. One day, he discovered that the rats had eaten his lunch. And, on another occasion, a rat even jumped into the car which belonged to his wife! And, that was a very big problem. But, bye and bye, the rats were no problem at all. And, Werner, his workers and the rats lived happily together for very many years. Rats aren't as bad as everyone thinks. And now, many years later and retired, Werner often thinks back to the rats.

Werner Wiesler started a business and got a surprise. A fury surprise with many small red fiery eyes!

Werner Wiesler and a Fury Big Business Surprise

Please don't go!  Vocabulary and Questions follow automatically - ca 20 seconds - 


amusing – amüsant
bye and bye – mit der Zeit
careful – vorsichtig
cheeky – frech
discovered – discover(s) – discovered – discovered – entdeckte
fiery – Feuerrot
fury – pelzig
surprise – Überraschung


What was Werner's surprise?
What did Werner do when the rats became too over cheeky?
How did Werner find the rats?
Why did the lady come to see Werner?
How did Werner help the lady?
What did Werner discover?
Do you like rats?


bye and bye mit der Zeit
careful vorsichtig
discovered – discover(s) – discovered – discovered – entdeckte


What was Werner's surprise?
What did Werner do when the rats became too over cheeky?
How did Werner find the rats?
Why did the lady come to see Werner?
How did Werner help the lady?
What did Werner discover?
Do you like rats?

Saturday 25 March 2017

(B/C) - The Toorington Bells - Loueen Watson - Home made chutneys and jams!

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The Toorington Bells – Loueen Watson – Home Made Chutneys and Jams!

The Women's Institute, or The WI as it is known, is a society for ladies who live in the country. And, there are very many branches throughout the length and breadth of Great Britain.

And, the WI is all about helping the poor and the needy with the money that's raised by the selling of home-made chutneys, jams, and cream cakes. And, the Toorington WI is one of the best in the country, and, it's all thanks to Loueen Watson. She is the president of the Toorington WI. And, she does a wonderful job in a wonderfully organized way.

But, Loueen Watson's role as president of the Toorington WI is not only hard work and very much organizing, there is also a trip up to London each year. Every summer, The Queen invites all the WI presidents to tea in her wonderful garden. And, this of course, is a wonderful chance for a nice cup of tea, and nice piece of cake, and a chat with the Queen. An exciting day for those at the top in the WI.

But, Loueen Watson always stays on up in London for 4 or 5 days. London is home. It was there she was born, it was there she grew up. And, it wasn't until her mid-twenties that Loueen Watson moved down to Toorington. And, the reason she moved down to Toorington was The Toorington Playhouse – the Toorington theatre. It was love at first sight!

Loueen Watson was staying with friends in Toorington at the time and one night they went to the theatre. And, so impressed was Loueen by the magic and excitement of the theatre that she applied for a job. And, she got one. And, she has been there ever since running the Toorington Playhouse. Loueen Watson moved down from London and went to the top of a great little theatre.

And, that's how life is in the village of Toorington. A theatre for real with a stage that's more real than real. And, the roles Loueen Watson chose were not only hard work, but exciting as well! The president of the Toorington WI, the manageress of the Toorington Playhouse, and, for the cream on the cake, a cup of tea every year with The Queen!

Loueen Watson – Home Made Chutneys and Jams!

Tuesday 21 March 2017

(A) - House Flies - Our little black friends that love to walk all over our meals!

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House Flies!

They are small, black and everyone hates them. They share our homes and eat all they can get! They are the House Fly.

But, these little miracles of nature have another side, too. They are good at surviving. House flies can fly at 11 kilometres an hour, and with their 6000 little eyes  can see danger coming and fly out the way. And, there's more! In their 34 day lifespan, house flies can lay more than 400 eggs.
But, not everyone hates them. House flies are perfect for lunch and are loved by spiders and birds.

And little Susie? She keeps a house fly under her bed in a box, and its name is Erich!


danger – Gefahr
fly (fly/flew/flown) – fliegen
hate – (hate/hated/hated) – hassen
house fly – Stubenfliege
lifespan - Lebenszeit
miracle – Wunder
share (share/shared/shared) – teilen
surviving – überleben


Why do you hate house flies?
How fast can house flies fly?
How many eyes have house flies got?
What do house flies eat for lunch?
How many eggs do house flies lay?
Where does Susie keep Erich?
For how long can a house fly live?

Sunday 19 March 2017

(B) - Henri Cartier-Bresson - A Man With an Eye for Very Good Questions! And - he's still number 1!

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Henri Cartier-Bresson – A Man With An Eye For Good Questions

Henri Cartier-Bresson was a brilliant photographer. In fact, he was – and still is – number 1 in the world. So, what made this French photographer who was born in 1908 so special? And, why are so many photographers still trying to emulate him? I think I know. The answer, I believe, is in one of my favourite photos. Henri Cartier-Bresson took it in 1938.

The picture is simple. It is black and white. It shows 4 middle aged people. 2 sisters and their husbands. They are sitting on one of the banks of the River Marne. They have just finished their picnic. It's a very hot day. And, although the 4 people have their backs to the camera, we know they are happy. The photo has a feeling of peace. But, then come the questions.

Where will these people be the following year! Will picnics still be possible? Will there still be enough food for a picnic? Will these people still be alive?
And, it was this art of visual questioning that made Henri Cartier-Bresson so powerful. And, it's present in all of his pictures. It's the thing that makes people want to look at his pictures again and again.

Taking brilliant photos is not just a question of looking and shooting. Henri Cartier-Bresson proved it was all about seeing the questions and making them visible. And, that's what made him the way that he was and impossible to copy. There will never be a second Henri Cartier-Bresson!

Henri Cartier-Bresson - A man with a black and white eye for very good questions!

bank – Ufer
emulate – nachahmen
present - present
visible – sichtbar

When did Henri Cartier-Bresson take this picture?
When was Henri Cartier-Bresson born?
How many people does the picture show?
How old are the people?
What have they just finished?
Are they happy?
What was the weather like in the picture?
Why is black and white so special?

Have you listened to our podcast A9949?
Short stories and more and the Toorington Bells!?

Friday 17 March 2017

(B/C) - The Toorington Bells - Ted and His Prize Winning Carrot! The biggest the country has ever ever seen!

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The Toorington Bells – Ted and His Prize Winning Carrot

Ted is the odd ball of Toorington. He has had many varied and interesting jobs and he knows very much about many different things. And, Ted is a man who is much in demand. He can mend almost everything. So, it is to Ted that most people turn when something needs fixing. But, Ted is not only a much needed man, he's famous as well – and all because of a carrot.

It was in 1972 that Ted became the youngest member of the TVS – The Toorington Vegetable Society. A society devoted to the growing of prize winning vegetables. And, it was at the 1982 Toorington Vegetable Society Show that Ted caused a minor sensation. A carrot that was not only 1 metre long, but perfect in every way, too. And, the news quickly spread.

Soon, everyone in Toorington was making their way to the Toorington Vegetable Society Show, and within just a short space of time the whole of Great Britain had not only heard of Ted's prize winning carrot, but was busy talking about it as well. Ted was a star! But, of course, there was one very big question. How did Ted grow such a very big carrot?

And, no one has ever found out. Ted's always kept it a secret. And, no one in Toorington – Ted included - has ever succeeded in growing such an enormous carrot again. But, over the years, Ted has often won prizes for his prize winning leeks and giant potatoes. But, there is one thing that wasn't a secret. And, that was the taste of Ted's very big carrot.

After winning first prize for his carrot, Ted gave it to Raechel at the Toorington Arms, and there, this great tasting carrot became part of Ray's tasty menus for more than a week. And, not surprisingly, Ted and his carrot soon became a permanent part of the Toorington Arms.

Hanging on the wall to the right of the bar is a photo of Ted and his carrot and the cup that he won. And, this snug little corner of the Toorington Arms has become known as Ted's Carrot Corner. An original thought, and, possibly the only corner of any pub in Great Britain (or, even the world) that's been named after a carrot. But, there again, Ted's always been a very odd ball!

It was in1972 when Ted became the youngest member of the TVS – The Toorington Vegetable Society. And, in 1982, Ted caused a minor sensation. A carrot that was not only 1 metre long, but perfect in every way, too. And, the TVS has never seen such a big carrot again. And, thanks to Ted's Carrot Corner at the Toorington Arms, Ted's prize winning carrot is still a very big part of Toorington life. Vegetables play a very big role down in the village of Toorington!

The Toorington Bells – Ted and His Prize Winning Carrot

Sunday 12 March 2017

(B) All Singing the Same Boring Song - A funny school party that happened a long time ago!

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All Singing the Same Boring Song!

Last night, whilst searching for sleep, a story came back. It was amusing and happened a long time ago.

At the time, my son Maxi was at primary school in Vienna, and the school was holding its carnival party. And, the most popular thing of all was the talent competition. And 32 kids had decided to take part in this chance to show off and win a very good prize.

The hall was packed with parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and lots of other relatives, too. And, of course, all hoping that their little darling would win the first prize. And, then the curtain went up.

Little Susie came first Her song was as good as could be and she performed it as only little school children can. Squeaky and high. But, then came little Martin from 2b, then Sarah from 3e, then after her Marlene of 4a, and so-on and so-on and so-on. And all had chosen the very same song!

And, so it was, that before not very long, the mood of the audience was beginning to wither. Their little darlings were, more-or-less, all exactly the same; and, on the scale of monotony, all very close to the bottom. But then, after more than 45 minutes came Christine, a girl from 4d. She had chosen something different to sing. A visible sigh of relief spread like a carpet of magic across the sea of very bored faces.

The audience woke up, and, for a while looked very happy. But, not for too long. After Christina the show carried on as before! Everyone sang the very same song. When would it end?

But, all good things – and – most bad things as well - must come to an end. And, all the little singers were given a book to take home; and Christina won the first prize.

The kids were all happy. They had taken their chance to show off, had done well, and only one had been different. And that’s what talent shows are. They are different and belong to the moments in life which are fun!

Last night, a story came back. It was funny and happened a long time ago. A carnival way of having great fun. All singing the same boring song

Vocabulary and questions following automatically - (ca 20 seconds) - please hold on!


carnival – Fasching
giggling – kichern
more-or-less - mehr oder weniger
primary school – Volksschule
to show off – angeben


Where was my son when this story happened?
What was happening at his school?
How many kids took part in this talent competition?
Who was the first child to sing?
Who won the first prize?
What was every child given to take home?
Why do kids love showing off?
Did you enjoy showing off when you were a kid?

Friends of Diarikom - Karli Brieber is a friend of Diarikom!


(A) - The Aran Islands - Wonderful places to go to!

The Aran Islands

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The Aran Islands lie off the west coast of Ireland. They are Inish Moor, Inish Maan, and Inish Heer.
The islands are famous for three things. Their prehistoric culture, the many small fields with their protective stone walls, and Aran knitwear.
The spoken languages of the islands are English and GallicNowadays, the main industry is tourism. The Aran Islands are wonderful places to visit.

coast – Küste
Gallic – Gallish
Inish – Insel auf Gallish
knitwear – Strichwaren
languages - Sprachen
lie – liegen
nowadays – heutzutage
protective – schützend
stone walls – Steinmauern/Steinwällen

And – now the text once again!


Where are the Aran Islands?
How many islands are there in this group?
What are the islands called?
What does the word Inish mean?
For what are the islands famous?
Have you got an Aran pullover?
What are the spoken languages of the islands?
For what else are the Aran Islands famo

Saturday 11 March 2017

(B/C) - The Toorington Bells - A Trip to the Coast - Sandcastles - Sunshine - Trains and the Sea!

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The Toorington Bells

Sandcastles – Sunshine - Trains - and the Sea! The Toorington Trip to the Coast

It was a long time ago, more than 30 years, that an old farmer told me the following story. It was all about the annual Toorington day out to the coast. A day that everyone liked and enjoyed and everyone came. And, this trip to the coast always took place after harvest. And, this well earned day off was always a day for relaxing and fun. And, the fun always started at just after nine in the morning.

The meeting point was always the station, a building that sadly no longer exists (the line closed a long time ago). And, it was there, in good spirits, that everyone boarded the 9.39 for the coast. And, the trip up to the coast was always a journey of fun. There was always a feeling of freshness, there was chatting and laughing, and the youngsters were giggly and silly. Everyone was happy and excited. And, even though the trip was an hour and a half, the coast always arrived much quicker than expected. And, even though they had all been before, each time was just like the very first time. Nothing was ever the same. The powerfully wonderful air was always more powerful, the smell of the sea-weed much stronger, and the taste of the salt on the wind more salty than ever, and the gulls' piercing wailing much sharper. But, despite these impressions of differences, these days out to the coast were always the same.

There was paddling and swimming and sploshing and splashing, there was the throwing and catching of giant coloured beach balls, there was the building of sandcastles, and, as was the tradition, most fathers spent much of their time being buried alive by their nice little children. And, inbetween, and depending on age, were rides on the donkies. All part of the fun of the beach. And, then came the picnic. And, this meal in the sand was always sensational. There were the sandwiches – which by the way were called sandwiches because of the the sand that always found its way in and made them horribly crunchy. There were cup cakes, cherry cakes, ginger cakes, and crisps, and bananas and apples. And for quenching the thirst was beer, tea, and juice. Something and plenty for all.

And, the afternoons always slowed down for snoozing in deck-chairs, and chatting and knitting, and Puch and Judy, the Great British seaside tradition. Theatre for the young with the same terrible climax and always exciting. And then came more splashing and sploshing and chasing and catching. The children never grew tired. And, at seven-o-clock, which was always too soon, the train headed home from the coast. But, the fun didn't stop. No one was tired. The entire way home was laughing and singing.

A day full of fun on the beach was over again. And, now time for bed and dreams of the sea. It was a long time ago that a very old farmer told me this story. Sandcastles – Sunshine - Trains and the Sea! The Toorington trip to the coast.

Sunday 5 March 2017

(B) - Traudi Potter - A Woman of Steel and Drive - She went to Oxford in England and everything worked!

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Traudi Potter – A Woman of Steel and Drive!

When Traudi Potter arrived in Oxford from Vienna in 1957 she had very little chance of getting a job that was good. Her English was still in need of improvement, and the only jobs going were nothing other than monotonous and dull. Assembly line work wasn't for Traudi. But, all this wasn't a problem. Traudi had come with a plan. And, Captain Philip Potter of the British Army, Traudi's husband, was there with his help and support.

And, all Traudi needed was a bike and a bag for her scissors and combs. And so, with a second-hand bike and almost no money, Traudi started her own little business – a mobile hairdressing service - her customers were all within pedalling distance. And, Traudi's little business took off. She was not only the only person doing this in Oxford at the time, but very good, too. And, the best thing of all, the cash started flowing right from the start. But, of course, things were not always easy.

The Great British winters can sometimes be incredibly hard, and there were days when Traudi was unable to get to her clients. The snow was simply too deep and the roads very icy. But, when ever she could, Traudi went out. There was little that could stop her. Traudi was a woman of steel.

And, Traudi's bike eventually gave way to a car, and Traudi's little business became a more comfortable way of making a living. Going out in the rain was no longer a nuisance. But, Traudi always thought big in a very small way. She knew how to work and did very well. And, when Traudi officially retired she was able to look back on a life of success. Her little business had given her 5 trips round the world, and trips to Vienna and Malta each year.

Traudi proved that nothing is impossible. She started a business with no money at all and a second-hand bike. Things could have stopped her. There was rain, snow and ice and a language she wasn't at home with. Traudi Potter - she pedalled her way to the top and never once got off of her bike.
Traudi Potter – A Woman of Steel and Drive.

Vocabulary and Questions follow automatically - (ca 20 seconds)


assembly lineFließband
comb - Kamm
dull - öd
incredibly - erstaunlich
jobs going - Freien Arbeitsplätze
language - Sprache
nuisance Ärgernis
not at home withnicht Handfest
pedalled – pedal(s)/pedalled/pedalled – die Pedalen Treten
steel - Stahl

Questions -

Where did Traudi meet her husband?
Why was it difficult for Traudi to get a job in Oxford?
What did Traudi need for her business?
What was Traudi's business?
Was Traudi's business big or small?
How much money did Traudi need to start her business?

Who helped and supported Traudi in the beginning?

Friends of Diarikom - KarlI Brieber is a friend -

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Saturday 4 March 2017

(B/C) - Ring out the Old and Ring in the New - The Toorington Bells - A story of everyday life in the village of Toorington - Andrew Roberts


 ANDREW ROBERTS - He Always Followed Himself

It is often said it is jobs that make people. This can sometimes be true. But, Andrew Roberts is himself because of himself. He's a man who always followed himself, and everything else simply followed after him. And, when Andrew Roberts first came to Toorington he was part of a package and only 18.

And, being 18 and new in a village was no easy thing. The little village of Toorington was, to someone from London, a very strange place. And, the package that Andrew Roberts was part of was his family. His father had got a new job in the south-west of England, and Toorington was not only nice, but good value as well. Houses, in those days, were cheap. And so, there was Andrew Roberts, all alone and a long way from London and the friends he had left. But, Andrew Roberts soon saw the potential that Toorington had and wasted no time.

To begin with, Andrew Roberts got a job mucking out pigs on a farm. And, being mechanically minded, was soon spending more and more time repairing the tractors and other machines on the farm. And, the farmer was happy and the pay was more than OK. And, Andrew saved and saved and saved. He had an idea and a plan. And, so it was that Andrew bought his first second-hand tractor. And then, after just one very small ad in the paper, Andrew sold his first second-hand tractor for a very nice profit. And, Andrew never looked back. Within just a very short time, he had become very well known. His tractors, it was said, were very good bargains. Business was great and growing all the time. And, that's how Andrew started his business.

But, of course, life wasn't only work, there was family, too. Andrew fell in love and married a very nice girl and her name was June. And, she was local. And, that was perfect. Andrew Roberts had arrived! He was now one of the locals. And, Andrew and June had three wonderful children. A girl and two boys. And, it was Andrew's daughter Emma who caused Andrew's first business upset. It was the first Saturday in June. Emma was ten at the time, and Andrew was running a stall at the Annual Toorington Sale. And, there he was selling little stuffed toys. A thing he did every year.

And, it was whilst Andrew was enjoying his lunch in the Toorington Arms that Emma paid him a visit. She needed twenty five pounds. She had just found just the right things for great Christmas presents on a stand at the Toorington Sale. Andrew gave Emma the money and carried on enjoying his lunch; a very good friend was looking after his stall so all would be well. And, it was later that night when Andrew discovered the terrible truth! Emma had bought fifteen very expensive little blue horses from his very own stand! And, worse still, they were his best moving products. Everyone wanted one. It couldn't be true. Andrew had, and without even knowing it, spent a big part of his profits on fifteen little stuffed horses from China. He had given them away with his very own money! But, what could he do? Nothing! Emma was happy and, to help Andrew feel better, June made a nice cup of hot tea. And, of course, everyone thought the whole thing hilarious. But, that was all a long time ago.

And now, all these years later, Andrew's two sons are now running the business and doing very well. Which is of course perfect. Andrew and June now have the time for going to dances. And, they have even won one or two cups. But, despite their dancing successes, June still rides her horse Peggy and Andrew still buys and sells second hand tractors, but now on a much smaller scale. Life hasn't changed, it's just become different.

It is often said it is jobs that make people. This maybe true. But, it was Andrew Roberts who made many many jobs for very many people down in the south-west of England. Andrew Roberts, a popular man down in the village of Toorington. Andrew Roberts – he always followed himself.

Welcome to Diarikom

I have been writing the Diaikom since 2009.  Regular short stories, interviews, essays, recordings and more. All taken from life.  I have me...